A Pacific Rim Sequel Is Possible


New member
Aug 22, 2013
A Pacific Rim Sequel Is Possible

Legendary Pictures CEO and Pacific Rim producer Thomas Tull says the studio is open to a sequel.

Guillermo Del Toro's action adventure starring massive jaegers and even more massive kaiju was a modest success at the box office last summer. The film's box office gross was $407 million worldwide, a sizeable sum but not enough to guarantee a franchise. The movie has attracted some Collider [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/132591-Pacific-Rims-Cherno-Alpha-Recreated-by-LEGO-Artist] on March 19.

We love being in business with Guillermo and frankly that movie, if you look it up, did I think more business than the first X-Men, did more than Batman Begins, our first movie, did more than Superman Returns, The Fast and the Furious, Star Trek- so for a movie that was an original property that we made up it's done really well. It did north of 400 million dollars globally and both the home video sales and the merchandise have way over-indexed, so it seems like fans really loved the world. So we're going to sit down with Guillermo and as long as we think it's authentic and there's something to say, we're certainly open to it.

Legendary Picture's upcoming Tales From Year Zero. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/132482-Godzilla-Full-Trailer-Is-Finally-Revealed ] What do you think? Does Pacific Rim need a sequel?

Source: Screenrant [http://screenrant.com/pacific-rim-2-details/]



New member
Aug 3, 2011
Does Pacific Rim need a sequel? No. Would i like one to be made? Yes. :) Hopefully they will come up with something good, a prequel showing the first attacks and the lead up to the Jaegars would be good. Though im not sure if that story really needs to be told. Since they shut the rift, can they really have another rift open? Guess they could have a number of them open in a proper attack on earth? But if they decide to leave it as a one off movie, im fine with that as well.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Ugh. Words cannot express how much that movie annoyed me. The only time I've ever been totally out of synch with MovieBob. Didn't help that I saw it in IMAX and had to spend the whole movie with my fingers in my ears to avoid permanent damage.

Blaze the Dragon

New member
Jan 8, 2010
"Pacific Rim 2: This time, we pissed them off so much that we have to summarize the plot in the title because the entire movie is non-stop Giant Robots fighting aliens"


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Does it need a sequel..........No. Would I be first in line opening day if they made one.........Hells to the yes. Generally, it's not about total gross that dictates a sequel but how profitable the movie was. Often times, box office intake alone is enough to justify making more. Sure, 400 million is an impressive number but when you factor in the production budget of almost 200 million, that makes those numbers not overly great since you have to bring in other sources of cost that aren't always accounted for publicly, like marketing. I'm glad it's doing well on disc. Disc release has played a big part in many movies getting more in the series. The first Austin Powers movie didn't do that well in theaters but was a massive hit on video so we got more.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I just recently rewatched Pacific Rim and it was even better than the last time. My wife and I were discussing what we loved about it and if a sequel even made sense. It is so nicely rapped up that it would be hard to pull another off, but not impossible. I'd also rather see a sequel than a prequel too, because it would end up in the situation of already knowing who would survive and die.

Honestly though, while Godzilla could certainly get people hyped for another Rim, I think cramming them all together would be over-saturation and ultimately lead to people just not caring as much when it is released. Kaiju movies work best when they are decently spread out, or else the special effects portion of our brains will simply get over stimulated and fry.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009


*adjusts composure*

I would like to see more of this, yes.

I mean, the stuff that happened before Gipsy Danger is pretty awesome in its own right, and brilliant territory to explore in later films.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
It doesn't need a sequel. The original movie while fun made 0 sense. The plot and story was such a mess that if it had tried to sell itself as more than excuse to watch giant robots beat up giant monsters I'd of been more disappointed than I was when I caught it in theaters.

But of course this is hollywood who are more deadset on destroying any profitable franchise second only to the games industry. So it will get a sequel, and another sequel and another sequel until its no longer profitable.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Can't see how they would go about making another film, the portal got closed off at the end of the first one after all.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
They could do another one of these movies, maybe two, but it doesn't have ongoing franchise potential.

As things stand now I fail to see how closing that one portal prevents the aliens from opening another one. They could do a movie where exactly that happens, and then have to deal with the issue of going into the Alien's world to pretty much shut them down permanently. They could do an interesting turnabout where the Jaegers basically become the Kaiju to the aliens. They could potentially stretch that out into two movies if they did it right, but beyond that, there is a point at which this is going to be over and the threat to earth averted (or earth dies, but it's not really that kind of totally grimdark property).

The big trick here is for them to be willing to do another story arc, without trying to expand this into some kind of ongoing series they want to beat into the ground. The sales weren't *THAT* strong and this kind of thing works best in doses.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Blaze the Dragon said:
"Pacific Rim 2: This time, we pissed them off so much that we have to summarize the plot in the title because the entire movie is non-stop Giant Robots fighting aliens"
Sold. I would totally go see that movie.

Honestly though, if they do make a sequel (not a prequel, but a true sequel), I want the other Yagers to do more that show up for five minutes and then die. The best part of the film for me was when the others got to fight, and I was so disappointed when they were both taken out almost instantly. I wanted to see a full on brawl.
Another issue they are going to need to address is the sword. Now that we know that Gipsy's sword can slice a Kaiju like a knife through butter, every Yager is going to have one, which means that the Kaiju are going to need a defense against it. Perhaps tougher skin?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Somethingfake said:
Can't see how they would go about making another film, the portal got closed off at the end of the first one after all.
Ah, well while there is a theory about the limitation of allowing a time traveler to reach the same time and place to avoid a paradox, there is no such limitation regarding the placement of wormholes. They nuked the alien base and closed the tunnel, but nothing says they can't just set up shop again and start anew. If they've been at it for so long, it stands to reason they've actually encountered heavy resistance before and have ways of dealing with it. Yeah, I'm just shooting in the dark here, but it makes sense.

OT: Oh, I hope they do it. It's a great damn movie to behold.

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
I do believe I could go for a pacific rim sequel! Just more Jaegers please not just cameo appearances like the first.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Mmmh, even though I don't think it's really needed, I would love to see a sequel to this BUT only if it's done by GDT himself... But then, on the other hand, I want him to do more new and original stuff... So I guess I don't really want a sequel after all... hard choice XD

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I'm somewhat unease about it. By all means I LOVED Pacific Rim but we all know some sequel to good films end up being a failure (Ghost Buster 2, Men in Black 2 and etc). As long they don't make the sequel a repeat of the first film then they are on the right path of possibly being good.
I did read somewhere that they could make a some kind of a Jeager/ Kaiju hybrid inthe sequel.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
Blaze the Dragon said:
"Pacific Rim 2: This time, we pissed them off so much that we have to summarize the plot in the title because the entire movie is non-stop Giant Robots fighting aliens"
Sold. I would totally go see that movie.

Honestly though, if they do make a sequel (not a prequel, but a true sequel), I want the other Yagers to do more that show up for five minutes and then die. The best part of the film for me was when the others got to fight, and I was so disappointed when they were both taken out almost instantly. I wanted to see a full on brawl.
Another issue they are going to need to address is the sword. Now that we know that Gipsy's sword can slice a Kaiju like a knife through butter, every Yager is going to have one, which means that the Kaiju are going to need a defense against it. Perhaps tougher skin?
You silly person, you. Tougher skin would make total sense and thus be boring, obviously future kaiju will have a second spine they can pull out and use as a whip/sword hybrid so we can have giant robots and giant monsters have swordfights.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I would love the idea of seeing another one, since I love the first movie, but I just don't see the need for a new one.