Report: Violent Games Make Kids More Violent


New member
May 29, 2008
Lukeje said:
Are we supposed to accept a report from a Journal that can't even spell 'Paediatrics'?
And yes, there should have been a control group (and if they believed that they would find it was harmful, then wasn't the whole study unethical?).
Yes, IF they already Concluded THIS is what were going to find, then they will Either rig it up to find whatever there looking for, or dismiss anything that does not in any way shape or form help there crusade.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Nathan Meunier said:
This month, the journal Pediatrics [] features a report on the latest scientific research indicating kids who play violent videogames are more prone to aggressive behavior.
Of course this argument seems to have missed the obvious, perhaps children prone to aggressive behaviour play more violent video game?

Considering causal directions in research is one of the most important things it seems shockingly poor quality research to treat this research as proof.

Gay men statistically wear more pink clothing than straight men. (Sorry first example that jumped in my head, doubt its even that true, works as an example though). By this article's logic, pink clothing turns men gay.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
ive never heard this before...

i mean comon i have been playing the likes of Mortal Combat since i was about 4...i havent murdered anyone



New member
Jul 7, 2008
Mathew952 said:
The one fact that all of these "studies" gloss over:
Are these violent kids who happen to be playing violent games, or violent games making kids violent?
As evidenced by the link I posted earlier (i.e. a study done by real scientists) it seems that violent kids playing violent video games will remain violent. Kids who do not show a lot of agressive and violent tendacies will not be affected.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Lukeje said:
sheic99 said:
Lukeje said:
Are we supposed to accept a report from a Journal that can't even spell 'Paediatrics'?
And yes, there should have been a control group (and if they believed that they would find it was harmful, then wasn't the whole study unethical?).
This is a US journal, and in the US it is spelled Pediatrics.
I was being sarcastic...
Well you can't always tell sometimes.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
sheic99 said:
Lukeje said:
sheic99 said:
Lukeje said:
Are we supposed to accept a report from a Journal that can't even spell 'Paediatrics'?
And yes, there should have been a control group (and if they believed that they would find it was harmful, then wasn't the whole study unethical?).
This is a US journal, and in the US it is spelled Pediatrics.
I was being sarcastic...
Well you can't always tell sometimes.
It's a pet-peeve; oestrogen, colour, humour, etc.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Question don't people who are violent generaly play violent games, not the other way around? Some kids play brutal games because they want to, some people watch action movies because they like the guns, death and etc. How exactly are they going to prove that video games made the kids like that, that the kids weren't like that already. I've been playing games since I was around 5 and I've played many, from fun non-violent games to bloodbaths and that hasn't made me whack anyone on the head yet. What I'm trying to say is that games, movies and pretty much any type of entertainment is made FOR people, they're not made to change people. Just because soap operas exist that doesn't mean you're gonna start cheating over your spouse with Juzeppe.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Singing Gremlin said:
Correlation, Causation. Naw, let's not bother learning the difference.

And no Nil. We're never happy.
I'm glad some others caught that; I don't see any controls in the study, or any analysis of whether the kids are hyper because of playing the games or are playing the games because they're hyper.

Junk science, and the report won't even make for good TP substitute. Wake me up when someone does a proper study. (Or prints it on softer paper.)

-- Steve


New member
Aug 16, 2008
its a load of crap. ive played violent games most of my life and im perfectly normal *twitch*


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
I don't technically disagree with certain games causing violent behaviour, or rather acting as a catalyst for violence, maybe not strictly speaking the source, you ever seen a younger brother start throwing things in a fit of rage after dying for the umpteenth time?

Although, by the same token, that very same behaviour rears it's head again with kids playing many kinds of competitive sports too. Should we then go off and decry football for making some children violent? I don't think so.


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Mar 10, 2008
GothmogII said:
I don't technically disagree with certain games causing violent behaviour, or rather acting as a catalyst for violence, maybe not strictly speaking the source, you ever seen a younger brother start throwing things in a fit of rage after dying for the umpteenth time?

Although, by the same token, that very same behaviour rears it's head again with kids playing many kinds of competitive sports too. Should we then go off and decry football for making some children violent? I don't think so.
Defiantly good point, I have never seen a riot formed over a release of a computer game, but I seen pictures of riots of a (English) football game.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
The study lacked a control subject and anything that children and adolescents say about themselves is most likely complete nonsense wether the child or adolescent saying it knowes it or not. I have been playing games that include stomping on goombas, shooting aliens, shooting nazis, shooting demons and stabing uncooperative hotdog venders for most of my life and real world violence has yet to become a notable factor in my life. Most importantly "Aggresion" has a broad definition so the results they provided have no meaning insofar as real violence that causes serious physical injery is concerned.

Reaperman Wompa

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Aug 6, 2008
*Headbutts screen, eats baby* THEY DO NOT MAKE ME VIOLENT!

...anyways things like this are always focused on proving one side right, so it has gotten to the point we might as well get over it. I actually wrote something about the subject for English class and it was funny finding people on both sides saying the pretty much the same thing just with: make children violent and do not make children violent switched around.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I remember a study from a long time ago that correlated the increase in violence with that person's natural violent tendency. It basically said that violent kids become violent and calm kids are still calm. It also compared the increase of violent tendencies to be almost exactly equal to watching violent movies or listing to heavy music. That was the most professional report that I've seen and the conclusion was that while they might slightly affect how you answer their survey, games wouldn't make you do something you wouldn't normally do.

Beowulf DW

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Jul 12, 2008
nilcypher said:
Khell_Sennet said:
Yeah, I really expected better from the Escapist, of all people.

Bunk studies with irrelevant or anecdotal findings aren't worthy of a news post, at best this "study" is fear-mongering propaganda, and at worst it's, well, worse.
I totally agree! Rather than this nonsense we could have had a rant about parking spaces at Ikea or something like that!

Seriously though, are you people ever happy?
You can't please all of the people all of the time.

I highly doubt that a rant about parking spaces would have gotten all that much attention, but having an article like that (or no article at all) could arguably have a better decision than an article about heavily flawed and/or incomplete research.

Many news companies are guilty of this. They'll get wind of research on a highly interesting topic, then they'll publish some of the results as though a conclusion had been made, even if the research is on-going.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Ronmarru said:
I remember a study from a long time ago that correlated the increase in violence with that person's natural violent tendency. It basically said that violent kids become violent and calm kids are still calm. It also compared the increase of violent tendencies to be almost exactly equal to watching violent movies or listing to heavy music. That was the most professional report that I've seen and the conclusion was that while they might slightly affect how you answer their survey, games wouldn't make you do something you wouldn't normally do.