Recent content by WeOwnTheSky

  1. WeOwnTheSky

    Poll: Top or Bottom?

    Top bunk, cause the monster's can't get me up there! (I had the top bunk as a kid so I try to avoid the bottom bunk.)
  2. WeOwnTheSky


    There is a forest near my house that I like to run in. In the summer I usually run everyday, but not so much in the winter. I go decently fast I suppose, but I don't have times or anything. Generally I run for 45min-1 hour when I run. Oh and I don't run with music, I like just listening to whats...
  3. WeOwnTheSky

    what if you didn't need to do any work?

    No, I like working, it makes me feel useful. Plus I get bored easily. I don't agree either with having everything spoon-fed to me.
  4. WeOwnTheSky

    Characters you hate from series you love.

    I love Lord of the Rings, but hate Frodo. I wish he would stop bitching and complaining and treat Sam with a little more respect. He's just whiny. Drives me nuts.
  5. WeOwnTheSky

    You wake up next morning...

    Hello my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die. Or something.
  6. WeOwnTheSky

    Finish the sentence...

    sheep, with a...
  7. WeOwnTheSky

    Truth or False?

    True, The person below me has an uncle with three vowels in their name.
  8. WeOwnTheSky

    If you woke up in the same bed as the above avatar.

    I would be very, very confused. Then very excited. I would ask Nel to teach me her ways. If she said no, I'd ask her to go hang out, drink bubble tea, be friends.
  9. WeOwnTheSky

    Worst pain you've been in?

    I've put my hands on a barbecue when I was little, and had the skin melted off. I also tore my rotator cuff and my shoulder dislocated forward, so on the x-ray my shoulder was stretched so that it was halfway to my elbow. Despite those, the most pain I've been in is these stomach aches I used to...
  10. WeOwnTheSky


    I live in Canada. I swore a few hours ago...I think? I don't really keep track, it just slips out in normal conversation sometimes, mostly to emphasize a point. My mom doesn't usually swear, but she did last night out of annoyance for something. My dad does all the time.
  11. WeOwnTheSky

    Poll: Do you believe blood is thicker than water?

    There are people not in my family that I would go to the extremes for as if they were my family, and for some people even more. No, I don't think blood is thicker than water.
  12. WeOwnTheSky

    Pranks and other tom-foolery...

    This is brilliant. I'm doing this to my brother.
  13. WeOwnTheSky

    Poll: You now have your own Death Note...

    It's not up to me to decide who lives or not... I would like to say that I would use it for good, but people are easily corrupted...Light as the fitting example... Knowing me, I'd probably hide it away, and eventually forget about it. One day I need paper in a panic, and grab the notebook...
  14. WeOwnTheSky

    Poll: Do you pick up money off the ground?

    Pennies are lucky, of course I'll pick them up. Who cares!? Once I found 20$ folded up in a really tiny square at the mall near my was a good day.
  15. WeOwnTheSky

    Favourite Type of Pants......

    I like jeans and sweatpants. Sweatpants are so comfy....