Recent content by Xsist

  1. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

    Well that isn't exactly "these days" now is it? And he has reviewed it already ^^
  2. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Two Worlds II

    Well thats because we are hardcore yahtzee! We don't smile... we are seriously really super serious! (Good review btw :P I feel your hatred for magic!)
  3. Xsist

    The Big Picture: MovieBob: FAQ

    GOGO! Make a review of Trolljegeren (Trollhunter in english).
  4. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Dead Space 2

    Go play amnesia ;) thats atmospheric horror at its
  5. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Fallout: New Vegas

    Loved the review and i felt that it where pretty precise to how most people play the game ^^
  6. Xsist

    Unskippable: Let's Play: Legaia 2: Part 5

    I swear i've seen this before. I got a major deja vu when i saw this.
  7. Xsist

    Unskippable: Hybrid Heaven

    Haha :P The future 10 years ago ^^ Was odd to see how bad the graphics where back then. I remember them being super realistic!
  8. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Holiday 2009

    haha xD i want summer!
  9. Xsist

    stonking great contest

    I liked this game. You had to figure things out for yourself and use that thing called a brain that most gamers lack. The only flaud was that the last level changed from w,a,s,d, to the arrows.
  10. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Tales of Monkey Island

    Awesome review as always. Loved the Irish voice ^^ Still going try out the new monkey island. Loved the last one!
  11. Xsist

    Looking for MMORPG

    IMO Best PvP Warhammer online Best PvE World of warcraft Best skillbased Eve Online
  12. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Red Faction Guerrilla

    Mjölnir! GOGO norse mythology ^^ Good boy Yahtzee ;)
  13. Xsist

    Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    awesome rewiev as allways ^^ And i would like to see a Star Wars movie where they use their powers to something else than pointless fighting over who's got the biggest willy.