Elder Scrolls Online Beta: Impressions From Tamriel

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Elder Scrolls Online Beta: Impressions From Tamriel

Several members of the Escapist Staff got their hands the beta of The Elder Scrolls Online and came back from Tamriel with a look at their experiences.

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New member
Sep 3, 2008
I think this is some of the only good press I've seen come out for ESO.

Nearly every person I've talked to who has gotten a beta invite generally responds to the question of how is it with a resounding "Meh."


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I've have several friends who are major MMO players. They have been trying out the beta for Elder Scrolls for months, they've watched the graphics improve, heard voice actors change, experience improvements to the controls and UI.

They all have come to an agreement that they would much prefer that the company produced another single player game over this MMO. I mean, these are super heavy MMO players that are always trying to drag me into every new MMO that comes out under the sun, but I never catch on because I am just not an MMO player.

They say that it's not offering anything to really stand out amongst the MMO's that are out there and is only riding off the series name. They are all really pissed about this Imperial special edition thing to boot, believing it's completely unfair to reserve a in demand class for more money. In fact many of them have returned to Guild Wars hard core as a result of playing Elder Scrolls and when they got invites for this weekend most of them don't even want to bother.

I feel like at the most this will be like SWTOR and in a year we'll be hearing about all kinds of server mergers and several drastic drops of subscriptions. At the worst, perhaps Elder Scrolls will finally be the total bombing of an MMO to kick developer's greedy thirst for creating so many subscription MMO's and online games requiring frequent payments.

If people had money to throw around here in the US, I'm sure several subscription based MMO's would be doing better, but the economy and lack of jobs just isn't allowing it.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
PirateRose said:
Pretty much spot-on. "Decent, but not great, no lasting appeal, nothing but the name to set it apart."
The only bright side is, it's being made by Zenimax Online, not Bethesda, so at least it won't tank the single-player games when it falters.

Still, it's improved to the point where I can at least say it's a decent game, and not froth at the mouth over this "travesty parading around in an Elder Scrolls skin." It's not the game TES fans want, but at least it's no longer an insult to the brand.

Captcha: "Know the ropes"
Heh... you'd think they would by now, wouldn't you Captcha?


Tank Ninja
Feb 19, 2006
Yagami_Kira said:
You'll notice Jim, Yahtzee, or Shamus weren't listed as reviewers here, and they're the only ones on escapist staff who aren't required to stroke the site's advertisers. And zenimax is a common advertiser here. Do the math.
Because I had such glowing things to say about it in my write up.


Don't Take Crap from Life
Sep 16, 2012
Yagami_Kira said:
shintakie10 said:
I think this is some of the only good press I've seen come out for ESO.

Nearly every person I've talked to who has gotten a beta invite generally responds to the question of how is it with a resounding "Meh."
You'll notice Jim, Yahtzee, or Shamus weren't listed as reviewers here, and they're the only ones on escapist staff who aren't required to stroke the site's advertisers. And zenimax is a common advertiser here. Do the math.
Here's Shamus' glowing review in his column from today in case you'd like to accuse him of false things as well. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/experienced-points/10971-The-Surprising-Things-About-Elder-Scrolls-Online]


New member
May 18, 2012
JonB said:
Yagami_Kira said:
shintakie10 said:
I think this is some of the only good press I've seen come out for ESO.

Nearly every person I've talked to who has gotten a beta invite generally responds to the question of how is it with a resounding "Meh."
You'll notice Jim, Yahtzee, or Shamus weren't listed as reviewers here, and they're the only ones on escapist staff who aren't required to stroke the site's advertisers. And zenimax is a common advertiser here. Do the math.
Here's Shamus' glowing review in his column from today in case you'd like to accuse him of false things as well. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/experienced-points/10971-The-Surprising-Things-About-Elder-Scrolls-Online]
Like I said. Shamus isnt required to stroke them. he didn't. He said its resoundingly meh.

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Yagami_Kira said:
Like I said. Shamus isnt required to stroke them. he didn't. He said its resoundingly meh.
You really are reading what you want to read and not what is actually written, aren't you?

"Still, I showed up expecting a boring mess of unoriginal ideas and left impressed and hoping it works out for them."

He says he's "impressed" and you read that as "meh". How strange.


