Everything for U - Roomcraft by Target

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Everything for U - Roomcraft by Target

[a href="http://college.target.com/ustyler"]
Thanks to the magic of the internet, you are now only clicks away from your ideal dorm room with Roomcraft. Sponsored by Target.

Summer is in full swing, which means that fall is right around the corner. With fall comes the return of cooler weather, which itself heralds the mass influx of college students to their oft-derided dorm rooms. Of course, if you hate your dorm room, we've got a handy little widget that might just change your mind. Harkening back to our own college days, The Escapist team has decided to take a trip down memory lane, and relive some of the minor glory of our days wandering the halls of academia by designing what would be now our ideal dorm room.

Check out a few of The Escapist Staff's room designs below for a sneak peek into their individual styles. Craft your own setup here. [http://college.target.com/ustyler] Then, take to the forums to share your own personal style. Do you like grayscale, like far too many of The Escapist team, or do you prefer something with a bit more panache?

"As someone who sees largely in black and white, the color scheme resonates with my personality, while the simplicity of the decorum jives with my typically Spartan leanings. The cityscape, as the sole piece of non-functional decoration, reinforces the minimalist approach, while offering contrast to the room." - Joshua Vanderwall

"I like to keep my personal space classy with just a hint of edge to let my personality shine through. And by 'classy' I mean every room should come complete with a matching bar table." - Janelle Bonanno
"I like the color blue, and I like to exercise by throwing things at a blue trampoline thing, so that's why I kitted my space out accordingly. Also, I've received so many copies of 'The Kiss' in postcard form over the years, that I decided it needed to be on my wall. Hopefully that will cut down on the amount of postcards I receive." - Greg Tito
"Here I reflect the dichotomy of my personality with a black and white color scheme reminiscent of 1977's Imperial stormtroopers. The horizontal lines on the bedsheets make my narrow college bed seem wider, to better fit my broad ego. The illusion is enhanced by the minimalist dƩcor. The black lampshade will keep hateful incandescent rays from me, enabling me to brood evil thoughts in grayscale darkness. Above the bed I've placed a stylized "A" for Archon, a sign that 'this is MY lair' which has nothing to do with that old tower in Paris." - Alexander Macris


Eppy (Bored)

Crazed Organist
Jan 7, 2009
Are we going to be seeing a lot of these 'Sponsored' stories? Because I will happily pay more for my PubClub subscription if it makes them go away.

Also, what kind of dorm room has that much space? This looks like some kind of minimalist art hotel suite, not a space where college students live (or, moreover, the lack of space).


Blue Blaze Irregular 1st Class
Aug 18, 2012
That's what Freshman like to think their rooms will look like. WIthin months, they'll be using old natty lite cases to hold their ramen using piles of dirty laundry as blankets.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Is this going to be a thing now?

This is pretty shameless.

Anyway, I'm not American so none of this is relevant to me.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
So... I'm guessing the Escapist is low on cash again. Anyone-else up for a whip-round?


New member
Sep 3, 2010
My room in my apartment has that kind of space, but res? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
MY room in res was 7x13. There was barely room for my guitar.

captcha: spruce-up
Can someone kill the captcha servers? They're starting to get self-aware again.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I wonder if it's against the rules to report this thread as spam. 'Cause that's what it is.

Nice to know that spam threads are just fine as long as you get paid.

Elijah Newton

New member
Sep 17, 2008
JoJo said:
So... I'm guessing the Escapist is low on cash again. Anyone-else up for a whip-round?
It's got to be the case, right? I've been off site for a couple weeks - definitely less than a month - and it's been ad-bombed within an inch of its life. The 'From the Web ...by Taboola' are maybe more jarring, though. Totally less in keeping with the look and feel of the Escapist, IMHO. The Target ads are jarring because they're so blatently not game-related, but the space they occupy in the gutters and one in the center is pretty much what I've been visually blocking out as game-ad space for some time now.

Not to put too fine a point on it but 'From the Web' seems a bit tit-oriented. That makes it a bit weird on a site which I visit in hopes of finding intelligent conversation on games, particularly on gender-issues. *shrug* I dig that everyone has to make a buck, but personally there's no way I'm rewarding this behavior by joining the publisher's club to avoid ads they would also run.

The kickstarting away of ads, though... that I might consider. I really do like The Escapist.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
When I read the title, I came here to flag for spam and move on.
Well, this is awkward...
I mean, I get it, the Escapist's gotta eat, but don't the Pub Club subs and merchandise store cover that?

Also, if you HAVE to shamelessly promote, could you at least shamelessly promote a world-wide brand?
We don't get Targets where I live, so this means bugger all to me. Plus, we don't have dormitories here, either, so that's doubly useless for me.


Nov 18, 2009
Not cool..

I came here from a [sponsored] link on Twitter, I follow @theescapistmag for games info - not for apps from a retail chain.

Is this something that's going to happen more frequently? My twitter feed containing Ads pretending to be news from my favourite website?

About this particular campaign, I'm 40 and in the UK, Not University Age in the States.. Missed the target by quite the large margin. Wrong age group, wrong country and not at all games news related so Not interested.

You must advertise to people - I understand, I'd just prefer if you didn't do it on Twitter.
I pay a pub club membership fee so I don't see ads on the site.
I can't stop your ads on twitter without stopping following you and I'd prefer not to have to do that.


Aug 3, 2008
This sounds like a spambot post.

This just seems shameless and greedy. I love the 'pist but with the upcoming expo, all the pubclubbers and adverts, surely they make enough?
I won't stop using the site but I'm disappointed.

Perhaps making this into a competition would have been a good idea.


Apr 28, 2008
Why is this even here? I was honestly thinking about finally buying pub club today, but if these kind of "stories" are a new trend then I don't think I ever will.

To any new students: your dorm room will have a small single size bed filled with shredded cardboard, a tiny desk, the most uncomfortable chair imaginable, and somewhere to put your 1/4th of the clothes you own. It MAY have standing room for about 3 additional people if you really smoosh them in.

Honestly, the average tomb has more space than you will in res. Bringing furniture to your dorm is really stupid, because you won't have anywhere to put it.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
The spambots, they've infiltrated the Escapist staff!

Run for the hills! We're doomed! DOOOOOOOOOMED!
Eppy (Bored) said:
Are we going to be seeing a lot of these 'Sponsored' stories? Because I will happily pay more for my PubClub subscription if it makes them go away.
I thought part of the benefits of a PubClub member was the removal of ads. Seems to me like this provides less of an incentive to become a member.

Captcha: "This is Our Game"

Oh God, Captcha's in on it too!


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Jesus, just run a donation drive if you're this desperate for money.

Really? The fucking captcha ads just weren't enough? Where does it end with you people? Seriously. There's "We need money to keep the servers running" and then there's "I would very much like a second ferrari". You're at "I would very much like a second ferrari".


The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
What kind of college dorm has space for that much stuff? I don't see storage of any kind in that photo, so are we just expected to hide all our books/materials/papers under the bed like we're children again? And that desks space is abysmal? You think that'll be able to make space for a laptop, textbook and numerous papers strewn across the desks? What if I want to bring my gaming PC?

This is clearly some bullshit whipped up by Target's marketing department which seems to be convinced that anything which feeds into the hipster craze will sell like cocaine.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
You know, the ads are bad enough.

If you really need the extra cash, why don't you do something about the lackluster coverage that your merchandising gets? Did it ever occur to you that articles on new Escapist merchandise might just be more acceptable?