108: Heart-wrenching Hentai


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I am reading this article with a hint of amusement in my mind. Truthfully I haven't played the game because the story doesn't really appeal to me, so I have no means of saying if the game is actually good or bad. But seeing as some people skim over the damn article and some comments then proceed to belittle the game for no other reason than they think it is "against their moral views of the world" is beyond sad for them and beyond hilarious for me. I have played H-games before, some had no story at all and were a complete waste of time, and some had a very nice story and I considered playing them yet again. Yes, most have sex scenes in them, but don't tell me I'm the only one who actually wants to see a relationship between two characters they like come to fruition. Now in this mindset, I could go into Kana, and have an educated opinion on it, not an objective opinion because that's not possible, but to go ahead and say stuff like I have seen posted ahead with no prior experience in the game let alone the genre itself, is downright ignorant.


New member
Dec 15, 2007
Ronwue said:
Now in this mindset, I could go into Kana, and have an educated opinion on it, not an objective opinion because that's not possible, but to go ahead and say stuff like I have seen posted ahead with no prior experience in the game let alone the genre itself, is downright ignorant.
Sadly ive seen that some pseudo-intelectual people in this forum is quite close minded.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Humans only have an instinctual aversion to incest insofar as a natural instinct to avoid inbreeding. If they do not know someone to be their sibling, or their culture places less of an emphasis on incest as taboo... well, urges are possible. Just look at Oedipus and the Oedipus complex.

As for the subject of the ARTICLE- a very well written analysis. H-games are popular because they play to a fundamental fantasy that is close to us. Much like any pornography, the most popular ones feature stories with a basis in reality, and a vaugely undefined 'everyman' male lead that the masculine viewer can insert himself into the place of- someone perhaps not as popular (like the viewer perhaps), somewhat insecure (like the viewer?) and yet possessing of good qualities and a general positive disposition- unless your playing that hardcore shit that lets you be a terrible bastard or a rapist. Even this is fantasy that lets the player lash out in a consequence free environment.

Really the only thing that seperates an H-Game from a normal game is the H itself- and then not very far with certain mainstream titles! The embraceing of consequence free sex is the same as embracing consequence free violence- a way of acting out in ways we cannot, as a pressure release. These H-Games tend to have melodramatic stories because:

1. They are primarily Japanese, and melodrama is raised to an artform in the Japanese/Anime set, just watch Macross or Gundam. In this way, they are atypical of their culture.

2. All the other games do the same, and like with normal games the more successeful predecessors are emulated closely

3. The story gives a break from the pure sexualize content which allows the player to alleviate their guilt and shame at playing an H game, get more napkins, and take a smoke break. I keed- it engages the parts of the brain not captured by sex. Sex by itself gets very boring, as pack primates we seek emotional and social interaction. Even in real life, relationships based purely on sex quickly become stale and unsatisfying. These stories grant the pretense of emotional engagement that keeps people playing and buying, rather then just looking up porn on the internet or watching Backdoor Sluts 9.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Oh dear, I got all watery-eyed just by reading the article. I love how you perceive the great beauty in all of this. Guess I now have to play it.. and weep. Anywho, thanks for letting me know about this piece of art. I agree with most things you had to say in the article, so there is not much for me to discuss. I am just going on ahead to obtain a copy of it.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I played a hentai game ages ago. I found it interesting as it combined a well-written, immersive story with fucking passed out girls, underage girls and mermaids. Wasn't quite sure what my reaction was meant to be to it.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
very interesting i have never played a hentai game before (and still dont intend to) but i would like to point this out also:

while someone may be justified in saying "it is a a hentai game, just another child pornfest" it is like saying "mass effect is poisoning our childrens mind with women being treated like sex toys" when you havent played it (which if you have you wouldnt be saying that anyway)

good article very enjoyable to read