Reliable Source: Marion Cox Sr. Reveals The Secret Fifth Class in Diablo 3

Marion Cox

New member
Sep 29, 2009
Reliable Source: Marion Cox Sr. Reveals The Secret Fifth Class in Diablo 3

Marion Cox is down with the Pig Flu but his dad steps in and delivers with never-before-seen info from Blizzard.

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New member
Mar 4, 2009
Crappy graphics filter, ace xD

And I love the subscription fee price. And being able to buy all of your items with your credit card! Now thats just amazing! I won't even have to grind!


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Marion Cox said:
Another aesthetic choice Blizzard has also addressed is the concern from fans that the game's graphics may be too vibrant. For this reason, Blizzard has given players the option to turn off your monitor and play the game "as it was meant to be played."
Haha, nice.

I still think it's too bright and not athmospheric enough, the color doesn't bother me, infact I welcome it. I don't really care, if the gameplay is good and the leveling complex then I'll happily play it even if they go back to 2D graphics.

Crunchy English

Victim of a Savage Neck-bearding
Aug 20, 2008
"Cyber-Bolshevik" is my new title. Seriously, that's going on my Resume, and if I can swing it, driver's license.

I'm not a communist, that phrase is just too awesome. Actually, I might be a communist, I'm not really sure what that word means anymore. I'm Canadian and I love free Health Care... so... maybe?


Gaming Connoisseur
Sep 10, 2008
Marion Cox said:
Gameplay is still largely based on mugging natives and then fencing their stolen possessions to feed your ever-growing addiction to healing potions.
So true!

Also I don't really get the graphics controversy. I could care less if there were a thousand rainbows if it has all the Diablo addictiveness and polish I crave.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
You know, i would actually like to play a game where you can pick leprechaun as your class and be as distractive as possible.

[small]Especially if it was a MMORPG. Tee hee hee.[/small]


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Fifth secret class? Well it's a paladin. They are just too much integrated with the lore to be passed on. Only other alternative is a rogue, but that seems unlikely as we already have a combo based class - the monk.

Now back to topic, I think you greatly underestimeate the inpact 2.0 will have on the game. Remember, Blizzard is trying to integrate all of their games seamlesly on it. So we can enjoy Diablo III without ever having to leave Barren's chat. And we can never miss an oportunity to sign a lvl one's guild charter, even when we are in the middle of a high paced SCII rush.


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Kollega said:
You know, i would actually like to play a game where you can pick leprechaun as your class and be as distractive as possible.

[small]Especially if it was a MMORPG. Tee hee hee.[/small]
Can you say "ridiculously silly" and "makes loads of sense" in one sentence? If so, good, you're a prime candidate to play the new MMORPG Ireland Live.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Spleenbag said:
Kollega said:
You know, i would actually like to play a game where you can pick leprechaun as your class and be as distractive as possible.

[small]Especially if it was a MMORPG. Tee hee hee.[/small]
Can you say "ridiculously silly" and "makes loads of sense" in one sentence? If so, good, you're a prime candidate to play the new MMORPG Ireland Live.
Rated M for the violence, sexual content, alcohol references, historical content, and potatoes. And it's banned in Australia. And the UK.


New member
Feb 5, 2007
Man, Reliable Source is an annoying article. I don't like lies in my news feed, even if it's comedy :\


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Marion Cox said:
Reliable Source: Marion Cox Sr. Reveals The Secret Fifth Class in Diablo 3

Marion Cox is down with the Pig Flu but his dad steps in and delivers with never-before-seen info from Blizzard.

Read Full Article

The Rainbowmancers's ultimate skill/attack, is when you get as many enemies on screen and at the cost of 170 mana you can kill the entire screen with the Rick Roll attack.

Indeed up to 60 full hp, blood thristy demons will give up 10 seconds into the roll, But YOU are the one thing....the rainbowmancer can NOT give up!


New member
Apr 8, 2008
MajoraPersona said:
Spleenbag said:
Kollega said:
You know, i would actually like to play a game where you can pick leprechaun as your class and be as distractive as possible.

[small]Especially if it was a MMORPG. Tee hee hee.[/small]
Can you say "ridiculously silly" and "makes loads of sense" in one sentence? If so, good, you're a prime candidate to play the new MMORPG Ireland Live.
Rated M for the violence, sexual content, alcohol references, historical content, and potatoes. And it's banned in Australia. And the UK.
How canit be banned for the sexual content. JuggF***kers wasn't! AQll the assiues I knew were violent, booze drinking hump hounds!.... how is it offensive!?


New member
Jan 9, 2009
blizzard has no influence in my life anymore. The first Set of games up to D2 and Warcraft 3 were perfect. To go and destroy all three of their major titles was pretty harsh to watch over the years. Paying for items from a credit a game....something for lack of a better description is retarded. Who the hell in their right mind would buy something from a copany that isnt real? Sounds to me like the Emporers New Wardrobe except its the masses looking quite stupid. Starcraft II is their last chance at redemption but i doubt they'll make anything more than a prettier origial version.

The average wow player has dropped $600 dollars on subscription fees alone. that makes it the most expensive pc game ever made...and blizzard is going to do it again with D3...dont those greedy f*#@s have enough of our money? Wasnt B-net a free service back when it started? i bet theyll add on a few fees for that as well. They have tuned into a money making business rather than a video game company. But the masses will eat it up like MW2 because they dont know any better