Shane Kim: Natal About "Winning This Generation"


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Unless Natal turns the Xbox 360 into the computer from Minority Report [], I probably wont go anywhere near this.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Onmi said:
So the device with the least existence (PS Wand is in the Tech stages and we've seen prototypes, Wii is allready out) is going to 'change the face of gaming' and 'win' the 'console war'

Yeah. Yeah no. In fact besides some numbers drawing closer and maybe the PS3 pulling ahead at some point I'm pretty sure this is how the rest of this gen will go.

Unless one of these guys go the way of Sega (unlikely) there is no losing.
There is no winning either. As E3 2002 proved handily in retrospect.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
I love how the console companies are so immature as to make this generation of consoles a big war. They have to WIN the generation of consoles.

And I still don't see how Natal is so cool. I don't even have room in my living room to PLAY Natal.


New member
May 24, 2009
Aw screw Natal. I'm probably going to start a flamewar with that Mailo kid or something.


New member
May 6, 2009
Greyfox105 said:
I don't see what's so good about NATAL.
you can talk to a 12 year old... thing (I want to warp it and turn it evil personally)
or you can.. steer a car with your hands...
why not do said things in real life?

unless ofcourse they can actually do something good with the tech.
Actually, no. I don't think Natal itself does that. That's another program on its own, I believe.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
This guy is on crack...Seriously, "hundreds of millions of customers"? Someone put a leash on him before he lets out any more ridiculous quotes.

If the Wii has proven ANYTHING it's that motion control is largely just a gimmick that people have grown tired of.

Worst of all, Natal is an add-on peripheral, so it's not like you're buying a revolutionary new system like how the Wii was marketed. Getting this thing into homes is going to be a goddamn nightmare.

The Wii succeeded due to the viral nature of Wii Sports. A gamer bought it, non-gamers played it, decided they had to have it and voila! Another Wii sale. Problem is, most of those Wiis are gathering dust right now, despite the fact that you can still have standard gaming experiences on the Wii without issue. I just played through Overlord: Dark Legacy on the Wii and found it quite enjoyable.

Motion control, thus far, has been little more than a novelty, a gimmick. Natal just serves to make it even more gimmicky and will ultimately fall victim to the same issues the Wii faced and worse.