Report: Violent Games Make Kids More Violent


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Wow what an amazingly well-conducted study, how will we ever be able to...

oh wait.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I find it odd this was done to us by Japan, the Motherland.

Watch what your damn kids do. My parents watched what I did. I didn't go out without them knowing, I didn't play games they didn't know, I didn't have freinds they didn't know. I've played videogames (many of them violent) for most of my life and now i'm a freindly grocery bagger. If anything i'm not aggressive ENOUGH and I have problems with subliminating my anger until I blow up.

People just take these things out of proportion. Let me share some things. When I was a freshman in highschool we had to give a little intro for ourselves in health class. I gave the usual stuff- I like videogames blahblah blah, and as a joke (I read it somewhere or saw it on TV) I added "oh and i'm building an A-Bomb in my garage". 20 mins later I am in the Principles office. They're searching my things, my parents are called and they're leaning on me, and i'm on the verge of tears. Fortunatly my parents showed up and because they KNOW me and are good parents (and because we don't HAVE a garage) it blew over and I didn't get suspended.

Go ahead a year two, I pull off one of the most awesome trades ever-a budy gives me Halflife: Opposing Force for NOTHING because he's bored with it. Woot. So I bring in the instruction to read it for amusement. It gets confiscated and i'm bumbed, I ask the principle if I can have it back. First he says wait, then he says I need a parents permission. I tell him 'nevermind' because my parents didn't know I traded for a game and I was afraid they'de be upset. Apparently this played right into his pyschotic little head games though because he had found a 'picture of a gun' in the book, which apparently raised red flags. Yes, my parents once again were called and had to defend me to get them off my case, again successfully because they know what I do and what I play and were able to explain it was just a computer game that played like Paintball/Capture the flag (at least insofar as they understood First Person Shooters, not that erroneous really).

All people respond to is the fear, and that makes the rest of us suffer... So, yeah, this "violent videogames = violent kids!" bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT, and is a slander to me and everyone who is a productive member of society and plays videogames.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
I find it odd this was done to us by Japan, the Motherland.

Watch what your damn kids do. My parents watched what I did. I didn't go out without them knowing, I didn't play games they didn't know, I didn't have freinds they didn't know. I've played videogames (many of them violent) for most of my life and now i'm a freindly grocery bagger. If anything i'm not aggressive ENOUGH and I have problems with subliminating my anger until I blow up.

People just take these things out of proportion. Let me share some things. When I was a freshman in highschool we had to give a little intro for ourselves in health class. I gave the usual stuff- I like videogames blahblah blah, and as a joke (I read it somewhere or saw it on TV) I added "oh and i'm building an A-Bomb in my garage". 20 mins later I am in the Principles office. They're searching my things, my parents are called and they're leaning on me, and i'm on the verge of tears. Fortunatly my parents showed up and because they KNOW me and are good parents (and because we don't HAVE a garage) it blew over and I didn't get suspended.

Go ahead a year two, I pull off one of the most awesome trades ever-a budy gives me Halflife: Opposing Force for NOTHING because he's bored with it. Woot. So I bring in the instruction to read it for amusement. It gets confiscated and i'm bumbed, I ask the principle if I can have it back. First he says wait, then he says I need a parents permission. I tell him 'nevermind' because my parents didn't know I traded for a game and I was afraid they'de be upset. Apparently this played right into his pyschotic little head games though because he had found a 'picture of a gun' in the book, which apparently raised red flags. Yes, my parents once again were called and had to defend me to get them off my case, again successfully because they know what I do and what I play and were able to explain it was just a computer game that played like Paintball/Capture the flag (at least insofar as they understood First Person Shooters, not that erroneous really).

All people respond to is the fear, and that makes the rest of us suffer... So, yeah, this "violent videogames = violent kids!" bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT, and is a slander to me and everyone who is a productive member of society and plays videogames.
What year is this?


New member
Oct 15, 2008
I am doing research on this subject for a term paper. So far, I have read 6 papers that support the theory that violent video games makes adolescents more aggressive not violent like some people who misinterpret to becoming more violent. Aggressive behavior as defined as being a physical action done onto another person with intent. This includes pushing.

All of these claims were done with a control group and was a randomly assigned blind study. Their levels of aggression were tested by GAM, an aggresity factors questionnaire and white blast.
Edit: typo
Also, if anybody wants to see my sources I have all the authors, Journal of publication, and issue the article was contained in.

the fifth

New member
May 14, 2008
parents who buy there 8 year olds grand theft auto and games whith a big fat M turn out screwy

HOLY SHIT who would have guessed


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Lukeje said:
Are we supposed to accept a report from a Journal that can't even spell 'Paediatrics'?
And yes, there should have been a control group (and if they believed that they would find it was harmful, then wasn't the whole study unethical?).
This is a US journal, and in the US it is spelled Pediatrics.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
heliosa said:
TsunamiWombat said:
I find it odd this was done to us by Japan, the Motherland.

