Rumor Has It


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I really hope they don't bring bale back, aside from throat cancer voice it will only confuse people on if the JLU movie verse is connected to the batman trilogy. I know for a lot it would be obvious but admit it there are far too many people who would ask that question. Besides it gives us a chance to go older batman, heck allow for it to be batman who has been around long enough to have had more than one robin. Though that could just b me hoping to see dick grayson in a film as nightwing and nothing says angry dark batman like having this happen after jason going boom.


Doing Science
Dec 27, 2011
Not that the movies care too much about the comics, being some bizarre mishmash of the normal and ultimate Marvel universes, but Guardians of the Galaxy is getting a relaunch this month, and the cover of issue #1 does, in fact, have a member of the Avengers front and center....


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Kmadden2004 said:
I'll admit, I do find it somewhat depressing that a fairly hefty proportion of people seem so militant in their belief that bringing Bale and Nolan back and bolting JLA onto the end of Rises is the only way for a Justice League film to be successful.
Not the only way, but the fastest and safest. Out of all the DC characters, Batman is the only one that has a recent hit on his belt...

It took 4 years to Marvel to create the avengers movie universe (2008 from Hulk and Ironman) some of it while not under the wing of Disney's powerhouse... so, for DC to follow suit, they must push several movies down the pipeline, hope for the best and reap the benefits 3 or 4 years down the line (which in Hollywood years, it means 5 to 6), at which point there could be 2 or even 3 avengers movies to compete with; or they can just bite the bullet, get as much star power as they can now and fill all the other roles with unknowns while centering most of the script in Batman/Superman (which, honestly, it happens a lot in the comics already). Of course, quality would suffer, but that is not a priority on their list.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Nolan's an exceptionally talented filmmaker and he can do whatever the hell he wants, I don't see why he'd stick to Batman when he's so resolutely tied together his own trilogy. Same with Bale, man's a great actor and he obviously likes to alternate between stuff. Both have fully thrown themselves at projects in between each Batman film as well.

And from a story point, it makes no bloody sense to bring Bale back.

Reeve said:
I'm I the only one that would like to see Bale as The Bat again?? :<
Good things should come to an end, and Bale/Nolan's Batman was a very good thing that should embrace that.


New member
Jan 2, 2013
As a huge Zack Snider fan I would be sad to hear this rumour confirmed. I wonder how long Warner Brothers can stay in business with their level of incompetence.


New member
Jan 2, 2013
Reeve said:
Bob said:
It's been established that Christian Bale simply isn't a movie star without his Bat-kevlar
Someone hasn't seen American Psycho

American psycho is not exactly a Hollywood blockbuster. It has a cult following at best, like everything else Bale has done other than the Dark Knight trilogy.

Chris Mosher

New member
Nov 28, 2011
Sixcess said:
Kmadden2004 said:
I'll admit, I do find it somewhat depressing that a fairly hefty proportion of people seem so militant in their belief that bringing Bale and Nolan back and bolting JLA onto the end of Rises is the only way for a Justice League film to be successful.
Maybe not the only, but Green Lantern (at the movies) and Wonder Woman (on tv) both crashed and burned spectacularly and with Man of Steel still an unknown quanitity Nolan is the only sure bet they've got. I can envisage Nolan doing it as well - especially if he's got any uber-expensive pet projects he'd like a blank cheque to finance in return.

As for Bale, he'll do it no question. If he'd willingly sign up for Terminator: Salvation he'll sign up for anything.
In fairness to Bale, the original ending to Salvation was more interesting and would have taken the series in a really neat direction that could have been fun to play. But the ending was leaked and then changed. Unless I just think an unfounded internet rumor is true and you would be right.

