New Ghostbusters Trailer Introduces Slimer, Shows off Chris Hemsworth

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
New Ghostbusters Trailer Introduces Slimer, Shows off Chris Hemsworth

The first official Ghostbusters trailer was a little underwhelming. Will the new trailer fix that?

very stern words from director Paul Feig [].

Now the second trailer has hit, showing off more of the upcoming reboot's special effects, as well as reintroducing fans to Slimer. The trailer also shows off more of Chris Hemsworth's Kevin, and how he fits into the story. There appears to be a decent amount of plot details in the trailer, so I'm not going to say more than that, for those who would like to go in blind.

Ghostbusters releases in theaters on July 15.


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Ooookay...why didn't they lead with this?

It's not a perfect trailer by any means, but it is leaps and bounds better than that first one.

the December King

Mar 3, 2010
I dunno, it seems like fun... It has a Scooby- Doo movies feel to it, which should work well with kids.

Though, true story, I was at a showing of the Scooby Doo movie like, fourteen years ago and I have never seen so many little kids screaming and crying being taken out of the theater after that ghost showing up within the first 15 minutes.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Background: I don't care about ghostbusters, old or new version.

I am liking the effects in this one, nothing that funny however.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I like it. Can i say that i like it? Well too bad, just did. Maybe even the first trailer for a comedy that picked the odd non-cringe-inducing jokes i've seen. Will it be enough to sway the stubborn though? The word "Ghostbusters" acts like a steak in a sharkpool within internet communities lately, so expect many a comment.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Xsjadoblayde said:
I like it. Can i say that i like it?
Why the hell not? I mean, nobody can forbid you from doing so and the worst thing that could come out of it is a few people calling you a "poopyface". Yes, I know that you were joking, I am just saying.

OT: Naaah. I am still way more scared by older special effects and jokes aren't really that funny. Well, maybe except for that "calmly taking dragon from the concert on my shoulders" one.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Okay we can all admit its technically funnier than the fist trailer, seeings how the first one only had one joke, Kristen Wig has a slimy vagina.

But this one is better! It has a black joke, a bukkake joke(I think?), AND multiple reverences to the original movie, and is that the StayPuft Marshmallow man I see?

But they went ahead and ruined the Thor gets possessed by a evil clown ghost carnival barker scene. That could have been a fun little scene.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
This trailer is a massive improvement over the last one. I give it a solid 2/10.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Feb 2, 2011
A good improvement - though my previous opinions on the ghosts looking waaaay to neon-glowy and cartoony.

The "girl thing or a race thing" joke though... it falls as flat as the failed attempt at crowd-surfing.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Significantly less shit across the board. Now it just looks like an awkward, unfunny mess, as opposed to a painful, cringe-inducing disaster.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
I dont think anything can salvage the movie by now. Not even a slightly less incompetent trailer.

Unless its doing a transformer... but i doubt it will... transformer didnt had the feminist taint clinging to it and was just stupid fun...

This on the other hand? Its only stupid without the fun... not to mention this movie is going up directly against the likes of World of warcraft... whereas transformers didnt really went up against anything else.

Wonder if blizzard will also crush its oponents in the cinema as they did on the mmo market?


Professional Procrastinator
Nov 13, 2009
Not quite as bad as the first trailer - which isn't really saying much - but I still don't think this is shaping up to be something I would ever willingly pay money to see.
foLyka 23 hours ago said:

stop this
For once, YouTube comments perfectly encapsulate my thoughts on the matter.


New member
Aug 3, 2015
Okay. here we go...

1st joke worked well - good team dynamic and I like the way they were all "Um, thanks?"
1st ghost with the subdued transparent mist and darkly glowing red eyes was spooky and unsettling - good, good more fearful and scary I like.... reminded me of the Librarian from GB1 and the possessed due whose eyes glowed in the corridor in GB2. PS - you see? THIS was a scary ghost, NOT THE GLOWING NEON ONES!
(Crappy CGI green "smoke" that looks god awful :( )
Mirror ghosts... screaming face from the left hand side one. - spooky again!!! YES!

Okay, so this on the whole was goo...

(Proton packs that look plastic as hell)
(Glowing blue ghosts, awful CGI... fuck me... blrgh)
(Puke - yeah, not funny AT ALL. Godawful line afterwards)
(Fake green glowing dragon - uh, Sony? Skylanders called and would like their CGI character back...)
(Proton streams that look worse than 1984's version.)
(Pratfall with a race and weight joke that is frankly... well, you know... jesus. Just.... jesus.... (sighs and places hand over eyes) )
(Glowy green neon vortex that looks fake as fuck.)

