Recent content by thekillerseat

  1. thekillerseat

    Poll: Hulk vs iron man may not be what it is seems?

    So i was watching the age of ultron trailer like everyone else, and when i got to the the hulk buster reveal i noticed that hulk seemed to be fighting with the police not against them as seen here (sorry i cant make the link clickable). Then i read a quate form mark...
  2. thekillerseat

    Assassin's Creed III Ending

    am i the only one who thought the ending wasent that bad, i thought that it was good way to end Desmond's story and start something new
  3. thekillerseat

    Mass Effect 3 DLC Will "Hopefully" be Revealed Next Week

    it would be cool if you weren't Shepard , and were a crew mate like garuss or tali
  4. thekillerseat

    Create a hostile faction in a modern fps

    a secret organisation who has ties with every military and political group on the planet or two rival groups trying to take control of mars
  5. thekillerseat

    what the hell will they do for mass effect 4 * spoilers* * spoilers*

    . I would live a dlc were you played as one of your crewmates instead of being shepard
  6. thekillerseat

    what the hell will they do for mass effect 4 * spoilers* * spoilers*

    Bioware has said that it will probably be a sequel
  7. thekillerseat

    what the hell will they do for mass effect 4 * spoilers* * spoilers*

    do you work for bioware/any video game company because that was a pretty good story
  8. thekillerseat

    what the hell will they do for mass effect 4 * spoilers* * spoilers*

    i personally believe the indoctrination theory which would make all the endings not real and would let bioware continue the story without Sheppard . Personally i hope you can play as a different species in the next one.
  9. thekillerseat

    what the hell will they do for mass effect 4 * spoilers* * spoilers*

    I got all the mass effects for xmas and loved it. I just finished ME3 and then i heard they were making another mass effect, and i was thinking to myself what the hell are they going to do since they killed of Shepard and all 3 endings are completely different
  10. thekillerseat

    getting a graphics card for Xmas

    budget is a around a 100 euros and my computers only a year old
  11. thekillerseat

    getting a graphics card for Xmas

    im getting a graphics card for Xmas and i dont have a clue about anything. can someone give me a hand?