While playing beta, and liking it quite a bit, i have followed first what people said (as far as they could say anything) and now what the press says.
And with press, i include lets players and independent reviews!
It seems at first, there was a huge backslash against the game, but the longer the beta runs and the more people are willing to break the NDA, the voices become more balanced and better to read. I am biased, of course, because i like the game.
Graphics are good, the gameplay is a good change and i honestly believe that nobody had the chance to play enough of the game to predict its course.
A LOT could and should be better, no question. But im willing to give it a chance.
And even if i only play 2 or 3 months, despite the initial cost, i will get my moneys worth.
About bonuses:
Imperials are really nothing special, i think.
They are what humans are in every fantasy, can do everything a little but no big bonuses.
Playing every race in every alliance? TES had always a good deal of racial diversity and there were red guards, khajiits and argonians in skyrim.
Why shouldn't they live all over the world a thousand years ago? Why should racial borders be stronger than the ties of your home?
Paywall, yeah sucks a little. But its not the end of the world....