Recent content by woogit

  1. woogit

    Poll: Its that time again....

    As female number 51 I love you guys <3 But why do I have to be number 51?? I want a better number! It's kind of funny to see how far spread we actually are here.
  2. woogit

    How do you sleep?

    I tend to fall asleep on my right side with my head on two regular pillows, and using my body pillow as a support. I have a bad tendency to roll counter clockwise, so I sleep either against a wall or a person. Recently, I've been falling asleep on my left side, because my laptop and phone are...
  3. woogit

    Minecraft Town Ideas

    Do you not have a cannon? I would get right on that! Mine had an almost exact replica of the Chicago subway system, hop on it!!
  4. woogit

    Moral discussion: would you?

    Oh how I love Freud, but seriously, it works in this context. OT: It's fine and all as long as you don't try to keep it a running relationship, that has the potential to get real awkward and frowned upon real fast.
  5. woogit

    Escapists; What are you listening to?

    Shuffle just produced in this order: "Ghosts N Stuff Rob Swire" deadmau5, "Breaking the Habit" Linkin Park, "Rock N Roll" Skrillex, "Everything You Ever" NPH, "The Island (Steve Angello, AN21, Max Vangeli Remix)" Pendulum, and "The Pretenders" Foo Fighters... I love your choice of music. Rob...
  6. woogit

    Places you'd like to visit for nerdy reasons.

    I was just in Rome and Florence and counted all the different buildings that Ezio or Altair could jump of off. I also went to London, tons of Dr.Who materials there.
  7. woogit

    So whatcha look like Escapists?

    I had the same dealio, now If I take my glasses off my left eye just floats around after an hour. I was to young to remember much more then I got to wear eye patches that I got to color in, my favorite being a unicorn! I hope all goes well, but our eyes will never be in their right state of mind...
  8. woogit need to make out with a Game Character...who?

    Everytime something like eternal companion, or think of a videogame character. GARRUS. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Love that man. You're right obsession doesn't cover it. I might love Garrus beyond something that is acceptable. But I fourth this. He is damn sexy.
  9. woogit

    Post a Fun Fact About Yourself

    - When I take my glasses of my left eye will start to float around. It's also why I can't see 3-D movies. - I've had heart surgery, eye surgery, tonsils removed twice, wisdom teeth pulled, and a calcium deposit removed. - I'm a lucid dreamer, so I can control my dreams. BEST THING EVAR! -...
  10. woogit

    So whatcha look like Escapists?

    Eye surgery, and still wearing glasses? Welcome to my party boat, of still blind people. I do hope it wasn't corrective surgery!
  11. woogit

    As of right now, could you trust .... to use your PC?

    Everything that needs hidden, is in One Note, password protected. But that's mostly things I write that I don't want people to see just yet. Also angry rants to people who make me mad. Anyone can go on my computer, but it's a left handed mouse (I'm right handed, I know makes sense.). So no...
  12. woogit

    Other than gaming what are you hobbies?

    I build robots, when I feel like it I program them. I dirtbike, read, music, play some cello. I also enjoy the practice of OCD, and organize stuff until it's perfect.
  13. woogit

    Why do I hate glee

    I absolutely can not stand it either. I watched the one episode with Neil Patrick Harris, because if he wasn't gay I would be ALL OVER that man, and because my AP calc teacher apparently looked like the teacher guy. All in all I HATED it. It made me want to burn things. But I really can't stand...
  14. woogit

    What is your Joie de vivre ?

    Robots. Creating, engineering, building. All my tools that I get to use. And with it I have to say my auntie. She took me in after my mother passed away and my goal in life is to maker her proud. Music is what makes my life amazing though. Lyrics or bass lines, something that hooks me makes me...
  15. woogit

    Who would you want to narrate your life?

    NPH Or Morgan Freeman. But same with everyone else so Nathan Fillion!!! Wait, can I have Gordon Freeman?