Lono Shrugged

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May 7, 2009
MovieBob said:
In other words, making Indy movies for Spielberg is primarily a thing he does for fun with his buddy George. So don't hold your breath.
That is a really nice sentiment and one I always agreed with. It's part of what made the films so special. Lethal Weapon 4 has that in spades. A real sense of these people love making movies and hope you do too, but if you don't it's cool we enjoy it enough for everyone. Might not be the best film but watch it and you can see from the opening scene these people are having a blast.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Boy, oh boy, it's rumor time again, that wonderful time of the year when rumors bounce around so much they get confused with facts. My 1st guess for the Avenger cameo in Guardians would be Iron Man, since he joined them recently in the comics. 2nd guess is Thor. For STAR WARS, I can't be the only one here pumped up the original Luke, Leia, and Han would come back!
As for the justice League rumors, Christian Bale said he'd like to play Batman again, only if the story is sound, whatever that means. WB recognizes they have a great thing going with Nolan, and they do NOT want to give that up.
In short, I believe in Chris Nolan.

puff ball

New member
Mar 14, 2011
im curious how much of a presence would the avenger need to have in the movie for you to consider the rumor true cause right now im just picturing an after the credits are over 10 sec clip of an avenger, although if it is more then that i have to agree with the idea that Thor makes the most sense.


New member
May 28, 2008
My money is on Iron Man for GotG, he's the most popular, most well known and recognized as far as the films go so it would be odd for Marvel to choose someone else unless Downey outright says no thanks, which is doubtful given the potential money on the plate if he did.

I really hope they get a good actress to play Phyla-Vell. I also hope Groot isn't purely cgi and hes a good excuse for some talented animatronics/costume/puppetry to be used in the movie.

Mister Linton

New member
Mar 11, 2011
I don't know if a Nolanverse JLA movie would be awesome, but I do know that we DON'T need a Justice League movie that simply apes it's closest contemporary, The Avengers. Believe me, I really love the Marvel films, but my hope is to get something different out of the DC movies, not more of the same. Variety please.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
MovieBob said:
Rumor: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will return for Star Wars - Episode VII

Plausibility: High

Let's get real for minute here. Anyone looking to make a new Star Wars movie wanting Luke, Leia and Han to come back for guaranteed cheers in the trailers and big splashy press interviews about "coming home" and such is not news. Of course Disney wants that, and of course those were among the first three phone calls anyone working on this was instructed to make.

As for whether or not any of them would actually do it, with the exception of Ford (who only shows up for something if he actually wants to, at this point) I'd say chances are pretty damn high. Yes, Hamill and Fisher are both far from the poor house, but they (and their families) could certainly use the mountains of gold they can demand from The Mouse to walk across a green screen and give the Jedi Generation a final triumphant wink. Also, all involved seem to be much more at peace with the franchise than they were even a decade ago, and being feted like red carpet royalty (maybe taking a cast bow to a standing ovation at that year's Oscars, for example) would make for a pretty excellent coda to career stories that currently end on "eventually re-invented himself as a sought-after voice actor" and "ongoing struggles with drugs, alcohol and other issues," respectively. Remember, everyone from Star Trek was pretty much considered a has-been until they started making the movies.
I don't think that'd be a particularly good idea. With the possible exception of Harrison Ford, none of those 3 have exactly aged well and even if they had unless they're planning to have Episode VII take place 40 years after the original trilogy it's going to look really odd.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
MovieBob said:
Rumor: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will return for Star Wars - Episode VII

Plausibility: High

Let's get real for minute here. Anyone looking to make a new Star Wars movie wanting Luke, Leia and Han to come back for guaranteed cheers in the trailers and big splashy press interviews about "coming home" and such is not news. Of course Disney wants that, and of course those were among the first three phone calls anyone working on this was instructed to make.

