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Oct 16, 2007
Ickabod said:
I'm probably in the minority here. But I would be totally into a reboot of Indiana Jones. Indy was a my childhood hero, that series and I have a lot of fond memories, dressing up at Halloween and stuff like that. Let's face it Harrison Ford is what 70 now? While he IS Indiana Jones, let's just accept that he is too old to carry the torch any longer and just close that chapter, go back and start all over again.

Disney now owns the rights so it's probable that they'll want to go there at some point anyway. I say go for it, let's just bite the bullet and hit the reboot on that one, rather than do injustice to the series by dragging out a 5th movie.
I could see a Young Indiana Jones movie. There's really no reason to do a reboot of a movie based on a serial concept. I think they should never remake any of the ones they've done and instead focus on new stories based on the same character before "Raiders". As you said Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones, but I think it would only serve to weaken the franchise and the new project by doing the same adventure twice with different actors.
Jun 16, 2010
irishda said:
Reeve said:
Bob said:
It's been established that Christian Bale simply isn't a movie star without his Bat-kevlar
Someone hasn't seen American Psycho

Or the Prestige. Or the Fighter. Or 3:10 to Yuma. Or Terminator: Salvation (not necessarily a top notch movie, but it was successful at least).
Also The Machinist. Also Equilibrium. Also Public Enemies.

Christian Bale is a great actor...