Rumor Has It


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Dec 31, 2008
Rumor Has It

MovieBob takes on some of the many rumors floating around Hollywood about the next Star Wars, Justice League, and more.

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New member
Feb 13, 2010
I'll admit, I do find it somewhat depressing that a fairly hefty proportion of people seem so militant in their belief that bringing Bale and Nolan back and bolting JLA onto the end of Rises is the only way for a Justice League film to be successful.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Doing a happy little dance over reading this snippet:

Rumor: There will be at least one more Indiana Jones

Plausibility: Nonexistant


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
It's been a long time, but I seem to remember that one of the defining Arcs of "Guardians Of The Galaxy" was the search for Captain America's shield in the future. As as a result, if I'm remembering that correctly, they could easily modify that arc as an excuse to insert them into the Marvel movie continuity, and actually have Captain America make an appearance.

I'd personally say this might be plausible, because to be honest think Cap is the Avenger in most need of help right now, since he seemed to have some trouble holding up his end of "Avengers", whether that's due to the script writers, or the actor needing some work on his choreography is a matter of opinion, but when "Black Widow" who was functioning as a supporting character arguably kicks more butt than Captin America who is supposed to be a major character, I think that's something of an issue.

Actually I just looked it up, and yes I had the storyline correct, and even found a picture of Vance Astro holding the shield:

So yeah, it might be wrong, but I'd say this one seems like a plausible crossover.

I'm guessing that they aren't even going to try and touch the entire Justice/Marvel Boy concept and the idea of seperate dimensions along with time travel involved here with a 10' pole though.


New member
May 29, 2008
I'm probably in the minority here. But I would be totally into a reboot of Indiana Jones. Indy was a my childhood hero, that series and I have a lot of fond memories, dressing up at Halloween and stuff like that. Let's face it Harrison Ford is what 70 now? While he IS Indiana Jones, let's just accept that he is too old to carry the torch any longer and just close that chapter, go back and start all over again.

Disney now owns the rights so it's probable that they'll want to go there at some point anyway. I say go for it, let's just bite the bullet and hit the reboot on that one, rather than do injustice to the series by dragging out a 5th movie.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Kmadden2004 said:
I'll admit, I do find it somewhat depressing that a fairly hefty proportion of people seem so militant in their belief that bringing Bale and Nolan back and bolting JLA onto the end of Rises is the only way for a Justice League film to be successful.
Maybe not the only, but Green Lantern (at the movies) and Wonder Woman (on tv) both crashed and burned spectacularly and with Man of Steel still an unknown quanitity Nolan is the only sure bet they've got. I can envisage Nolan doing it as well - especially if he's got any uber-expensive pet projects he'd like a blank cheque to finance in return.

As for Bale, he'll do it no question. If he'd willingly sign up for Terminator: Salvation he'll sign up for anything.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
Getting away from Nolan's Batman is not only an incredibly good idea for DCU movies but I think is the only way they will be successful.

Also: if you've been reading the comics, Iron Man is involved with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Which is being written by Bendis, who is one of the Marvel brain trust people. Which means he gets to see every script and provide feedback on things like movies and books and whatever the hell else Marvel does.

So...I could be terribly wrong but I'm going to go with Iron Man. Which is too bad because he's the most 'exposed' and I think he could use the least amount of extra time.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Therumancer said:
It's been a long time, but I seem to remember that one of the defining Arcs of "Guardians Of The Galaxy" was the search for Captain America's shield in the future. As as a result, if I'm remembering that correctly, they could easily modify that arc as an excuse to insert them into the Marvel movie continuity, and actually have Captain America make an appearance.
Indeed, Vance Astro/Major Victory/John Cena/Cupcake Lad has used Cap's shield, a knockoff thereof, and a containment suit similar to the uniform of Captain America. He even uses his telekinetic abilities to return the shield to him like Cap does with talent.

Even if they don't search for the shield, there's plenty of ties between Astrovik (With whatever name they give him) and Rogers to include him....If they use him. I didn't think the promotional material showed off the Major. The cast for GotG wasn't always the same, so it really depends on what version they opt for.

One version even includes a time traveling, age-altered, powered up version of Wonder Man, IIRC.

However, with rumours afly that Nova (Vance Astrovik's teammate in the 616 universe version of Marvel) will be involved, and ships from the promos that are supposedly Nova Corp ships hanging in the background, I've heard weirder things.

As one of the six fans of the New Warriors, I'd like to see both happen. Just saying.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
I'm I the only one that would like to see Bale as The Bat again?? :<

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Nolan both saved and "ruined" Warner Brothers' chances at creating a DC film franchise. On one hand, it made people realize that Batman could work on the big screen again after Schumacher's catastrophe. On the other, Nolan's cold, almost clinical take on the character meant that this new Batman would be incompatible with any other DC hero in a team-up flick. His films got really popular, but instead of using Nolan's success as inspiration to follow new or at least underused takes on superheroes, they've decided to ape his style and it absolutely butchered some of their attempts.

