Reliable Source: Marion Cox Sr. Reveals The Secret Fifth Class in Diablo 3


No duckies...only drowning
Apr 22, 2009
"Diablo 3 is a game."

Bravo dear Sir, where would we be without your rapier sharp observation skills?


New member
May 27, 2008
it annoys me that the necromancer isn't in it, seeing as how it was one of the top classes way back in D2, and my personal favorite. But blizz sure as hell has their barbarian and sorceress in there, and their rip off of hellgates' summoner too. (yes, the witch doctor looks to play almost identically to hellgate londons summoner). god the barbarian was boring.
that other guy in this thread is probably right, the paladin is one of blizz's signature classes, and has appeared in most of their games.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Hiphophippo said:
Gigantic rofls abound.
Agreed. That was entertaining, and interesting at the same time, lol.

Well, the old joke of when this game will be released may finally be put to rest!


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Fenixius said:
Man, Reliable Source is an annoying article. I don't like lies in my news feed, even if it's comedy :\
Then why do you read it? It's a satire, that's what it's supposed to be. If you're trying to get actual news, you're in the wrong place.


New member
Feb 5, 2007
-Stranger- said:
Fenixius said:
Man, Reliable Source is an annoying article. I don't like lies in my news feed, even if it's comedy :\
Then why do you read it? It's a satire, that's what it's supposed to be. If you're trying to get actual news, you're in the wrong place.
Apologies if I mislead, but I don't regularly read Reliable Source. It's not the article that I object to; by all means, have some fun, guys. It's just that it's in my news feed, at the bottom of the main Escapist page in amongst other, real newspieces. Obviously, the article's title is prefaced by "Reliable Source: ", so it's not like I can't tell quickly, but it's still annoying.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
It does seem like Duke Nukem may just beat Diablo3 to the shelves at this pace.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Fenixius said:
-Stranger- said:
Fenixius said:
Man, Reliable Source is an annoying article. I don't like lies in my news feed, even if it's comedy :\
Then why do you read it? It's a satire, that's what it's supposed to be. If you're trying to get actual news, you're in the wrong place.
Apologies if I mislead, but I don't regularly read Reliable Source. It's not the article that I object to; by all means, have some fun, guys. It's just that it's in my news feed, at the bottom of the main Escapist page in amongst other, real newspieces. Obviously, the article's title is prefaced by "Reliable Source: ", so it's not like I can't tell quickly, but it's still annoying.
Fair enough, but doesn't every update, including non news, wind up in the news feed?


New member
Feb 5, 2007
-Stranger- said:
Fair enough, but doesn't every update, including non news, wind up in the news feed?
As far as I've ever seen, the four kinds of thing that go into the feed are:

#1 - News pieces
#2 - Articles posted (which include Reliable Source)
#3 - Articles which are "Oh hey lookie! This is cool!"
#4 - New video uploaded (Zero Punctuation, etc)

All of which I don't mind... except that Reliable Source is misleading at times. *shrug* It's not like I expected anything to come of me complaining; just catharsis.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
cant wait to look at some girly spell effects and locales, thats one of the things I loved about Oblivion.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Fenixius said:
-Stranger- said:
Fair enough, but doesn't every update, including non news, wind up in the news feed?
As far as I've ever seen, the four kinds of thing that go into the feed are:

#1 - News pieces
#2 - Articles posted (which include Reliable Source)
#3 - Articles which are "Oh hey lookie! This is cool!"
#4 - New video uploaded (Zero Punctuation, etc)

All of which I don't mind... except that Reliable Source is misleading at times. *shrug* It's not like I expected anything to come of me complaining; just catharsis.
Everything published on the site ends up in the news feed.


New member
Aug 31, 2006
ihatekotaku said:
Paying for items from a credit a game....something for lack of a better description is retarded.
Well, many people paying for the video game itself, something intangible (especially in the case of digital downloads), use a credit card and therefore must be retarded as well?