New member
May 18, 2012
Li Mu said:
Yagami_Kira said:
Like I said. Shamus isnt required to stroke them. he didn't. He said its resoundingly meh.
You really are reading what you want to read and not what is actually written, aren't you?

"Still, I showed up expecting a boring mess of unoriginal ideas and left impressed and hoping it works out for them."

He says he's "impressed" and you read that as "meh". How strange.
He said he was expecting boring mess of unoriginalness and was impressed. I was impressed by the game too. With how it managed to be unique and still be Meh. Its not great, its not terrible.

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Yagami_Kira said:
He said he was expecting boring mess of unoriginalness and was impressed. I was impressed by the game too. With how it managed to be unique and still be Meh. Its not great, its not terrible.
I don't honestly think ESO is going to make a lick of money, but it is still fun, at least for the 7 or so hours I put into it. That's exactly why this is an "Impressions" piece though. It's impossible to judge an MMO from 7 hours.

Also, ESO is marketing itself EVERYWHERE right now. Doesn't really mean anything that the suits bought advertising here too.



New member
Dec 17, 2009
Yagami_Kira said:
but most game journalists at least have the integrity to pretend they aren't completely bought by the advertisers.
Confirmed for didn't even read the article? In no way did this article strike me as a recommendation of the game.


Not surprised by the bottom lines, and not interested in `retreading` old MMO shtick. FFXIV ARR does the retreading as well as it can be done, and TERA and other FTPs are more innovative (not to mention sexier). I'm going to pass.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I will play it once it goes F2P, but other than that can't say more because of NDA bs.
Jan 10, 2013
Why on Earth would you base your first impressions of a new game on a couple of co-op sittings with people you know and work with? Apart from the fact that doing something with friends will always be better than doing the same thing without friends (except, maybe, sex) and thus skew the impression the activity itself has on you, you can't seriously expect to deliver a first look people can relate to when you start from a position most people just won't be in when they will start out on TESO.

At best that is a terrible oversight and a disservice to your readers and at worst it's disingenuous.

Also, funny how Yagami_Kira got a warning there. I wonder why.
Apr 5, 2008
PirateRose said:
I feel like at the most this will be like SWTOR and in a year we'll be hearing about all kinds of server mergers and several drastic drops of subscriptions.
The latter is not only possible, but likely. I did want to point out however that the former won't happen since TESO isn't using multiple servers. It will use a similar "single shard" universe like Eve Online, Champions Online, STO, etc.

From what I understand, there will be two "mega servers", one in the US, one for EU. But that's it for different server farms. Within the world, there will be instances, but at any time any player can switch to any instance, and even between the US/EU servers. As such, there won't need to be any server merges since there will only be the one from the beginning, which is flexible, scalable and IMO, they better way to go.

SWTOR's issue was the time it took for a response from BioWare. They didn't expect a) the faction population differences or b) that people would leave after the first free month/first three months. By the time March came round, the servers were mostly empty, and in April/May, at peak times on Imperial fleet, you still couldn't get a team of 4 players together to do any dungeons except the level 10 and level 50 ones. It took them till June/July to start merging and it was too late by then. It took them 3 months of bleeding players who would've gladly continued but for the lack of people with whom to play. If BioWare had responded that March, or maybe even April, the game would be in a very different state right now.

I imagine that TESO will have fairly balanced faction populations, though why MMOs still insist on faction bullshit (yes yes, I know, because WoW did it so everyone has to copy them) is frustrating. Warring factions is one thing I think Eve did very well. In my opinion, dividing the player base in two or three is a terrible mistake.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
I just haven't seen anything that will get me interested enough to fork out $15/month. If it worked like Guild Wars and it was an upfront $60 and no subscription I would be considering playing the game at release. I think the paywall Imperials is another knock against a subscription as well, but that is another story.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
I've put some time into the beta as well. I'd really like to give a detailed explanation of why I won't be buying this game, but I'm unsure of the legality regarding the NDA, so instead I'll leave it at; "I won't be buying this game."

Surprised at the generally glowing reviews from the Escapist staff, but then again Yagami had a point in his original censored post before he went full tin-foil hat in the rest of his replies.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
shintakie10 said:
I think this is some of the only good press I've seen come out for ESO.

Nearly every person I've talked to who has gotten a beta invite generally responds to the question of how is it with a resounding "Meh."
To be fair, some of us that do Beta take the NDA portion of things fairly seriously. I do occasionally let some things drop, but for the most part I wait until closer to release or until we see a lot of other leaks, then I usually come out and explain that I was a tester (and honestly I do betas for a staggering number of things it seems) and what my impressions were.

