I agree with everything Yahtzee says about the story and Drake as a character. Despite all this, I still loved the game, and I dispute his claim that it's wholly generic and doesn't do anything new. I would argue that the game does something new, in that it brings the high-octane action normally reserved solely for cutscenes as close to pure gameplay as I've yet witnessed.
There were points during the game where an action sequence started, and I just stopped moving and died because my brain has been so conditioned that when the action starts, it's a cutscene and I should just sit back and watch. I've never played a game that has me actually in (relative) control during those sequences. Add to that the fact that it is one of the best looking games I've ever seen, period, and really excellent pacing throughout the game, and you have a winner.
Seriously, I was trying to shoot guys on the train level during the mountain part and I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor. And leaping out of a building as it collapses with you inside of it in a gameplay sequence? Maybe the story and core gameplay mechanics aren't original in the least, but the presentation and technical accomplishment is unreal.