Recent content by TheMightyImp

  1. T

    Movies from YOUR country

    Lord of the Rings. At least it was filmed here, in New Zealand.
  2. T

    The Last Thing You Killed Now Wants to Go and Pick Up Girls/Guys With You

    A screaming 12 year old kid who likes Call of Duty. Erm. Uh oh.
  3. T

    Gaming pranker and his family fall victim to extreme revenge prank

    Hahaha, Keemstar had it coming. First of all he gets banned from XBOXlive, then gets punished on YouTube, now he's getting SWAT kicking down his door.
  4. T

    What would you ban?

    Not really in my country, but TSA? Actually cigarretes is a reasonable choice as well. Also, if possible, pregnant teenagers. There's the argument of IT'S MY LIFE I CAN HAVE A BABY IF I WANT but the child doesn't get a say in it. Autotune as well! Ah goddammit too many stupid things to ban..
  5. T

    What state are you from?

    New Zealand. Sheep. Nuff said.
  6. T

    Your Near-Death Experience

    Them? I have really never had a near death experience, but I'm still very young. To put it into perspective the nearest I've ever gotten was probably going down a hill on my scooter and there was a driveway not yet finished. I swerved onto the road, hit the curb and flung onto the grass. That...
  7. T

    What is your favorite animated film?

    Spirited away <3
  8. T

    Games with a great atmosphere.

    I just finished the mission 'heavy rain' or something of that nature on L4D2 so I can confidently say that that game has a great atmosphere.
  9. T

    What keeps you sane?

    Chatting online with friends (and IRL of course..), gaming, and foremost my CAT!
  10. T

    Your Kill/Death Ratio

    MW2 was about 3 point something, until I started not caring anymore and just playing for fun. It dropped to about 1 point something.
  11. T

    Messing with Teacher

    I saw a comment about being overly happy, but now I can't seem to find it. When she assigns you a task be like 'YES WOOH! YEAHHHH!" I imagine it's quite quiet there, so it'll work a charm. Also sit in the front of the room and stare at her. She'll feel uncomfortable and confused, but she...
  12. T

    Is $6400 dollars a suitable punishment for animal cruelty? (redhooded newborn puppy killer)

    I don't think that it's enough, because really you're punishing her parents, not her. Her parents might exact some home punishment, though. Depends if she's having an income, actually.
  13. T

    Among your gaming friends, what are you known for?

    The guy who's good at quickscoping? And teaches people how to quickscope..
  14. T

    Unforgivable Gaming Sins

    I said BAR portal. Excuse me for the capital letters, I'm not familiar with how to bold things.
  15. T

    Unforgivable Gaming Sins

    I feel I have committed the largest gaming sin possible, in disliking the orange box bar portal, and liking MW2.