To be honest with you, the ESO Beta has not been the best conducted affair I've ever run into. It's following the now fairly typical format of only being up at very specific times for very specific purposes, asking testers to pretty much plan their lives around it. Generally not a big deal since I don't have much of a life anymore, but it can be annoying when responsibilities like taking my father to the doctor or whatever come up since missing the window might knock me out for a week or so and you know... priorities. What's more their testing has generally been things like "let's overload the character logins to see what happens" so your "beta testing" in that two hour window is sitting there trying to login to the game, which would be fine (it has to be done) but made incredibly frustrating when they don't mention this bit. On one test they annoyed so many people I guess that they told us all we were getting a free static monkey pet when the game is finally released. Another time I left the tutorial area and saw like 50 people crammed into the starting arrival house/hut and nobody could open the door, apparently it seems the devs were trying to see how many models they could cram into that area.... very little in the way of respect, coordination, or information. On some levels I'm surprised they having gone the Inexile route of asking people to pay $10 for the honor of being their beta testers and guinea pigs.

As a result I am in no way shocked to hear it said that the reaction of a lot of beta testers has been "meh" truthfully I've expected a lot more overt fire breathing hostility.

The game itself is decent, but not without problems. It's pretty much a clone of "Neverwinter" in terms of what they are trying to do with the combat and style of skill usage as far as needing to aim a crosshair, and use buttons to swing your weapon, aim a shield, and having your special moves on hot keys, albeit they are doing it with a somewhat more realistic "low fantasy" vibe similar to the art you've seen in other Elder Scrolls games. It has the potential to be a big MMO but that's largely going to come down to the endgame, which they are keeping really close to their chest, and that's NOT a good thing given that they plan to release in a little under two months. What's more with this being the first set of tests where they aren't wiping characters I can't see very much testing in terms of progression and how the endgame will play in practice.

As The Escapist points out they seem to be banking on a 3 faction PVP endgame to sustain it. If that's the case, you can pretty much expect ESO to be a high quality "Dead Man Walking" much like Shamus predicts. Especially seeing as the competition, games like "Wildstar" have made a much bigger deal about their endgames not just involving PVP, but also bringing back things like "real" raiding including 40 man raids and the like, the kind of stuff that got hardcore players invested and kept them early on with WoW and the like. That said I am hoping that contrary to the usual pattern Bethesda has something ready to surprise us. Right now it seems they are banking on the players creating their own endgame through endless PVP, hoping that something like "Dark Age Of Camelot" can be achieved. While DAOC was inspirational I do not think triple realm warfare is going to sustain a game for long, especially seeing as the needs of an MMO prevent much from being achieved, if one faction is allowed to dominate for the long term nowadays the people on the losing sides are liable to just leave for other games (or servers where the faction they want to play is winning), if the game itself is set up to force a restoration of balance... well even that becomes pointless. At the best things will keep going until people have achieved the PVP gear/titles they want and realize there isn't much else to do and leave. What's more with all the options out there your not likely to see people who aren't into PVP/solo players/duoers paying a monthly subscription fee simply so they can have the honor of being curbstomped thousands of times.

In short it's not really a "WoW" clone it's following the pseudo-action/RPG niche of Neverwinter and a few others, which isn't quite as overfilled. It also has some really good ideas, and will definatly keep people occupied for a few months with what is there. As far as a lasting MMO success story, it has the potential, but it remains to be seen if it will fill it fast enough, and/or how it's going to fare against it's upcoming competition from Wildstar which unlike most MMOS has been seriously hyping it's endgame and long term potential (which you rarely see), and of course "Everquest Next" which despite the failure of EQ2, seems like it also has some serious potential, and at the very least seems to be blowing everyone else away in the technology department. If EQ: Next is putting half as much work into their endgame as they are into their graphics and technology system, pretty much all of the current games are doomed, but again EQ:NExt is still in the hype phase, and all games look awesome at that point, so you know... the odds are still greatly in favor of it being another refried SOE turd.

I could give more specifics, but I don't want to say much more, I'm largely just elaborating on things that are already out there from other sources. Races, classes, specific abilities and gameplay, what little I know about crafting, etc... that's all pretty much under wraps.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
AldUK said:
I've put some time into the beta as well. I'd really like to give a detailed explanation of why I won't be buying this game, but I'm unsure of the legality regarding the NDA, so instead I'll leave it at; "I won't be buying this game."

