Recent content by Yokai

  1. Yokai

    Spec Ops: The Line Ending

    Going through the game, I felt more and more disconnected from Walker as he got more and more obsessed with being in the right. I tried to save the civilians, failed, and just went with it, but afterwards...shot Riggs, shot the hanging soldier, and let the lynch mob run, because at that point I...
  2. Yokai

    Poll: Dishonored or Xcom

    Dishonored is really, really good, perfectly accomplishing what it set out to do in making a stealth game that encourages creativity and focuses heavily on the setting. However, I played it through once and thought it stood just fine as a singular experience. I loved it, but I have little...
  3. Yokai

    Post some fan art of a game(s) you really like.

    Well! Here is a bit of mine. Jenassa from Skyrim. It pales in comparison to some of the things in this thread but it is mine and I'm proud of it. :3
  4. Yokai

    Skyrim Premium Edition Appears on - UPDATED

    Five entire songs on the soundtrack? Out of the 25+ in-game? Careful, Bethesda, don't go overboard with generosity or anything! Everything else does look pretty cool though, just not cool enough for a poor sod like me to spend twice as much on a game I already own.
  5. Yokai

    Your top 5 games' flaws

    Hey, the menu hotkeys could stay the same! If the options were turned into clickable buttons as well then everyone could have their way. I, for one, am sick of realizing far too late that I had my carpenter construct 300 armor stands out of all our remaining wood because somewhere along the...
  6. Yokai

    The Big Picture: You Are Wrong About Sucker Punch, Part One

    Wow. Well said. I "got" the movie the first time I saw it, but I missed the depth at which the metaphors ran, and I felt like it was calling me an asshole for enjoying the film at all. Now I see the reasoning behind it--that's actually remarkably clever. It's definitely pretty inscrutable...
  7. Yokai

    Notch Tweets Rage Over Minecraft Party Sexual Assault

    What the fuck is this? 90% of you guys think this is comedy gold, or entirely the woman's fault. We seriously can't agree that forcing people to touch your dick in a public place is not acceptable behavior and should be punished? Fucking Reddit had a more appropriate reaction to this story...
  8. Yokai

    Your top 5 games' flaws

    Skyrim: Combat is pretty lacklustre--it's still just attack, block, attack, block, power attack, dead. It's better than it was in previous TES games, but still not exactly wonderful. The guild questlines make it far, far too easy to become the leader of the guild. Unarmed is notably missing...
  9. Yokai

    hearthfire shenanigans

    I'm on PC, so I'm curious, are there any non-human children now? Vanilla Skyrim has a few Nords and Imperials and about one Redguard and that's it. I assume they didn't bother to improve the faces either...
  10. Yokai

    The Last Game You Finished

    Alan Wake. Fun (If not actually all that creepy) story, beautiful graphics, great music. Heard Space Oddity for the first time in ten years and was happy.
  11. Yokai

    Petition Demands Female Jarheads in Aliens: Colonial Marines

    Sometimes I think these petitions smack of knee-jerk political correctness ("add minorities and non-straight characters regardless of their relevance to the story and setting!") but this is as reasonable as it gets. I have difficulty understanding why Gearbox would even consider an all-male...
  12. Yokai

    Legend of Korra Premiere: Thoughts?

    As someone who was bored to tears by the original series, I'm surprised to say Legend of Korra is awesome. Excellent animation, great Asian-steampunk aesthetic, and having a slightly older protagonist makes it feel a bit less kid-centric, which is nice.
  13. Yokai

    Update: Reddit Suicide Lawsuit Is a Hoax

    I wonder how many of you guys blaming the entirety of Reddit for this tragedy are aware of r/suicidewatch []? Reddit isn't a single entity. There are far more kind, decent, reasonable people on there than trolls. It has its fair share of assholes the world...
  14. Yokai

    The New York Times Slams Game of Thrones Viewers

    This would be the same New York Times who opened their review of Zone One (a rather dense, cerebral zombie apocalypse novel) with, and I quote, "A literary novelist writing a genre novel is like an intellectual dating a porn star." NYT doesn't give two shits about any media they consider...
  15. Yokai

    THQ Downgrades Warhammer 40K MMO

    Unfortunate as the layoffs and financial woes are, for the game this can only be a good thing. Instead of getting saddled with another MMO with the usual limitations and inconsistencies pretty much inherent to the genre, we might get something a little meatier and more story-based. I'd much...