Ah crap... craapppp!!!! I think I know wha....

Kinda cool (but still too glowy pirate dude) attacking. Looks "okay" ish. Kristen looking badass (ish)
Chris Hemsworth actually looking smugly evil? Wow... but then...
(Wheelies? Fucks sake...)

WHY isn't Hemsworth just the villain? Why is the villain a ghost that can possess? Just make Chris the villian, he looks boss. Get RID OF THE DICKHEAD HE PLAYS!

(Vortex, looks worse that 1984's version Why is it green? Green isn't scary.... especially neon green.Makes it look like a rave bar...)
Chris over the shoulder and confidently evil body language... now THIS is a good villain! And I...
(Shitty machine he's in front of, looks fake as fuck. Isn't that a prop being reused from Star Trek?)
Melissa doing the crotch pump was actually funny... oddly...
(yayy... more stealing from the original movie to try and hook the originals fans. Fucks sake...)
(Kristin Wigg doing her "I'm going crazy" montage from Bridesmaids again. Not very funny)
Melissa's line of "Kicking the unliving crap out of you, you, and ESPECIALLY you!" - that was also quite good, reminds me of "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" but is different enough so not to be just copying. Okay, good.
Possessed float balloons... actually, okay, the teethy one looks scary.
(Other neon ghosts afterwards.... no, shit.... looks fake and not scary.)
(Melissa punching ghosts... no NO NO! FUCK that looks awful!)
Slimer, pretty good... not as gross looking though as 1984's version. Still needs work. He's supposed to be disgusting and yet cute. Not a good job here. Sorry.
Final joke about the Dragon on her shoulders. Joke = actually VERY funny and witty. Ghost =awful CGI = neon as fuck and not scary at all... looks like Scooby Doo. Would have been funnier if it was a lot more frighting/demonic and yet they still selfie'd.
end. (sighs... yeahhhhh...)

Overall, mmmnnhhh... I am worried we just saw EVERY single funny joke from a 2hr film in less than two minutes. And I think this trailer has done that for damage control. And yet there is STILL large amounts of unfunny and not in tone shit in the new trailer!

Still a miss, maybe a netflicks "Maybe". But I have a feeling it's still going to be godawful. Now the trailer bounces the film "feel" all over the place.

PS - using the originals music at the start? Yeahh... fuck off trying to use that to hook the originals fans when the film itself is a "reboot" (grumbles) Assholes!


New member
Oct 14, 2010
So much Neon. I'd come out of the theater with my eyes bleeding if I'd had any interest in seeing this mockbuster.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
So on the plus side is Slimer is pretty much the same right? Also why the puff n fresh is back well mostly intact?

Either way I can guess the director will now get a new influx of hate related mails.

Blazing Hero

New member
Feb 20, 2015
This is a much better trailer. It actually makes the film look watchable but I have a feeling we have just witnessed the only good scenes the movie has. The execs did a pretty good job hiding the awful comedy and acting in this trailer. It probably will even fool a few gullible chaps into spending money on this mess.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
LifeCharacter said:
It looks okay. I wish I could say that I didn't understand why so many people have a problem with a reboot because it had a bad trailer, but someone's already declared the movie tainted by feminism in this very thread so I can't.
Eh, I have a problem in that the movie looks like ass and does not seem funny at all. I think blaming either of those aspects on feminism is devoid of sense. I think it is equally vapid of those who claim that anyone who doesn't like the way the movie looks must just hate women/feminism. I've seen lots of people react negatively to movies they've not seen based on their trailers; I've never seen so many people defend a movie they haven't seen because the trailer, "is just a trailer."

All in all I like the idea of an all-female Ghostbusters. I don't so much like the way the ghosts look in this and I find the jokes to be somewhere between un-funny and cringe inducing. I do like Chris Hemsworth as their version of Janine though. Unfortunately the script looks like it will waste the talents of everyone involved.

Out of curiosity, how often do you see people react positively (or even moderately) to a trailer that looks terrible for a movie about something they really enjoy?


New member
Aug 3, 2015
Scarim Coral said:
So on the plus side is Slimer is pretty much the same right? Also why the puff n fresh is back well mostly intact?

Either way I can guess the director will now get a new influx of hate related mails.
That's not the stay puff marshmallow man at the end.

it's the Ghost from the ghostbusters logo as patty visualises it when (for no reason) the villain says "choose the form of the destructor".