Surprised at the generally glowing reviews from the Escapist staff, but then again Yagami had a point in his original censored post before he went full tin-foil hat in the rest of his replies.
To be fair their review wasn't all that glowing, and it seemed pretty accurate to me. It's a mess, they had trouble getting the tutorial to run properly for most of their characters it seems, but they eventually managed to get through it with persistence. That's overwhelmingly negative. Once they got out into the game world, the system was pretty cool, workable, and quite different from the usual "Wow" clone style of play, which it is. They didn't make the Neverwinter comparison I usually do (it's not exact, just a similar style to me) though.

To be honest I'm surprised they got in, half the time I can't due to login testing, I tried a bunch this latest test but gave up. I could tell you about my exciting adventures with glitches, but I'm still keeping with the spirit of the NDA, and trying to avoid things that haven't been mentioned elsewhere (like here). I will say that in reading these descriptions of starting the game once you login I had an uncanny feeling of deja vu.

As far as whether Greg is right in his later comments about it not making a lick of money... well, a lot depends on quashing bugs, and of course the endgame. The core gameplay is pretty decent. As someone who has put a pretty good number of hours (and a chunk of change) into Neverwinter, I can say that this game seems to be delivering something a bit more like I hoped that game would be... that is to say more open zones and exploration, Neverwinter tends to be incredibly linear in the way it's set up, you really don't have a wilderness you can go plowing off into and get lost
in for hours.

*IF* they fix the bugs, and *IF* they can come up with something decent for an endgame rather than mass PVP, this game could be quite successful. To put it into perspective through ARC (new PWI client) alone Neverwinter had 3 million downloads last time I checked. That isn't considering the people playing who didn't put ARC on since it's not currently mandatory. You run around Protector's Enclave you see plenty of people who are obvious hardcore "free" players but also tons of people showing off their $30-$40 premium mounts and $15-25 premium companions, not to mention you'll find the AH glutted with stuff from chance boxes people are selling for AD (and people looking to sell it for gold via trade channel) which means they seem to be doing a hefty business selling keys for $1.25 a pop like they do with Star Trek Online. In short it's no WoWkiller but Neverwinter seems to be doing very well. ESO seems like a much more ambitious, deeper, and more open world oriented version of the same thing. $15 a month is a heck of a lot cheaper than what it can cost to get the "full" Neverwinter experience, something I think a lot of players there and in other games are starting to realize. As a result while ESO will almost definatly never be some WoW-like monster with 8 million active subscriptions, I think it has the potential to do well and maybe hold a million or two people if it's taken care of properly. A lot of it also depends on them making that $15 worthwhile as well though, if they keep providing new content like "Neverwinter" does (festivals, new companions, mounts, etc...) and it's included with the price of admission it becomes a great deal. If they just charge you for the honor of playing and don't do anything to keep people interested and simply go "meh, entertain yourself you plebe" then no, that might not go well. It's also likely to be borderline suicidal if they decide to double dip and say charge you $15 per month, and then on top of all of that expect you to pay for every new thing they add into the game (or turn it into a huge grind... with shortcuts available from the cash shop! don't forget you can take a break from fishing and get your lights of simiril from the trade bar store....). If they decide to say "We are Elder Scrolls, our name alone means the fans will devour any steaming pile we shove their way" I imagine it will backfire before too long.

Thanks for those that read this far, this is my analysis... and I just wanted to say that I didn't think The Escapist was being too positive (the main point) rather I think they are right on the money. As I said, I'm not sure how "I had to make a bunch of characters before I could get out of my cell and properly start the tutorial" remotely counts as positive... and uh.. yeah... let's just say Deja Vu. Indeed it was more positive than my tutorial comments which as I mentioned would also include "after half an hour of waiting for my character to finally login to the game...".


New member
Jul 18, 2011
In playing the Beta, while I have enjoyed my time so far (up to the point that a broken quest completely halted mine and several other players from carrying on, but they should fix it soon), I've seen nothing to justify the several different ways to pay for it. It is decent, but there's yet to be a moment that I've been completely lost in the game.

I'm not sure how detailed I can get with the NDA, but essentially the quests have been disappointing for me.