Report: Violent Games Make Kids More Violent

Nathan Meunier

New member
Nov 19, 2007
Report: Violent Games Make Kids More Violent

Does letting little Billy play violent games make him more likely to want to crack skulls open? Some researchers believe so.

We've heard the argument time and time again: playing violent videogames causes children to be more aggressive. Whether or not one agrees with the statement, it's certainly a topic of intrigue among researchers, parents, and gamers alike. This month, the journal Pediatrics [] features a report on the latest scientific research indicating kids who play violent videogames are more prone to aggressive behavior.

Dr. Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D., of Iowa State University, and a team of colleagues studied violent videogame playing among youth in U.S. and Japan over an extended period of time during the school year. In studying three groups of kids - 364 U.S. kids age nine to 12, 181 Japanese kids ages 12 to 15, and 1,050 Japanese students age 13 to 18 - the researchers looked at the games kids played, how frequently they played them, and then interviewed the children about their levels of aggression in relation to the violent games they played.

The data collected was primarily from kids rating their own aggression levels, but the information gathered from the U.S. children was also weighed against comments from peers and teachers. Gender and previous levels of aggressiveness were also taken into account. In each group, children exposed to more videogame violence showed higher levels of aggression over time than those who had less exposure. "We now have conclusive evidence that playing violent video games has harmful effects on children and adolescents," Anderson told the Washington Post.

Speaking to National Institute on Media and the Family [] offered a slightly different perspective. "It doesn't necessarily mean that because a kid plays a violent videogame they're immediately going to go out and beat somebody up," he said, regarding the way violence in media has caused children to change how they behave towards one another. He said the real impact comes in the form of a gradual shift in social norms that show up in youths' behaviors over time.

A fully-detailed version of the report and study can be found here [].


Beowulf DW

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I've seen another study on the Escapist that stated the exact opposite of what this study concluded.

So we're right back to square one. We don't know. Again.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Are we supposed to accept a report from a Journal that can't even spell 'Paediatrics'?
And yes, there should have been a control group (and if they believed that they would find it was harmful, then wasn't the whole study unethical?).

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
dude violent games don't make people violent... frustratingly hard games make people violent. Like some of the floating puzzles from Mario Sunshine, I wanted to break my controller...


New member
Aug 10, 2008
"Okay the world, there is something called real...and something called pretend. Something that is REAL exists, happens, or can happen in the REAL world. Something called pretend exists only in our imagination."

Why don't parents teach this fabulous lesson anymore?


New member
Nov 3, 2008
If you go to the bottom of there article there is already a criticism of it from another researcher. In my opinion the article is just another group that is trying to get recognition by swinging a bat at a beehive.

Nathan Meunier

New member
Nov 19, 2007
The post-publication peer review (P3R) by Christopher J Ferguson, which can be found near the bottom of the detailed report linked above, pretty much covers why the conclusions drawn from the data provided are invalid.
Feb 13, 2008
I love this bit

"We now have conclusive evidence that playing violent video games has harmful effects on children and adolescents," Anderson told the Washington Post.
Ok...apart from the idea of statistics can't produce conclusive evidence, only correlation, and even if there was a significant effect without the use of a control group or a double blind, or user bias or any number of criticisms I could throw at it...

What are 'harmful effects'? These kids are going through puberty...Did ANYONE go through puberty without becoming more violent?


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I'm sorry, but this study reeks of people who set it up in a way just so they could yell "SEE!! Games r BAD!" The whole study is pretty shaky. No control group? Fairly skewed method of determining how "aggressive" the children are?

Bottom line: I wouldn't listen to this, especially since studies set up in a far better, more professional way (Larger groups, controls, etc. etc.) contradict this one. But it doesn't matter. We'll have this study plastered all over the American news networks by the end of the week, followed by a new wave of "DROP THE BAN HAMMER ON GAMES!!" protesting.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I'll say it again and again if I have to.

Video Games, hell, any sort of media, violent or non-violent, have some sort of effect on people, positive or negative.

Any form of violent media could tip someone over the "edge", that's including video games, but if that's the case then the guy was clearly mentally unstable in the first place! The Thailand guy murdering a taxi driver, those kids that blew up some cars because they learned it in GTA4, they're all crazy mother-fuckers!

Is there ever going to be a "true" test on these things? I would gladly do something like this for a science project.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
Beowulf DW said:
I've seen another study on the Escapist that stated the exact opposite of what this study concluded.

So we're right back to square one. We don't know. Again.
Naw, we're still in the lead.

I've seen this guy's work before. He's basically the Jack Thompson of Psychiatry when it comes to video games. His study before this categorically PROVED that after playing a video game your adrenaline levels rise and this may or may not have adverse long term affects.

Now if he could just stop rap music, rock and roll, 24 hour media, my cell phone bill, and the moon...then we can stop adrenaline levels from rising FOR ALL TIME.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
All of these studies are inconclusive or irrelevant or inconsistant. It just doesn't make any sense IMHO. Video games don't really cause any "aggression" to children. I have been playing violent stuff since I was 10 or 11 and haven't gotten into any serious trouble or influence because of violent games.
Feb 13, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
Yeah, I really expected better from the Escapist, of all people.

Bunk studies with irrelevant or anecdotal findings aren't worthy of a news post, at best this "study" is fear-mongering propaganda, and at worst it's, well, worse.
I dunno Khell, it's good to hear about this stuff getting air-time so as to bolster our defences with putdowns that Christopher J Ferguson has brought up.

Information is never a bad thing.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Do we have any indication at all that the researchers who conducted the test weren't biased?

Honestly, the number of 'studies' done on this topic is just over the top. We've all reached a nice, reasonable conclusion: violent video games MAY make their players more violent, but it is the CHOICES of the person and their ability to differentiate right and wrong, reality and fantasy, that really comes into play here. If all the kids who played violent video games in their childhood grew up to be serial kilers, break-and-enter robbers, or something along those lines, I'll gladly eat my fingers.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Here is a good message to all parents out there: DON"T LET YOU KIDS PLAY M RATED GAMES. Responsible parenting is the key to good kids. Be a responsible parent.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Anyone that believes in this trash is a fool. Games do NOT make ppl violent. it is the fault of bad parenting and thats all.