Doom's Single-Player Campaign Lasts 13 Hours


New member
Nov 21, 2007
AccursedTheory said:
Considering this is a movement based shooter instead of cover based one, I think 13 hours is perfect. Any shorter and it's not a full length game. Any longer and you're probably stretching the enemy type, weapon type, and arena type combinations a bit far. It's also just short enough that replays are within everyones grasp, but not having enough time to burn it once isn't an issue either.

If the game plays like how they've been showing, I'm perfectly fine with this.

Plus, with the inclusion of the (promised) multiplayer mode variety, as well as SnapMap, I foresee many fun-filled hours of (hopefully top quality) PvP and PvE action.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Dalisclock said:
If the story and levels support 13 hours, great. Otherwise it's gonna fell like a drag. If you're not to the end of the campaign and you just want it to be over, you know it's too long. Bioshock comes to mind after the big scene with Ryan.
Honestly, I hope this game is really light on story. I'm hoping for the return of Doom Guy.

You are a Marine.
They are demons.
Over there is hell.
And here's a shotgun and chainsaw.
Do what comes naturally.
The occasional exposition or perhaps a handful of radio calls from a scientist would be neat, but I would prefer this game to be bare bones.

Vigormortis said:
AccursedTheory said:
Considering this is a movement based shooter instead of cover based one, I think 13 hours is perfect. Any shorter and it's not a full length game. Any longer and you're probably stretching the enemy type, weapon type, and arena type combinations a bit far. It's also just short enough that replays are within everyones grasp, but not having enough time to burn it once isn't an issue either.

If the game plays like how they've been showing, I'm perfectly fine with this.


Plus, with the inclusion of the (promised) multiplayer mode variety, as well as SnapMap, I foresee many fun-filled hours of (hopefully top quality) PvP and PvE action.
One can hope.

Not buying it first day, though. I'm gonna let you people test for me.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Flathole said:
13 hours? I was a very big fan of Doom3 (though I hadn't played its predecessors, unless you include Quake1+2) and never touched its multiplayer. The singleplayer was a solid 20-30 hours on the first playthrough. You could probably speed it up to 13 by replaying it, on easy mode, with a mod that duct-tapes your flashlight to every gun, speed through all the levels that were meant to be played slower (IE when you meet the guy with the lantern) rushing straight to the next checkpoint, and ignore all the audio logs and emails...
Doom 3 was incredibly different than Doom 1/2, with Doom 3 being much, much, MUCH slower paced and having both a story and other living human beings. The first two games took a couple of/a few hours each and had essentially no story to speak of; just you, your guns, and demons.

With that in mind, Doom 4 could really bridge the gap between the two playstyles, since everything I've seen so far seems like a mix of Doom 3 and Doom 1/2.

And with THAT in mind, 13 hours sounds pretty appropriate, assuming there's level design to match.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
chadachada123 said:
Flathole said:
13 hours? I was a very big fan of Doom3 (though I hadn't played its predecessors, unless you include Quake1+2) and never touched its multiplayer. The singleplayer was a solid 20-30 hours on the first playthrough. You could probably speed it up to 13 by replaying it, on easy mode, with a mod that duct-tapes your flashlight to every gun, speed through all the levels that were meant to be played slower (IE when you meet the guy with the lantern) rushing straight to the next checkpoint, and ignore all the audio logs and emails...
Doom 3 was incredibly different than Doom 1/2, with Doom 3 being much, much, MUCH slower paced and having both a story and other living human beings. The first two games took a couple of/a few hours each and had essentially no story to speak of; just you, your guns, and demons.

With that in mind, Doom 4 could really bridge the gap between the two playstyles, since everything I've seen so far seems like a mix of Doom 3 and Doom 1/2.

And with THAT in mind, 13 hours sounds pretty appropriate, assuming there's level design to match.
You know, if DOOM ends up going the Serious Sam route, I think this could work out. Not much story, but it's so much fun that it doesn't matter.

Really, the trick is, of course, the level of engagement and pacing have to match and the end has to feel like the end, not just "Well, we got tired so we just put the boss here and called it a day"(too short) or the game ran it's logical course and then somehow kept going for another 5 or so hours past that(Too long).


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Huh, well, that's not bad.
As hyped as I am for this game, I wish I had something better to say than "not bad" but maybe I'm jaded.
Or maybe I just don't want to pass judgment on the length of a game I haven't played.
Sometimes I remember that I'm an advertising team's perfect sucker, I gush about the good and ignore the potentially bad.
But hey, I'm easy to please, what can I say?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Look Bethesda, it's not the size of your campaign, it's how you use it that matters.

Dick jokes asides, it doesn't matter how long the campaign is but how fun it is.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
I suppose that's not bad for an FPS. Similar to Bioshock (the first one) I think. Still not enough to convince me to buy it. At launch it'll be around $90 to $100 AU, give or take store specials. Unless there's a lot of replayability baked into the game that I haven't heard about then 13 hours isn't gonna be enough.


Aka Corporal Yakob
Dec 5, 2013
That's cool and all, and I fully approve of any modern FPS single-player lasting longer then a bored afternoon, but I'd be more interested if this was shaping up to be more like Doom 3 instead of the original.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Length isn't so much of an issue with me (;-) ) but with a declaration like that I'm interested in seeing how the campaign is 13 hours rather than just acknowledging that it is 13 hours.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
That's not too bad for a FPS game. Sadly, that's almost exceptional in games these days. I don't care about FPS games, but this kind of makes it slightly more appealing to me.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Dragonlayer said:
That's cool and all, and I fully approve of any modern FPS single-player lasting longer then a bored afternoon, but I'd be more interested if this was shaping up to be more like Doom 3 instead of the original.
Wow, you have to be one of the few with that sentiment. Most people are excited for a return to form which is what this Doom is claming to be. I personally don't mind too much either way, but it would be nice to see something modern with that classic arena style movement and gameplay dynamic rather than creeping through jumpscare corridors again.


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2012
That's all? 13 hours? Not even a day's worth of play time. Wow. Thanks for the heads up. I'll save my money.


Apr 28, 2008
1) That's not even that long when your game sells for $80 CAD (90 after tax).

2) The length every developer gives a game is always, always, always inflated.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Estarc said:
I suppose that's not bad for an FPS. Similar to Bioshock (the first one) I think. Still not enough to convince me to buy it. At launch it'll be around $90 to $100 AU, give or take store specials. Unless there's a lot of replayability baked into the game that I haven't heard about then 13 hours isn't gonna be enough.
It has a level editor that they hyped up during E3, if it's even half as easy to use and flexible as they claimed, there are gonna be tons of levels to play after the campaign is over (almost certainly including fan-made remakes of the original Doom levels.)