As for whether or not any of them would actually do it, with the exception of Ford (who only shows up for something if he actually wants to, at this point) I'd say chances are pretty damn high. Yes, Hamill and Fisher are both far from the poor house, but they (and their families) could certainly use the mountains of gold they can demand from The Mouse to walk across a green screen and give the Jedi Generation a final triumphant wink. Also, all involved seem to be much more at peace with the franchise than they were even a decade ago, and being feted like red carpet royalty (maybe taking a cast bow to a standing ovation at that year's Oscars, for example) would make for a pretty excellent coda to career stories that currently end on "eventually re-invented himself as a sought-after voice actor" and "ongoing struggles with drugs, alcohol and other issues," respectively. Remember, everyone from Star Trek was pretty much considered a has-been until they started making the movies.
I don't think that'd be a particularly good idea. With the possible exception of Harrison Ford, none of those 3 have exactly aged well and even if they had unless they're planning to have Episode VII take place 40 years after the original trilogy it's going to look really odd.
They could always try what they did in Tron legacy and make really good younger CGI clones with Hamil and Fisher merely adding voicework.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Darks63 said:
canadamus_prime said:
MovieBob said:
Rumor: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will return for Star Wars - Episode VII

Plausibility: High

Let's get real for minute here. Anyone looking to make a new Star Wars movie wanting Luke, Leia and Han to come back for guaranteed cheers in the trailers and big splashy press interviews about "coming home" and such is not news. Of course Disney wants that, and of course those were among the first three phone calls anyone working on this was instructed to make.

As for whether or not any of them would actually do it, with the exception of Ford (who only shows up for something if he actually wants to, at this point) I'd say chances are pretty damn high. Yes, Hamill and Fisher are both far from the poor house, but they (and their families) could certainly use the mountains of gold they can demand from The Mouse to walk across a green screen and give the Jedi Generation a final triumphant wink. Also, all involved seem to be much more at peace with the franchise than they were even a decade ago, and being feted like red carpet royalty (maybe taking a cast bow to a standing ovation at that year's Oscars, for example) would make for a pretty excellent coda to career stories that currently end on "eventually re-invented himself as a sought-after voice actor" and "ongoing struggles with drugs, alcohol and other issues," respectively. Remember, everyone from Star Trek was pretty much considered a has-been until they started making the movies.
I don't think that'd be a particularly good idea. With the possible exception of Harrison Ford, none of those 3 have exactly aged well and even if they had unless they're planning to have Episode VII take place 40 years after the original trilogy it's going to look really odd.
They could always try what they did in Tron legacy and make really good younger CGI clones with Hamil and Fisher merely adding voicework.
Yeah, somehow I think that still won't work, or at least would have the air of the uncanny valley about it.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Reeve said:
Bob said:
It's been established that Christian Bale simply isn't a movie star without his Bat-kevlar
Someone hasn't seen American Psycho

Or the Prestige. Or the Fighter. Or 3:10 to Yuma. Or Terminator: Salvation (not necessarily a top notch movie, but it was successful at least).

Username Redacted

New member
Dec 29, 2010
The cynic is me is very much in wait and see mode regarding the new Superman movie as in ~40 decades of trying the success rate on live action Superman movies has been less than encouraging and that's probably being too charitable. Also as much as I would like to see a Justice League movie I think that the model that Marvel went at the Avengers with is the correct one (i.e. multiple individual movies setting up for a team-up movie) and to that end we're years away as there hasn't been anything successful or good (in the live-action department) related for any non-Batman JL character in a long time. Even more baffling is that DC owns the rights to all their stuff. Hell they're owned by Warner Bros. The fact that there aren't any licensing barriers to getting something made and the fact that there's a direct pipeline to making a movie makes the utter failures at doing so all the more baffling. But hey, 'Man of Steel' might be good. The final thing that I find really confusing is that DC/Warner Bros. have made some really solid animated features for Batman, Superman and the whole damn Justice League. How that cannot or has not translated into better live action movies is beyond me.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Nolan isn't a big fan of the "Mystical" aspects of Batman, hence the dumbing down of Rhas and Bane. Considering the members of the JLA, I can only shudder at how Nolan would make Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern or The Flash work in the Real World.