Recent content by Whistler777

  1. Whistler777

    What game have you racked up over 100 hours?

    I just hit 310 hours on Team Fortress 2. Still playin'.
  2. Whistler777

    Hacker Group Claims Real Ubisoft DRM Crack

    Yes! The SKiDROWdies win again! Honestly, Ubisoft, you never stood a chance against The Leading Force.
  3. Whistler777

    LoadingReadyRun: Scientist's Rebuttal to ICP

    Poor white kids. They've got that demographic eating out of their pasty, painted palms.
  4. Whistler777

    LoadingReadyRun: Scientist's Rebuttal to ICP

    Pretty bad parody, I have to say.
  5. Whistler777

    Poll: Bioshock 2 Multiplayer commercial: Your thoughts?

    Saw this commercial over 50 times in one night while watching MTV. If I ever have to watch it again, I'm going to hemorrhage.
  6. Whistler777

    (Don't) Meet the StarCraft II System Requirements (UPDATE)

    Those specs make me laugh...
  7. Whistler777

    Xbox Live is "More Juvenile" Than PlayStation Network

    It's true, you have to admit. More kids own Xboxes, therefore Xbox Live is generally more immature when it comes to voice chat. That isn't to say it's any more incompetent as far as teamwork goes, just more annoying and shrill.
  8. Whistler777

    PSP Import Games

    [img src=""] With my recent discovery of Taiko no Tatsujin, I am left wondering if there are any awesome PSP titles that I'm missing because I don't live in Japan. Have you played/heard of any that would be interesting?
  9. Whistler777

    Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair

    Yes, that is one shitty trailer. I'm pretty sure all of Playboy's four subscribers loved it, though.
  10. Whistler777

    Poll: Which Final Fantasy X character do you find most attractive and why?

    Lulu, definitely, without a doubt. Attractive chicks with black hair just need to establish a global radio network or something, so that I may always be in contact with one.
  11. Whistler777

    What's the fascination with God of War?

    I love God of War primarily because of the Greek mythology theme, and secondarily due to the fact that it's just plain fun. It manages to be just about the right difficulty without making you pull your hair out, and for me that's a definite plus. Also, realize that I own and played the first...
  12. Whistler777

    Ad Parody Video Personifies FarmVille

    Thank God I was able to shake off my Farmville addiction around level 20. At that point, it really just became another daily chore, and I had had enough.
  13. Whistler777

    China Bans Avatar

    I think it's interesting that the Chinese would draw that parallel. As anyone would expect, their government can't have anyone out there thinking that their rulers may be faulty. I personally loved Avatar, and wish people would stop pretending they're their own Siskel and Ebert team and just...
  14. Whistler777

    Can Videogames Make You Cry?

    Almost lost it at the end of MGS4...
  15. Whistler777

    Mega Man 10's Easy Mode Won't Be That Easy

    I'd prefer they didn't include an Easy mode, honestly. It isn't like it'll have any really bad consequences, I just don't want an option to relapse after dying 9,999 times in a row. Ironically, X was probably the easiest one of all.