Watch what your damn kids do. My parents watched what I did. I didn't go out without them knowing, I didn't play games they didn't know, I didn't have freinds they didn't know. I've played videogames (many of them violent) for most of my life and now i'm a freindly grocery bagger. If anything i'm not aggressive ENOUGH and I have problems with subliminating my anger until I blow up.

People just take these things out of proportion. Let me share some things. When I was a freshman in highschool we had to give a little intro for ourselves in health class. I gave the usual stuff- I like videogames blahblah blah, and as a joke (I read it somewhere or saw it on TV) I added "oh and i'm building an A-Bomb in my garage". 20 mins later I am in the Principles office. They're searching my things, my parents are called and they're leaning on me, and i'm on the verge of tears. Fortunatly my parents showed up and because they KNOW me and are good parents (and because we don't HAVE a garage) it blew over and I didn't get suspended.

Go ahead a year two, I pull off one of the most awesome trades ever-a budy gives me Halflife: Opposing Force for NOTHING because he's bored with it. Woot. So I bring in the instruction to read it for amusement. It gets confiscated and i'm bumbed, I ask the principle if I can have it back. First he says wait, then he says I need a parents permission. I tell him 'nevermind' because my parents didn't know I traded for a game and I was afraid they'de be upset. Apparently this played right into his pyschotic little head games though because he had found a 'picture of a gun' in the book, which apparently raised red flags. Yes, my parents once again were called and had to defend me to get them off my case, again successfully because they know what I do and what I play and were able to explain it was just a computer game that played like Paintball/Capture the flag (at least insofar as they understood First Person Shooters, not that erroneous really).

All people respond to is the fear, and that makes the rest of us suffer... So, yeah, this "violent videogames = violent kids!" bullshit is just that, BULLSHIT, and is a slander to me and everyone who is a productive member of society and plays videogames.
What year is this?
uhh lets see I was 14 or 15 at the time so...2000, 2001? 2002 at latest.

In Limbo

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Christopher J Ferguson said:
The Anderson et al., paper is on an interesting topic. Unfortunately there are numerous flaws in the literature review, methodology and conclusions that greatly reduce my enthusiasm for it, and call into question the meaningfulness of the study.

In the literature review the authors suggest that research on video game violence is consistent when this is hardly the case. The authors here simply ignore a wide body of research which conflicts with their views. A bibliography of research studies finding either null results for video game violence or results that suggest that violent game play reduces aggression is appended to this review.

The authors fail to control for relevant "third" variables that could easily explain the weak correlations that they find. Family violence exposure for instance, peer group influences, certainly genetic influences on aggressive behavior are just a few relevant variables that ought either be controlled or at minimum acknowledged as alternate causal agents for (very small) link between video games and aggression.

Overall results are very weak with effect sizes ranging from (.07 to .15). Video game exposure overlapped in this study approximately half a percent to 2% with the variance in aggression, which is as close to zero as one can get without being zero. If anything it is remarkable how little effect that violent games had on trait aggression, considering that other relevant variables were not controlled. Likely if other variables had been better controlled, such small effects may have vanished.

Lastly the authors link their results to youth violence in ways that are misleading and irresponsible. The authors do not measure youth violence in their study. The Buss Aggression measure is not a violence measure, nor does it even measure pathological aggression. Rather this measure asks for hypothetical responses to potential aggressive situations, not actual aggressive behaviors. In the paragraph beginning "youth violence is a public..." the authors appear to generalize their results to youth violence, but offer no compelling reason why this should be, particularly in light of the weak results they achieve. The authors also fail to note that during the period in which violent video games became increasingly popular, youth violence has plummeted approximately 66% to levels not seen since the 1960s (, 2008; FBI, 1951- 2007). Although I suspect the authors would simply try to argue that this does not matter, such arguments are disingenuous, particularly as they raise the issue of youth violence themselves.

In short, given the weak effect sizes, the lack of control of relevant variables, and the failure of the authors to acknowledge data and research which contradicts their hypothesis, I am left with little confidence that the results of the current study provides much meaningful information on the impact of violent games.
I thought I'd dig this out for people.

Emphasis added.


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2007
Mommy and Daddy just bought little Billy his first game for his 10th birthday GRAND THEFT AUTO 4, but wait Mom and Dad GTA 4 is rated MA15+ but that?s ok your both responsible parents. One week later problems start to occur little Billy is swearing and cursing at the game, his attitude is getting out of control, well we all know who?s fault this is don?t we.. that?s right GRAND THEFT AUTO 4. Lets blame Rockstar for this indecent game which is harmful to kids. One court visit later Rockstar gets sued for millions from Mommy and Daddy and GTA 4 is banned. Once again Little Billy is safe from violent games and Mommy and Daddy are all the wiser...

One week later Mommy and Daddy buy Little Billy Saints Row 2....

