Doom's Single-Player Campaign Lasts 13 Hours

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Doom's Single-Player Campaign Lasts 13 Hours

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Doom's campaign will take the average gamer quite a bit of time to knock out.

A common criticism of FPSs these days is that the single-player campaign is too short, and kind-of half-assed. Bethesda's upcoming developer [], "but folks playing at the office average 13+ hours in the campaign."

It's nice to hear that it will take a decent chunk of time to finish the game, and hopefully Doom has plenty of stuff to keep us interested for those 13 hours. After all, a campaign that drags its feet towards the end is just as bad as a campaign that is too short.

Source: Twitter []



New member
Jan 15, 2009
thats good to hear. at the moment i have to see what game i get first since there is another game that comes out in may as well, which im more looking forward too. maybe a good thing i wait for one of them. lower price after several months and if the game has issues, it gives the devs time to fix them.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I'm looking forward to the speedrun community cutting that down to 16 minutes like Dark Souls.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
What a strange announcement. Like a guy inadvertently talking about how he can maintain thrusting motion over the course of the Godfather trilogy. A little insecure if nothing else.
Sep 14, 2009
Xsjadoblayde said:
What a strange announcement. Like a guy inadvertently talking about how he can maintain thrusting motion over the course of the Godfather trilogy. A little insecure if nothing else.
wat. someone asked and they simply responded...? that's not really an "announcement". At the very least they spoke like a decent human being and to the point and not some PR garbage from most publishers, where they flair it up to make it sound like the second coming of cheese.

OT: never was big into the older doom's, but good on em for this, hopefully the quality and pacing matches the ~13 hours.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Silentpony said:
Is that good? This new gen has been such a cock slap for so long I no longer know what's good.
Most FPS campaigns tend to average out to 5-6 hours nowadays, I believe. Compared to that, 13 is pretty decent.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Considering this is a movement based shooter instead of cover based one, I think 13 hours is perfect. Any shorter and it's not a full length game. Any longer and you're probably stretching the enemy type, weapon type, and arena type combinations a bit far. It's also just short enough that replays are within everyones grasp, but not having enough time to burn it once isn't an issue either.

If the game plays like how they've been showing, I'm perfectly fine with this.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
gmaverick019 said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
What a strange announcement. Like a guy inadvertently talking about how he can maintain thrusting motion over the course of the Godfather trilogy. A little insecure if nothing else.
wat. someone asked and they simply responded...? that's not really an "announcement". At the very least they spoke like a decent human being and to the point and not some PR garbage from most publishers, where they flair it up to make it sound like the second coming of cheese.

OT: never was big into the older doom's, but good on em for this, hopefully the quality and pacing matches the ~13 hours.
There is no asking in this article. I assumed it was unprovoked. But if it was, as you say, provoked...then sorry, i didn't see that bit. :(


New member
Nov 9, 2014
Xsjadoblayde said:
gmaverick019 said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
What a strange announcement. Like a guy inadvertently talking about how he can maintain thrusting motion over the course of the Godfather trilogy. A little insecure if nothing else.
wat. someone asked and they simply responded...? that's not really an "announcement". At the very least they spoke like a decent human being and to the point and not some PR garbage from most publishers, where they flair it up to make it sound like the second coming of cheese.

OT: never was big into the older doom's, but good on em for this, hopefully the quality and pacing matches the ~13 hours.
There is no asking in this article. I assumed it was unprovoked. But if it was, as you say, provoked...then sorry, i didn't see that bit. :(
Unreal38 @Unreal389
@DOOM How long will be the campaign?

.@Unreal389 The difficulty level plays a factor, but folks playing at the office average 13+ hours in the campaign
8:42 PM - 11 Feb 2016

Maybe your browser isn't showing the tweet that shows it is a reply to a very direct question. Either way this looks positive in my books, but I still wont buy it early on as shooters have a habit of burning me.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Tatsuki said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
gmaverick019 said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
What a strange announcement. Like a guy inadvertently talking about how he can maintain thrusting motion over the course of the Godfather trilogy. A little insecure if nothing else.
wat. someone asked and they simply responded...? that's not really an "announcement". At the very least they spoke like a decent human being and to the point and not some PR garbage from most publishers, where they flair it up to make it sound like the second coming of cheese.

OT: never was big into the older doom's, but good on em for this, hopefully the quality and pacing matches the ~13 hours.
There is no asking in this article. I assumed it was unprovoked. But if it was, as you say, provoked...then sorry, i didn't see that bit. :(
Unreal38 @Unreal389
@DOOM How long will be the campaign?

