14-Year Old Kills Father for Taking Keyboard Away

Bat Vader

Elite Member
Mar 11, 2009
Gamers like him are what give gamers like us a bad name. Now more people will think video games cause violence because of the actions of one individual. He could have just waited out his punishment.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
gibboss28 said:
Theres an "In Soviet Russia" joke in here somewhere, I just can't see it.

The boy currently resides in a pre-trial detention center; under Russian law he is old enough to be charged with murder.
Well to be honest..good.
In Soviet Russia, computer shuts you down.

Vitor Goncalves

New member
Mar 22, 2010
LordCuthberton said:
It only takes one to spoil the cake.

I'm disturbed at the fact he supposedly went to play his PC.
"Gathor: Wb Crusher, where have you been?!"
"Crusher: My parents tried to ground me, but I just killed my father and scared the hell out of my mother and recovered the keyboard"
"Gathor: Cool stuff! Now do you want to heal a group at the Gates of the Seventh Hell instance, west wing?!"
"Crusher: Sure!"
"Gathor: btw, do u have any flask of almighty champion I can borrow"
"Crusher: If u have more 10 ethereal pink daisies I can do one."


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Hey, He started it.

But seriously, this is crazy.

It would make you think twice about punishing your child.

Fury Is Me.

Oh, Tasty Tasty.
Feb 20, 2010
What the fuck? This is just crazy. I really am looking forward to the parental groups and liberals saying, "You see? Violent videoames ruin our kids, we should abolish them." What these guys need to realize is that, IT'S NOT THE DAMN GAMES' FAULTS! IT'S YOUR FAULTS! If you raise your kid this way, or you just try to find a scapegoat for your bad parenting, IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT! Plus, this kid bludgeoned his DAD with a SLEDGEHAMMER. He was obviously delusional and insane, and, even if he didn't play videogames, let's say he was too into baseball, if his parent's did somethingg else, he probably would have done it anyway. That's what I don't like about those parent groups, it's always what's rigght in front of them, if it didn't happen, it couldn't happen, that's their philosophy. And even if it did happen, they try to take the blame off themselves, usually placing it on Republicans, videogames and thier manufacturers, the child's friends, anyone, as long as it's not themselves. But what really just kinda pisses me off, is that the kid just took the keyboard and went back to playing games, no remorse, no guilt, no "I wish I could do it all over again and stop myself.", no nothing.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Austin MacKenzie said:
under Russian law he is old enough to be charged with murder.
He damn well better be. That's just insane. As insane as that one kid who stabbed his father in the neck for criticising his FIFA skills. Retarded kids...


New member
Apr 7, 2010
This is just sick, the kid has to have serious mental issues. I mean, damn, and then he goes on to terrify the poor mother into giving him the keyboard back just to go and sit down and play again. This kid needs to be locked away for a long time.

But yeah also think about what the poor woman had to go through, having her psychotic son murder her husband right next to her....ugh.

Also there is no way this can be seen as a violent video games made him do it case.......this is a case of a mentally screwed up kid finally snapping.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
Farmville is really fucking addictive apparantly...

Nah seriously, fucked up people do fucked up things. Considering how many people who play videogames without killing someone compared to those that do, blaming games for it is just a mind-bogglingly short-sighted thing to do. By the same logic we should have banned everything from sports to cars to alcohol... Dammit, especially alcohol come to think about it.

Out of 100,000 people who go for a drive, 99,999 do so without incident...

The remaining 1 person got drunk, goes for a drive and ran someone over on purpose- "They either had a reason too or they were just drunk "

Out of 100,000 kids who play GTA then immediatley go for a drive, 99,999 do so without event...

The remaining 1 kid played GTA then immediately goes for a drive and runs someone over on purpose -. "Videogames are warping kids minds making them violent and deadly, we should ban all videogames"

See the problem/difference here?


New member
Nov 1, 2008
In Russia child kills you!

But in all seriousness this kid was probably a nut case long before he started playing video games and he just happened to snap when he was denied his favorite hobby. But of course everyone will have a field day with how the violence of video games caused this boy to kill has father. He was either a nut case or he was about to slay the Lich King in WOW, and right before the final blow his father unplugged his keyboard, and if that's the case, I might have done the same.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
My only comment is: A 14 year old boy manage to hit his dad with a sledgehammer TWICE? Without any retaliation by the father or the mother. I mean, a sledgehammer's heavy. And I don't think a 14 year old boy that spent a week doing nothing but play video games is very strong.

I would add grievances for the family and shocked comments about how our world is going to hell, but these things simply happen way too often for me to be shocked by these things anymore.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Boy I hate to say it, but I had to stifle a callous Hammer thing from Donkey Kong reference...

Which I am sure that a major news organization wouldn't do...

Sad story, but maybe the kid was playing too many games if he, like a crack-addict, was willing to murder his own father to play a video game... Just saying...


New member
Feb 16, 2010
GL2814E said:
Boy I hate to say it, but I had to stifle a callous Hammer thing from Donkey Kong reference...

Which I am sure that a major news organization wouldn't do...

Sad story, but maybe the kid was playing too many games if he, like a crack-addict, was willing to murder his own father to play a video game... Just saying...
I meant to say that he was like a crack-addict in the throes of addiction... Not that I think that Crack Addicts spend alot of time playing video games...


New member
Oct 16, 2009
ender214 said:
My only comment is: A 14 year old boy manage to hit his dad with a sledgehammer TWICE? Without any retaliation by the father or the mother. I mean, a sledgehammer's heavy. And I don't think a 14 year old boy that spent a week doing nothing but play video games is very strong.
Husband was probably dead and the wife was probably in shock (after seeing that happen to her husband three feet from her face and all). Russian backwater towns can be pretty brutal environments for kids to grow up in, and a lot of crime and just senseless violence results from that.

Thing Fish

New member
Mar 26, 2010
The child obviously has deep psychological issues and it's unfortunate that it they found out about it in such a way. Just hope people don't start pointing fingers at video games, especially when TV can be so much worse. I don't know how TV is in Russia. But it would suck either way.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
He's certainly a nut job and should be put away. His weapon choice was downright evil. What
games use a sledgehammer? Condemned: Criminal Origins?


New member
Mar 13, 2010
I wonder what that kid was thinking when he raised the sledgehammer. On second thought, I don't want to know.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
this isnt a situation of bad parenting or bad video games. he killed his father with a sledge hammer, watching the blood spray and feeling the skull smash, AND THEN WENT BACK TO PLAYING VIDEO GAMES, he is a sociopath, that is something that is, to my knowledge, incurable and just happens on it's own, it isn't something that happens because of bad parenting, it was going to happen again.