Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids

Wii Fit []game.

The company issued the statement following reports of indignant parents who took offense after the game labeled their kids overweight. An article in the Daily Mail []quoted an anonymous father who claimed his daughter was "devastated" after the game called her fat. "She is a perfectly healthy, 4ft 9in tall ten-year-old who swims, dances and weighs only six stone," he said. "She is solidly built but not fat. She was devastated to be called fat and we had to work hard to convince her she wasn't."

Tam Fry of the U.K.'s Body Mass Index [] measurements, which the system uses to categorize players, can be misleading in children and said they should be banned from playing the game. "I'm absolute aghast that children are being told they are fat," he said. "BMI is far from perfect, but with children it simply should not be used. A child's BMI can change every month and it is perfectly possible for a child to be stocky, yet still very fit."

"I would be very concerned if children were using this game and I believe it should carry a warning for parents," he added.

Nintendo said it would not place a warning on the game, but said it was sorry for any offense it caused. "Nintendo would like to apologize to any customers offended by the in-game terminology used to classify a player's current BMI status, as part of the BMI measurement system integrated into Wii Fit," the company said. "Wii Fit is still capable of measuring the BMI for people aged between two and 20 but the resulting figures may not be entirely accurate for younger age groups due to varying levels of development."



New member
May 6, 2008
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Yeah kinda gotta take it easy on teens. Those hormones aren't making them the most rational people at the moment.
May 7, 2008
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
A Username Not In Use said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.
Simmer down there Shirley, please bear in mind you're not the only person in the world to suffer due to peers but I don't feel like sharing the details here.

Also your case is one of severe bullying which is completely different from being insulted once by a non-sentient machine.


New member
May 6, 2008
A Username Not In Use said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.
I have been on the receiving end of name calling, that was a long time ago though and I was pretty resilient to it. Bullying, I can understand being upset/traumatized over, however this is a game, it can not formulate it's own opinion and it's calculations are based on the BMI which although an indication, isn't reliable in young people and is too generalized too offer any real hard information. SO people are getting offended over nothing, which I laughed at.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
A Username Not In Use said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.
People are different, some people will react the way you did, but I've been verbally assaulted for most of my life for some reason or another, and I just don't care. It's my philosophy that It's the people who have to look at me's problem what I look like, not mine. I can see why you feel that way, but from where I'm standing, this is hilarious. Find something better to be disgusted about than a couple people who can laugh at something funny. Like war for instance. Unless of course, you think people dying is better than being called a name.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Heh, this made me grin. I don't want this to devolve into an "I've got more angst than you, therefore my opinion is more valid!" pissing contest, but I *will* say that if somebody gets upset because of what a game tells them, then they're clearly not suited for regular human interaction.
May 7, 2008
Easykill said:
A Username Not In Use said:
marfoir(IRL) said:
Skrapt said:
I think it was wrong to laugh, but people really do complain and nitpick over every little thing now a days...
Dont worry, I laughed too.
Oh, and someone who is "devastated" from being called fat by a game is clearly insecure.
Insecure. You clearly are one of those little shits that dispences the insults but have never been on the reciving end. For eleven years at school I was insulted primerally for my weight which got worse as I would eat for comfort, which meant I got bigger and th insults became more frequent, not just from students, but some of my teachers and even total strangers in the street. I'm twenty six now and I am only just starting to come to terms which what I went through during that time, and thanks to coucilling sessions and some pill enduced happiness I have stopped comfort eating, and as a result my weight is dropping rapidly, but I am shocked at just how badly damaged I became emotionally, and physically, because of my "insecurity".

The problem is you people don't think about how much damage name calling can do to a person and the fact some of you found this funny fills me with discust.
People are different, some people will react the way you did, but I've been verbally assaulted for most of my life for some reason or another, and I just don't care. It's my philosophy that It's the people who have to look at me's problem what I look like, not mine. I can see why you feel that way, but from where I'm standing, this is hilarious. Find something better to be disgusted about than a couple people who can laugh at something funny. Like war for instance. Unless of course, you think people dying is better than being called a name.
War is certinally not funny, hell I work in a military museum dedicated to non-combat troops whose primery role is maintaining supply chains and bringing the dead home, but insulting people is just as unfunny. After all if the game had called the child a filthy ******, how many of you whould be demanding the head of Nintendo's chairman on a silver platter?

You can't make insults accesptable for one and unaccesptable for others, unless you one of those who likes to wear a white sheet and enjoy the odd chanting of Heil Hitler.