And then you have the legions of fanboys who would cry foul at Warner Bros. if their other franchise films didn't follow the Nolan Style. Can you imaging what a Nolan style The Flash would be like?


New member
Oct 9, 2010
ZZoMBiE13 said:
Doing a happy little dance over reading this snippet:

Rumor: There will be at least one more Indiana Jones

Plausibility: Nonexistant
Agreed. I thought the sentiment was that damn near nobody wanted to see another Indiana Jones film after what happened with Crystal Skull. Seeing as I own the Indy 1,2 and 3 box set, I actually just like to pretend that there never was a fourth one.


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
I'd like to think it would be Iron Man in Guardians of the Galaxy, since he seems like he's going to have a big part in the current comic, but I doubt it. Robert Downey Jr. is probably way to expensive for this movie (apparently he cost Marvel $50 million for the Avengers).


Avid Reader
Dec 22, 2008
Reeve said:
I'm I the only one that would like to see Bale as The Bat again?? :<
I don't want him to be the Bat again for his own sake. His vocal chords can't take much more.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I'm not even as tired of Nolanverse Batman as you are, but I don#t want to see it happen either. Nolan works best when he's making projects that he wants to make and his Batman series was his thing and it was meant from the ground up to stand alone. It makes no sense and its just interfering with what is a pretty good standalone trilogy, to bring it all back again.

The only saving grace is, Nolan has shown that he doesn't mind having radically different atmospheres in his 'verse so there's a chance he would dial it up to a Batman who could function better in a group without worrying too much about continuity


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I used to think that the Nolan Batman was incompatible with the rest of the DC Universe, but then Rises came out and reminded me that Begins existed. This is a setting with a secret society of assassins and various big name individual players running around - Batman, Ra's Al Ghul, Bane, Catwoman, the Joker, etc. It's already fairly "comic booky" as far as setting goes, and you could easily fit in any number of non-super powered heroes like Green Arrow, Deathstroke, etc. and going from there, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that magic and aliens may or may not exist.

Kmadden2004 said:
I'll admit, I do find it somewhat depressing that a fairly hefty proportion of people seem so militant in their belief that bringing Bale and Nolan back and bolting JLA onto the end of Rises is the only way for a Justice League film to be successful.
Personally I don't think it's necessarily the only way for it to succeed, it's just a big hassle to do otherwise. I mean what other options are there? You reboot the character with a new movie, which might not make sense to audiences since Rises came out just last year and it's that particular Batman they're enamored with? Or you introduce him sort of at the end, inviting everyone to join the JLA and introduce him fully in the actual movie and possibly confuse people as to why this Batman isn't played by Christian Bale or JGL, or if he is Christian Bale, why he's alive?


New member
May 17, 2010
I couldn't help but think the story of Spielberg and Lucas makin' sandy castles and coming up with the best'est hero ever was just adorable.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Gatx said:
I used to think that the Nolan Batman was incompatible with the rest of the DC Universe, but then Rises came out and reminded me that Begins existed. This is a setting with a secret society of assassins and various big name individual players running around - Batman, Ra's Al Ghul, Bane, Catwoman, the Joker, etc. It's already fairly "comic booky" as far as setting goes, and you could easily fit in any number of non-super powered heroes like Green Arrow, Deathstroke, etc. and going from there, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that magic and aliens may or may not exist.

Kmadden2004 said:
I'll admit, I do find it somewhat depressing that a fairly hefty proportion of people seem so militant in their belief that bringing Bale and Nolan back and bolting JLA onto the end of Rises is the only way for a Justice League film to be successful.
Personally I don't think it's necessarily the only way for it to succeed, it's just a big hassle to do otherwise. I mean what other options are there? You reboot the character with a new movie, which might not make sense to audiences since Rises came out just last year and it's that particular Batman they're enamored with? Or you introduce him sort of at the end, inviting everyone to join the JLA and introduce him fully in the actual movie and possibly confuse people as to why this Batman isn't played by Christian Bale or JGL, or if he is Christian Bale, why he's alive?
I think, in the long term, they'd be better off just rebooting the character now while they have the opportunity, rather than keep trying to bolt more limbs onto a series that was only ever designed to be a trilogy. At least that way they can tailor him to the DC movie universe, instead of trying to contort the world to fit within Nolan's work.

As much as I like the trilogy, I really don't think it has the mileage to support an ongoing series, they just burnt too many bridges with the way the story played out, and bringing Bale back for JLA would just kind of cheapen the ending of Rises.