Nintendo Apologizes to Fat Kids


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
It's also possible to change one's religion, but we generally consider those who insult others for their religious beliefs to be just as bigoted as racists. So the whole 'you can change it so therefore it's okay to insult you over it' logic really doesn't hold up unless you also think it's okay to put people down on the basis of their religion.
I'd like you to find where I said it was okay to insult something as long as it was changable.

I was only offering up a better example for this than the racist example.
May 7, 2008
Frosk said:
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
It's also possible to change one's religion, but we generally consider those who insult others for their religious beliefs to be just as bigoted as racists. So the whole 'you can change it so therefore it's okay to insult you over it' logic really doesn't hold up unless you also think it's okay to put people down on the basis of their religion.
I'd like you to find where I said it was okay to insult something as long as it was changable.

I was only offering up a better example for this than the racist example.
And be fair it is


New member
Dec 13, 2007
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
richasr said:
Those people are indeed fat, overweight, big, large, whatever you want to call it. You can't deny something that everyone can see and you can't hide it with political correctness.
Umm, political correctness isn't about 'hiding what everyone can see' it's about "whatever you want to call it." If you want to call it a hurtful name you're bigoted; if you want to call it a respectful name then you're just as honest and in touch with reality as someone who wants to call it a hurtful name, AND you're not a bigot.
It's more about giving a friendly euphemism to something in order to scale down the amount of offense any given insult can make.

So I guess we're both right because calling someone "minimally exceptional" as opposed to slow (thanks George Carlin) is a more positive view on the matter rather than the easier to say and understand "your kid is slow".

Either way, I'm not the sort of person that cries in outrage when someone is insulted because of their weight or image, i'm also not someone who insists I should be called minimally exceptional as opposed to slow.

Back on topic though, it is just a game, and it's only a BMI rating, if someone gets offended by that tiny thing it's almost like they're denying they are fat or obese when clearly theyre at least not far off.


New member
May 6, 2008
A Username Not In Use said:
You can't make insults accesptable for one and unaccesptable for others, unless you one of those who likes to wear a white sheet and enjoy the odd chanting of Heil Hitler.
I'm sorry, but do you know how badly you contradicted yourself by calling us 'little shits' in your first post? I say again, the game is not insulting, it can not form an opinion and is working off a scale that is too generalized to get any facts from, being offended by intentional insults that are aimed at you to demean you is completely fine and shouldn't be accepted. However when someone makes such a fuss over a game that didn't even insult them in the first place, it makes me laugh.


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Dec 13, 2007
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
Stupid people, what did they expect to be called? "Unfairly-Above-Average"?
Considering the game is called WiiFit, how about, um, 'not fit'? Call me a crazy inventive genius of a wordsmith, but, I see a slight connection there between a game called WiiFit and starting out with it calling you 'not fit'.

Heh, it could even go 'WiiFit--ThiiUnFit: Wii will help Thii get Fit!'
Haha forgot about that part of your post, just pointing out that people can't expect something like Wii-Fit to go out of its way to make sure it doesn't insult you, meaning the fact it calls you overweight cannot be implemented for fear of insulting people, how silly.

I like your suggestion there though.


New member
May 16, 2008
Pffft. The way I see it, it's not like it's hackers posting flashing images on an epileptic website. People take offense to everything nowadays. Though... I don't know what kind of kids are into playing Wii for exercise when they could be outside... you know... running around. Not that I'm implying anything here (cough cough).

I go outside and run laps to burn off calories, and I don't consider nor will I ever consider anything like Wii fit exercise. That may just be me being close minded here since I haven't actually experienced the game myself. The closest I've seen to actual exercise while playing a video game is DDR.


New member
Dec 14, 2007
Inspired by User, but aimed at the general public...
The problem is that most parents coddle their kids to much. The sad truth of the world is that life is hard, and people are dicks. I'm not trying to justify being a dick, but crying about it won't solve anything. You need to be able to shrug it off, and since nobody else (Read: parents) seems to be teaching that, I'm going to help.

Step 1: Someone calling you names? Call 'em names right back. Ask them to cause a vacuum on certain parts of your body. Attack various parts of their looks that can't be helped with names like "pizza face", "four-eyes", "turkey neck", and "huge gaping vagina".
Step 2: Make use of what you have. People calling you fat? Sit on them. I never make fun of fat people (to their face) for fear of a giant ass being the last thing I see. Too small for that? Burn down their house. Na, just kidding. But sack-taping (also called "nut-knocking") will do just fine.
Step 3: DON'T GET OFFENDED. Having a thick skin is a must because chances are, if you take it far enough, then the person that started shit will be the one that ends up crying. People are vultures that can sense weakness a mile away, so save the tears for your pillow.
Following these three (mostly serious) steps is only the beginning. It's up to YOU to decide how other people treat you, and to do that you need to be able to dish it out as well as take it.

And as far as the article goes...



New member
May 6, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
There's nothing contradictory about insulting a person for being bigoted,
yes there is, because then you're being a bigot yourself, just because they are doing it doesn't give you the justification to do it.

However not completely true since absolutely everyone is a bigot to some extent, though noone admits it.
May 7, 2008
qbert4ever said:
Inspired by User, but aimed at the general public...
The problem is that most parents coddle their kids to much. The sad truth of the world is that life is hard, and people are dicks. I'm not trying to justify being a dick, but crying about it won't solve anything. You need to be able to shrug it off, and since nobody else (Read: parents) seems to be teaching that, I'm going to help.

Step 1: Someone calling you names? Call 'em names right back. Ask them to cause a vacuum on certain parts of your body. Attack various parts of their looks that can't be helped with names like "pizza face", "four-eyes", "turkey neck", and "huge gaping vagina".
Step 2: Make use of what you have. People calling you fat? Sit on them. I never make fun of fat people (to their face) for fear of a giant ass being the last thing I see. Too small for that? Burn down their house. Na, just kidding. But sack-taping (also called "nut-knocking") will do just fine.
Step 3: DON'T GET OFFENDED. Having a thick skin is a must because chances are, if you take it far enough, then the person that started shit will be the one that ends up crying. People are vultures that can sense weakness a mile away, so save the tears for your pillow.
Following these three (mostly serious) steps is only the beginning. It's up to YOU to decide how other people treat you, and to do that you need to be able to dish it out as well as take it.

And as far as the article goes...

Don't take this the wrong way but I was told that bollocks so many times, tried my best to put it into practice and all I was able to accoumplish was provide more ammunition to those who were already making my life miserable, to increase the pain and have me wishing for the end of the day when I could be at home again where for a few hours I knew I would be safe.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Hmm... I have some stuff to say, but I don't really want to get into a debate with Cheeze. Only sorrow and defeat lies down that road...


New member
May 16, 2008
Cheeze_Pavilion said:
GenericWit said:
Though... I don't know what kind of kids are into playing Wii for exercise when they could be outside... you know... running around. Not that I'm implying anything here (cough cough).
The kind of kids that are conditioned to play video games and not to run around outside. Which...makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? If they were the kind of kid to run around outside, well, they wouldn't need WiiFit in the first place, right?
Conditioned to play video games? Does that entail long hours of weightlifting with a weighted down controller? Wii isn't exercise. If they want to play it for fun then they can play it for fun, but if you want to go exercise, go exercise.