Shane Kim: Natal About "Winning This Generation"

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Shane Kim: Natal About "Winning This Generation"

Microsoft's Shane Kim thinks that Natal is more than just a gameplay gimmick, and more than just a reaction to the popularity of the Wii - in fact, says Kim, he views it as the key to the Xbox 360 "winning" this console generation.

Both Microsoft and Sony demoed their respective new motion control technologies at this year's E3, and while the PS3 wand is certainly cool in its own right, it hasn't generated as much buzz as Microsoft's Project Natal - in part due to the efforts of Peter Molyneux and his virtual 12-year-old English boy. Motion controls are all well and good, but if Natal does what it says it does, that could be an entirely new revolution.

Naturally, that's a very big "if." Still, Shane Kim is confident that it will live up to expectations - of course, as Microsoft Corporate VP for the Xbox 360 division, the fact that he'd say so is hardly surprising. Still, in an interview with OXM [], Kim expresses belief that after it launches, Natal will be seen as more than just an attempt to capitalize on the success of the Wii. In fact, Kim believes that Natal is the key to Microsoft's eventual victory in this round of the console wars:

[blockquote]The generation isn't over, and we're not winning yet ... Our goal is to win, always has been. We want to have hundreds of millions of customers, whether that's on 360 or on Live, and that's our vision. That's what Project Natal is about. Natal is not about responding to Nintendo and what they do with Wii, it goes well beyond what Nintendo and Sony are doing.

This is about unlocking the potential and breaking down all the barriers that remain that prevent people who are intimidated or feel awkward with a controller in their hand - anything that prevents them from jumping in and having a great time with Xbox 360 and Xbox Live.[/blockquote]

Big words, Shane. It's certainly easy to see the potential in Natal, but realizing that potential is another thing entirely. Will it get non-gamers to pick up the 360 as Nintendo has seen with the DS and Wii? Maybe, but will core gamers give it more than a second glance? We'll see.

(VG247 [])



New member
Apr 11, 2009
This is about unlocking the potential and breaking down all the barriers that remain that prevent people who are intimidated or feel awkward with a controller in their hand - anything that prevents them from jumping in and having a great time with Xbox 360 and Xbox Live.
How is jumping and waving your arms around like a monkey less intimidating or awkward than using a controller, exactly?


New member
May 31, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
but will core gamers give it more than a second glance? We'll see.
Depends on the game selection. What games is Natal set to deliver?

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
I don't see what's so good about NATAL.
you can talk to a 12 year old... thing (I want to warp it and turn it evil personally)
or you can.. steer a car with your hands...
why not do said things in real life?

unless ofcourse they can actually do something good with the tech.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Big words. Natal is no doubt going to extend the life of the 360 as a brand, but "hundreds of millions of customers" isn't going to happen when in five years RROD has cut your customer base in half.

The full body concept is risky in itself. It will definitely spike sales, but IMO 360 will still see market saturation before the PS3, and the fact that the PS3 has a Blu-Ray player means it's definitely going to be a solid second at least.

And what's with this "Win" bullshit?


New member
Apr 26, 2009
I don't know about Shane but I view "winning" as being the company that moves the most product. And thats definitely Nintendo. Say what you want about the Wii but it my eyes it already "won" this generation. As much as you can "win" an artbitrary fight anyways.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Greyfox105 said:
I don't see what's so good about NATAL.
you can talk to a 12 year old... thing (I want to warp it and turn it evil personally)
or you can.. steer a car with your hands...
why not do said things in real life?

unless ofcourse they can actually do something good with the tech.
Because I might end up in jail, or I might end up in hospital. Simples.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Greyfox105 said:
I don't see what's so good about NATAL.
you can talk to a 12 year old... thing (I want to warp it and turn it evil personally)
or you can.. steer a car with your hands...
why not do said things in real life?

unless ofcourse they can actually do something good with the tech.
Hopefully they will be able to do something similar to this:

Which is currently only possible on a PC with a special headset and infra-red peripheral.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Uncompetative said:
Greyfox105 said:
I don't see what's so good about NATAL.
you can talk to a 12 year old... thing (I want to warp it and turn it evil personally)
or you can.. steer a car with your hands...
why not do said things in real life?

unless ofcourse they can actually do something good with the tech.
Hopefully they will be able to do something similar to this:

Which is currently only possible on a PC with a special headset and infra-red peripheral.
IMO the naysayers will go cold after that one, now we're probably going to hear the bleats of "revolutionary" and whatnot. Still have no intention to buy it at this time though. I should point out that the video was bloody cool though.

The thing is as well, that this is going to be bundled with a console, what the hell is it going to cost then??

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I believe Yahtzee once said (and I may be paraphrasing), "we play video games to unwind, and I don't see flailing our arms around like twats as relaxation."


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
The first problem with this press release is that the wii sales are not only down to the motion (control which if we are honest isnt the most precise control method in the world) that is selling so many wiis its also the way they aim their games at the more everyday non gamers eg granny sitting down to play a bit of wii sports. This means to sell as many sets of natal microsoft would have to shift their target audience to the more "casual" end of the market, or else find an as yet untapped subset of porential gamers.
Also it is a press release designed to add sales pitch to the product. For example the lovely people at nintendo promised pinpoint accuracy with the wii-mote before release, something that is only being struggled towards now.
I guess my point is that this is all hype by microsoft and that while the reality may be good but in my experience of the gaming world it won't match up to the pre-release talk from the company which is going to make the money.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
I'm reserved about Natal, sure it might be brilliant but it might just be another gimmicky fad. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Uncompetative said:
Greyfox105 said:
I don't see what's so good about NATAL.
you can talk to a 12 year old... thing (I want to warp it and turn it evil personally)
or you can.. steer a car with your hands...
why not do said things in real life?

unless ofcourse they can actually do something good with the tech.
Hopefully they will be able to do something similar to this:

Which is currently only possible on a PC with a special headset and infra-red peripheral.
This tech is probably going to be responsible for some extreme traffic accidents...


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Where did they get this guy, Sony?

Natal looks cool but I hope they don't think that's all it's going to take to make it outsell the wii at this point? Maybe if they had a quicker reaction: the wii was still selling out a year after launch but by now it's saturated.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Peter Molyneux
All I needed to hear, things good old Petey touches seem to fall to crap as soon as they hit the shelves. That's if he is to be believed in the first place anyway, but in a way it makes sense for Microsoft have the international hype machine behind their product.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
The Great JT said:
I believe Yahtzee once said (and I may be paraphrasing), "we play video games to unwind, and I don't see flailing our arms around like twats as relaxation."
Not everyone plays video games to unwind. I play video games to feel fulfilled, to explore, to discover or to experience a great story.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
If the key to winning the console wars is making this generation of consoles into ubiquitous entertainment hubs, Microsoft has to be able to create a version of the 360 that isn't roaring like a jet plane when you're doing nothing more taxing than playing a DVD or streaming video. A loud machine may be fine when you're playing Gears of War at full volume, but they want it to be used for a lot more than that. After a few hours of trying to enjoy games or movies at a moderate volume, the fan noise on the 360 becomes almost as irritating as a crying baby.

It has no more horsepower than my laptop - I expect it to be as quiet.