BioWare Knows It Can't Please Everyone


Imperial Intelligence
Jun 13, 2012
BioWare Knows It Can't Please Everyone

Mass Effect creators talk details on their upcoming single-player DLC.

BioWare's answer to the rampant controversy over the ending of the Mass Effect series comes tomorrow [] in the form of the Extended Cut DLC, meant to "expand on the meaning of the original endings." The free update adds new cutscenes to the closing moments of the game, as well as an epilogue sequence. However, lead writer Mac Walters and executive producer Casey Hudson are well aware that the downloadable update won't be enough to make everyone happy.

"You can never completely satisfy everyone," said Hudson in a BioWare podcast. "We've seen a whole range of feedback, ranging from people who wanted a total redo, to people who had concerns and questions about the original endings, to people who loved the original endings and have told us they don't want us to change anything."

Since the release of Mass Effect 3 four months ago, the ending has been a topic of heated discussion among fans. Many complained that there wasn't enough closure for such a long-running series, and others claimed there were numerous plot holes and inconsistent themes. BioWare has been listening.

"When we ended Mass Effect 3, we knew that it was going to be the end of Shepard's story," says Walters. "But in our minds and imaginations, the characters are still going to be together...and maybe that didn't come across, that those characters still had a future and they had a hope going forward."

"There was some feedback that we can't address," Hudson explains. "There are some people who just outright rejected the whole concept of the endings, and wanted us to start from scratch and redo everything. And we can't do that because that's not our story; we wouldn't know how to write that story. What excites us is the challenge of learning how people consume our stories, and we're trying new ways of telling stories, so it's a learning process for everybody. And then incorporating that feedback, that's how we make our work better."

Hudson goes on to say how thankful the team at BioWare is for intelligent suggestions from the community. "When things are really constructive like that, even when it's critical, it means a lot to us, because when you think about the artists and writers - all the people here - they work because they're passionate about games. They're passionate about making a really great experience for players. So when they get constructive feedback, constructive criticism, they're really excited about that."

"There's no doubt that there will be a whole new wave of discussion and debate, maybe even controversy. But we didn't do the Extended Cut because we're trying to make everybody happy, make it perfect - we just saw an opportunity to expand on things that we felt could add value to the experience, for those that appreciate it."

Source: OXM []



New member
Dec 16, 2010
Cue the shitstorm of people basically saying "But they could at least please ME!"


New member
Oct 25, 2008
They don't know how to make an ending that's narratively cohesive, and actually follows up on the foreshadowing laid out in the previous installment?

We already know that the ending put into the game was "Plan B", so less bullshit would be appreciated. But, hey, congratulations to BioWare on wasting a whole lot of money on adding stuff for the people who were probably already happy enough with the ending.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah... releasing it on the same day as Dawnguard. Who decided that would be a good idea?
I'm having to choose between my massively, massively-anticipated Dawnguard and fucking shit up Van Helsing-esque vampire style, or some extra cutscenes for a game I'm trying to forget about.
Not a particularly tough decision.


New member
Feb 4, 2009
JasonKaotic said:
Yeah... releasing it on the same day as Dawnguard. Who decided that would be a good idea?
I'm having to choose between my massively, massively-anticipated Dawnguard and fucking shit up Van Helsing-esque vampire style, or some extra cutscenes for a game I'm trying to forget about.
Not a particularly tough decision.
Only one of them will cost money


New member
Mar 6, 2011
JasonKaotic said:
Yeah... releasing it on the same day as Dawnguard. Who decided that would be a good idea?
I'm having to choose between my massively, massively-anticipated Dawnguard and fucking shit up Van Helsing-esque vampire style, or some extra cutscenes for a game I'm trying to forget about.
Not a particularly tough decision.
Well, the 360 version of Dawnguard is coming out tomorrow. PC and PS3 players have to wait a month or two.

Also, I don't think they were particularly concerned about releasing their free DLC meant to make the hardcore fans happy competing with, well, anything really.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
MatParker116 said:
JasonKaotic said:
Yeah... releasing it on the same day as Dawnguard. Who decided that would be a good idea?
I'm having to choose between my massively, massively-anticipated Dawnguard and fucking shit up Van Helsing-esque vampire style, or some extra cutscenes for a game I'm trying to forget about.
Not a particularly tough decision.
Only one of them will cost money
I know, I just mean I can't play both at the same time, and by the time I've finished with Dawnguard I'll probably completely forget about this.


thatonedude11 said:
Well, the 360 version of Dawnguard is coming out tomorrow. PC and PS3 players have to wait a month or two.

