I don't see why it really matters, The game designers, artists, etc. made the game. So to answer your question "Who made the world" Well the game designers of course.
I think a common mistake made here and in the article is not knowing the difference between atheism and agnosticism.Bionic_Fhtagn post=6.74602.840450 said:A universe apathetic to the existence of gods is an atheistic universe. I know, I'm an atheist and totally apathetic to the existence of gods.
You've possibly nicked most of that from the first paragraph of Wikipedia's atheism article...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atheism and I don't disagree with the definition because it's the same as mine. If you say you don't believe in god, then you're saying there is no god. It doesn't make the term atheist useless... it defines it as something different from agnosticism, which is precisely the point.Bionic_Fhtagn post=6.74602.840864 said:Atheism, in the most narrow sense, could express the affirmation of the absolute belief that gods do not exist. However, in my opinion using that definition is so narrow as to make the term atheist useless as am unaware of any atheist who claims absolute certainty that gods do not exist. In a broader, and in my opinion more accurate, definition of atheism would simply indicate a lack of belief in deities or a rejection of theism.
Please tell me you're trying to be confusing on purpose.gametaku5 post=6.74602.840981 said:Maybe God isn't a liar and when gave free will, he really did give it. That means the freedom to be good or evil, you take away free will and huiman beings are no longer humans, we either become animals or puppets. Most video games show off this fact when the player takes control, who says mario doesn't believe in God? He's scared as heck of God because he takes control of body to carry out his will, which seems to be for good purposes to him, but for us it's simply for fun. Honestly, why would a fat plumber stay in Mushroom Kingdom or keep fighting Bowser? mario may be able to fight him by why bother when Mario can establish his own kingdom? Bowser would never attack, you notice how Bowser's only gone directly after Mario 2 times if I'm correct. The first time he was too afraid to flat out fight with Luigi so he sent him on a knowledge challenge, the second time he sent Koopa Troopa's to tie him up at a smart moment, but Peach beat him.
The main characters of the Mario games are the only ones who know God exists, the others are thankfully ignorant of his existence, otherwise we'd have Sim style games about Toads.
QFTZeroMachine post=6.74602.840399 said:First, just want to say:
Priceless XDLvl 64 Klutz post=6.74602.840375 said:I doubt a world filled with conveniently placed coins, mushrooms, and power stars is entirely devoid of some omniscient force.
That's pretty much the sum of my take on this article. Mr. Burch seems to take a great deal of liberty in extrapolation- non-theist designs are suddenly anti-theist, absence of direct visible intervention is proof of the absence of God, etc. And this is coming from a serious fence-straddling agnostic. This article seems to ascribe a lot of philosophical depth to a portly but athletically gifted plumber from Brooklyn... probably much more than it should.mnimmny post=6.74602.841058 said:The author's claim that "most games must take place in atheistic universes and thus are antitheistic by nature. It is clearly better to play a videogame taking place in a world without a god than a world with one" is far too broad. It conflates atheism with antitheism when really all that is implied is that the game allow some free will.