What the fuck? This is just crazy. I really am looking forward to the parental groups and liberals saying, "You see? Violent videoames ruin our kids, we should abolish them." What these guys need to realize is that, IT'S NOT THE DAMN GAMES' FAULTS! IT'S YOUR FAULTS! If you raise your kid this way, or you just try to find a scapegoat for your bad parenting, IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT! Plus, this kid bludgeoned his DAD with a SLEDGEHAMMER. He was obviously delusional and insane, and, even if he didn't play videogames, let's say he was too into baseball, if his parent's did somethingg else, he probably would have done it anyway. That's what I don't like about those parent groups, it's always what's rigght in front of them, if it didn't happen, it couldn't happen, that's their philosophy. And even if it did happen, they try to take the blame off themselves, usually placing it on Republicans, videogames and thier manufacturers, the child's friends, anyone, as long as it's not themselves. But what really just kinda pisses me off, is that the kid just took the keyboard and went back to playing games, no remorse, no guilt, no "I wish I could do it all over again and stop myself.", no nothing.