.@Unreal389 The difficulty level plays a factor, but folks playing at the office average 13+ hours in the campaign
8:42 PM - 11 Feb 2016

Maybe your browser isn't showing the tweet that shows it is a reply to a very direct question. Either way this looks positive in my books, but I still wont buy it early on as shooters have a habit of burning me.
Ah, yeah, sorry Am using a fiesty phone browser currently. Well that is embarrassing! Nevermind, good news in the end though! ;)
Dec 10, 2012
I say the headline and was like, "So?" Then I remembered that FPS campaigns these days are 5 hours long, and feel like 2 1/2. Maybe it's because the only shooters I play are FPS RPGs, but 13 hours barely sounds long enough to me. I'm used to needing 20 hours to beat the storyline, and 40 if I want to see all there is to see.


Oct 5, 2011
United States

Nothing I can really criticize, nothing I can really gush over.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Am I the only person who's sort of 'meh' on the game?

It feels, from what I've seen so far, to be less 'Doom 5' or whatever and more 'RE:Make Doom The Second One Of That Last One That Kind Of Was The 3rd One'.

People whine about how games like Madden or AC are 'more of the same', and yet this game so far feels like it's doing the same thing, just a different genera and a few years added to the release.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
yea right..... 13 hours after the 5+ dlc packs are released...........and just think how slow the guys in the office are playing through it going around admiring the design work.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
If the story and levels support 13 hours, great. Otherwise it's gonna fell like a drag. If you're not to the end of the campaign and you just want it to be over, you know it's too long. Bioshock comes to mind after the big scene with Ryan.
Sep 14, 2009
Xsjadoblayde said:
Tatsuki said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
gmaverick019 said:
Xsjadoblayde said:
What a strange announcement. Like a guy inadvertently talking about how he can maintain thrusting motion over the course of the Godfather trilogy. A little insecure if nothing else.
wat. someone asked and they simply responded...? that's not really an "announcement". At the very least they spoke like a decent human being and to the point and not some PR garbage from most publishers, where they flair it up to make it sound like the second coming of cheese.

OT: never was big into the older doom's, but good on em for this, hopefully the quality and pacing matches the ~13 hours.
There is no asking in this article. I assumed it was unprovoked. But if it was, as you say, provoked...then sorry, i didn't see that bit. :(
Unreal38 @Unreal389
@DOOM How long will be the campaign?

.@Unreal389 The difficulty level plays a factor, but folks playing at the office average 13+ hours in the campaign
8:42 PM - 11 Feb 2016

Maybe your browser isn't showing the tweet that shows it is a reply to a very direct question. Either way this looks positive in my books, but I still wont buy it early on as shooters have a habit of burning me.
Ah, yeah, sorry Am using a fiesty phone browser currently. Well that is embarrassing! Nevermind, good news in the end though! ;)
my mistake, I've opened the escapist like twice on my phone, so I didn't know stuff like that didn't pop up with the article post. fair enough!


New member
Sep 5, 2015
13 hours? I was a very big fan of Doom3 (though I hadn't played its predecessors, unless you include Quake1+2) and never touched its multiplayer. The singleplayer was a solid 20-30 hours on the first playthrough. You could probably speed it up to 13 by replaying it, on easy mode, with a mod that duct-tapes your flashlight to every gun, speed through all the levels that were meant to be played slower (IE when you meet the guy with the lantern) rushing straight to the next checkpoint, and ignore all the audio logs and emails...

And to quote the article, "a campaign that drags its feet towards the end is just as bad as a campaign that is too short." TRUE. And Doom3 has a similar "quality curve" to Bioshock in that, about 3/4 of the way through, you obviously reach the INTENDED game finale, but then the quality goes steadily downhill from there, culminating in a lackluster final boss.

Actually I think there are a lot of similarities to Doom3 and Bioshock, but people didn't like it because it "wasn't Doom."

Quake4, on the other hand, was beyond generic. Where's my Railgun, ya fock?


New member
Nov 4, 2014
I'm kind of surprised that a DOOM game would aim to put story first; the "story" in DOOM consisted of three single-page text dumps (granted, there was more in the manual, but not much) and one slightly-scrolling "cutscene" showing us a pyramid that seemed to be on fire. (Okay, okay; there was ONE other thing, but that was relatively minor, essentially included as a joke, and I'm not going into detail to avoid spoiling anything for the young'uns who haven't learned their gaming history). The story of DOOM is "demons will try to kill you, so kill them first". I really hope they just mean they're putting the campaign first.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Recusant said:
I'm kind of surprised that a DOOM game would aim to put story first; the "story" in DOOM consisted of three single-page text dumps (granted, there was more in the manual, but not much) and one slightly-scrolling "cutscene" showing us a pyramid that seemed to be on fire. (Okay, okay; there was ONE other thing, but that was relatively minor, essentially included as a joke, and I'm not going into detail to avoid spoiling anything for the young'uns who haven't learned their gaming history). The story of DOOM is "demons will try to kill you, so kill them first". I really hope they just mean they're putting the campaign first.
They're not - it's been outright stated that the story in the game will mostly, if not entirely be confined to optional audio logs. Anything other than that will be "kill the demons."

Which to be honest, kind of irks me, but considering that Doom is more or less the emulation of "stories in games = porn" quote, then, well, go figure.