Also, I don't think they were particularly concerned about releasing their free DLC meant to make the hardcore fans happy competing with, well, anything really.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. True. But yeah, my point was that people going for Dawnguard will probably not bother with this. Although I do suppose BioWare aren't bothered.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I'm at least looking forward to new content. But I wasn't particularly upset by the original ending. I survived. So I was happy.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Yes, yes. We all know you can't please everyone, but these scenes better be damn good anyway. I can't even begin to imagine how Bioware will be torn apart otherwise.

and maybe that didn't come across, that those characters still had a future and they had a hope going forward.
[sub][sub]that better mean I'm getting my blue babies.[/sub][/sub]

Diana Kingston-Gabai

Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010

Once more with feeling: this has never been about "pleasing everyone". This is about recognizing that the ending doesn't match the quality of the rest of the game, and taking steps to remedy that. The only way BioWare can actually fail with the Extended Cut is if they don't address the problems that exist within the current framework.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I don't think anyone expects this to make everyone happy. If you enjoyed ME3's ending this shouldn't upset you, but if you were outraged, I don't think they'll be fixing that.

For me, I'm voting with my wallet, and simply no longer pre-ordering Bioware games. I'll wait, if it turns out to be a good game, I'll consider buying it. But I can't count on Bioware games necessarily matching up with what I want in a game.

I might just play it safe, and pick up Bioware titles from the Used Game bin.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Well, I guess it's time to see off every bit of rationality that's come back to the internet since March. Can't wait for the next wave of ZOMG BIOWARE SUCKS BOYCOTT PETITION HATE RAGE ZOMG.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
So it will settle for pleasing nobody.

Buretsu said:
Terminate421 said:
This may be the first PR Bioware has actually not screwed up in the last 3 months.
Doesn't matter. His every word will be picked over by the vultures, and presented as something negative.
Here, let me wipe that condescension off your lapel, and also validate your prophecy. This is nothing new, this is the same condescending PR speil they've been spewing at us for months, it's insulting and childish of them and frankly, this "OH WE CAN'T PLEASE EVERYBODY" dramatic swoon bullshit has put me off even trying it.

Honestly? They would've been better off just leaving the ending alone and trying to bury this whole said affair.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
In theory I'm happy that Bioware has taken the very fan-friendly action of making a free DLC to flesh out the ending to their game.

In practice, I'm sad that there doesn't seem to be any more single-player content coming down the pipe after this one. Somebody want to take a look at the Lair of the Shadow Broker then tell me again how adding in multiplayer hasn't harmed development of the single-player campaign of ME3?

Diana Kingston-Gabai

Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
Phlakes said:
Well, I guess it's time to see off every bit of rationality that's come back to the internet since March. Can't wait for the next wave of ZOMG BIOWARE SUCKS BOYCOTT PETITION HATE RAGE ZOMG.
That's probably not going to happen. I mean, it's been said before, but the ME3 backlash really was a "perfect storm" of factors that aren't likely to repeat in the same configuration. Sure, you'll have the inevitable surge of foaming-at-the-mouth screamers, but like I always say, it's easy to sort through that when you're looking for genuine discourse.

I rather think the reaction will depend on what the Extended Cut actually does. I mean, let's be completely fair here and acknowledge that the ending can be salvaged without changing what actually happens - I may not like the Starchild sequence, in the same way I'm not crazy about Amon's true identity on "Legend of Korra" - but I can live with that if it serves as a vehicle for some greater emotional/narrative component.

Diana Kingston-Gabai

Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
Aureliano said:
In theory I'm happy that Bioware has taken the very fan-friendly action of making a free DLC to flesh out the ending to their game.

In practice, I'm sad that there doesn't seem to be any more single-player content coming down the pipe after this one. Somebody want to take a look at the Lair of the Shadow Broker then tell me again how adding in multiplayer hasn't harmed development of the single-player campaign of ME3?
Actually, when the EC was originally announced, it was specifically stated that single-player DLCs (such as the rumored "Retake Omega" storyline with Aria T'Loak) would be pushed back accordingly. Now that that's out of the way, I imagine it's just a matter of time before they're back on track with whatever plans they originally had.

(Of course, if Hudson et al had gotten it right the first time around, they might have been able to strike while the iron was lukewarm, but I suppose that's a moot point now.)