...The system works...


New member
Feb 6, 2008
sheic99 said:
Lukeje said:
Are we supposed to accept a report from a Journal that can't even spell 'Paediatrics'?
And yes, there should have been a control group (and if they believed that they would find it was harmful, then wasn't the whole study unethical?).
This is a US journal, and in the US it is spelled Pediatrics.
I was being sarcastic...

Angel Emfrbl

New member
Nov 4, 2008
Kids are just getting ideas from Video Games.

Considering once movies were the prime source of blame before video games. Before movies, books, threatre... Folklore and music. Kids are growing up, they are gullible. Tell a kid that fairies exist, they'll go looking for them. Tell a kid they'll live through a 60 foot drop, they'll test that theory. I'm not saying they are stupid, but they are still learning and don't know any better. Though at teenage stage they know a lot more and unless their crazy would never do those things, other things like blowing up cars to see what happens is still signs of that curiousity and learning.

If I compare this to my brother, he only gets agressive when he is asked to drop the game for something else. Its not that the game is making him agressive, the game relaxes him and pulling away breaks his concentration and relaxation. Adults are guilty of this; how many parents have told their child to go away because their concentrating on something by shouting at the child? When it comes to that, work can cause agression because its stressful. Alchol and drugs cause more agression then video games because people loose control of themselves and may I note that teenagers are the biggest users of drugs and alchol. Even adults fall pray to Drugs and other influences and these substances ruin far more lives a year.

I could go on... But point is, video games are just one piece of the study, and if you study 100 teenagers and then study another 100 teenagers; you won't get the same results.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
This sounds like a group who are just wanting this to be true. No control groups? Vaguely unethical methods... what else could it be?


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Violence comes from the inside people not video games. Period.

What study is going to come out next :

"A group of American researchers reached the conclusion that Genghis Khan actions were derived from him getting GTA 4 for his 14th birthday ?"


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Has anyone heard this quote from Marcus Brigstock? Seems quite relevant to the topic.

If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.

Even though I play loadsa violent games, I don't feel it has affected me. However I do see the potential for some new games to affect kids. When I grew up, the most violent thing one could do in a game was rip someones head off with Sub Zero in MK1, though it was so pixellated and cheap that it couldn't really do much. Playing some of these new games as a rational semi-adult I can actually see the potential to do damage. Don't get me wrong, I'd never want to ban them in any way.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
Yeah, I really expected better from the Escapist, of all people.

Bunk studies with irrelevant or anecdotal findings aren't worthy of a news post, at best this "study" is fear-mongering propaganda, and at worst it's, well, worse.
I totally agree! Rather than this nonsense we could have had a rant about parking spaces at Ikea or something like that!

Seriously though, are you people ever happy?


New member
Feb 14, 2008
The one fact that all of these "studies" gloss over:
Are these violent kids who happen to be playing violent games, or violent games making kids violent?

Is it so impossible to think that maybe, more aggressive kids (personality wise) could be more likely to play aggressive games? The games have nothing to do with them being aggressive, it's just a coincidence. Also, ever hear of a control group?

And what isn't bad for kids yet? TV is bad, rap music is bad, metal music is bad, Books are bad, comics are bad, video games are bad, movies are bad, the news is bad, dodge ball is bad... pretty much everything, amazingly effects you.

Also, what about parents? Couldn't parents and friends effect a child alot more than GTA can? And if a parent is allowing their kid to play these games, isn't it more likely that kind of "hands-free" parenting is causing these kids to be aggressive?

My point is, are violent videogames a cause, or merely a symptom.

This is an example of the american idea ( I know it's a Japanese study) that their is an easy solution to everything. Fat? Magical Ab belt. Sick? Put Kinoki foot pads on to suck out the toxins. Illegal immigration? Build a wall, never mind the complex socio-economic situation that causes it. So it makes sense that violence is just "oh, well WE couldn't be doing anything wrong, it must be those video games"

Last point i want to make, is that cool things are cool because they are against the rules. You aren't supposed to do it. Your supposed to wear a seat belt. Your not supposed to smoke. Your supposed to talk about your problems. Your supposed to like parents, Your not supposed to fight, your supposed to stay in school, your supposed to listen to authority. It's cool to smoke, drink, punch people, and hate your parents.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Yeah! Playing violent vidogames makes it easier to crack open somebodies skull! Just like playing Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 makes me better at skatebording. Don't be fucking stupid.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Which is the cause, and which is the effect? I find that I'm a fairly aggressive person, and prone to solving things violently... which is why I select a puzzle game where the only solution to the puzzles is "shoot the problem". We call these first person shooters.

I think that more violent people pick more violent games, not that players of violent games become more violent.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
the fifth said:
parents who buy there 8 year olds grand theft auto and games whith a big fat M turn out screwy

HOLY SHIT who would have guessed
ROFLMAO!!!!!! You hit it right on the spot there my friend.