That bit about 'like the serial murder right behind you, don't turn around!' actually made me look over my shoulder ¬_¬
So from what I can get from both Condemned games is that the first had some good things going for it as well as some mishaps whereas the second one fixes some of those mishaps but creates some new ones... and it all boils done to whether or not you want to get the backstory by playing the first one first.
I'll probably check these out sometime.
Oh, and I'll gladly risk being hurled out of a plane and landing anus first on top of Winchester Cathedral in order to tell you, Yahtzee, that you MUST review Boom Blox for the Wii once it's released (May 6th-ish or so, and I checked Australia's release calender to confirm that this game will come to you at the same time that it will for your best friends across the ol' pond). I'd say you'd probably have a lot of fun making a review for this one, and we'll enjoy listening to it.