Well, I guess every gamer is a retard just wasting his money on a bunch of stupid pixels on a screen. I guess now that you've figured out the truth, the gaming industry will collapse and we'll all have to find new hobbies. ;)


New member
Sep 21, 2009
That Rainbowmancer had better have a magic fairy wand and sparkly butterfly wings or this game is going to get panned by me.


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
Marion Cox said:
Hey Marion, how are you today?
Did I actually say that? I mean, I'm not saying I wouldn't say that, but, I just don't remember saying that. I may have been high. There's a viciously true rumor going about that I do that sometimes...


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
"Some Mexican game" was possibly the funniest line in the whole article. I do try to like your article, I matter how much I want to, or how hard you try, you're just...not funny.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Goronmon said:
ihatekotaku said:
Paying for items from a credit a game....something for lack of a better description is retarded.
Well, many people paying for the video game itself, something intangible (especially in the case of digital downloads), use a credit card and therefore must be retarded as well?

No! Drink the bleach. i still have a copy of D2 and occasionally run through it. When it was still real big and b-net was packed i would create accounts, build them up, and sell them to aquaintances...i still have the game i can reinstall at anytime, but they dont have the things i sold them. Know a guy who paid $300 for 10k gold in WoW. People go to great lengths somtimes to be noticed or to feel important if only for a short time and will pay any price for it...I HOPE TO GOD THESE PEOLE STAY IN GAMES AND AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC.
In the case of a digi dl you can move the data around, copy and paste it, and use it over and over again, you can even make it physically tangible by putting it on a disk and storing it away. Or you can re-dl it anytime you want if you purchased it off steam. I wouldnt call that intangible. Im not saying pouring your money into a black hole is a bad thing just that its not the optimal thing you could do... and any attack percieved is aimed at Blizzard not at any specific person no matter how insecure they may be.

(ie) Borderlands is a badass game(should be the real Fallout 3) and you dont have to keep paying to play it. You also cant just jump ahead of respectable gamers by buying your way to the top.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
BehattedWanderer said:
"Some Mexican game" was possibly the funniest line in the whole article. I do try to like your article, I matter how much I want to, or how hard you try, you're just...not funny.
So...stop reading it. We have a wealth of content on this site. Some will click with you, some won't. Nothing wrong with that. But just showing up to say "yeah, I still don't like you" is pretty crappy, don't you think?


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
BehattedWanderer said:
"Some Mexican game" was possibly the funniest line in the whole article. I do try to like your article, I matter how much I want to, or how hard you try, you're just...not funny.
So...stop reading it. We have a wealth of content on this site. Some will click with you, some won't. Nothing wrong with that. But just showing up to say "yeah, I still don't like you" is pretty crappy, don't you think?
I want to though, is the thing. I like the information behind the articles, so that's why I'm still reading, but it's a bit pesky to see someone trying to be funny too hard. I get what he wants to do, and I would laugh at the punchline, but the delivery is I want to laugh, but it's almost like reading one of those "Oh, you had to have been there" jokes--the topic there might be funny, but if you weren't there (or in this case the delivery needs work), then you might nervously laugh, just to go along with it, but it won't be anywhere near as fun if you weren't there. I apologize found sounding like a jackass in this, but I do so only because I like the column's content but want to see improvement in the way it's delivered, the way it's presented. It's almost like hearing a really well told joke that gets the whole room in rib-hurting belly laughs, and then hearing the same joke told by someone who was there listening, and watching them laugh as they tell their portion of the joke--the joke is still as good as it was in literature, but the way its told is whats keeping it back from telling to telling. And really, that's what I get out of the article--good content, but it's like hearing someone else's joke.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
BehattedWanderer said:
Susan Arendt said:
BehattedWanderer said:
"Some Mexican game" was possibly the funniest line in the whole article. I do try to like your article, I matter how much I want to, or how hard you try, you're just...not funny.
So...stop reading it. We have a wealth of content on this site. Some will click with you, some won't. Nothing wrong with that. But just showing up to say "yeah, I still don't like you" is pretty crappy, don't you think?
I want to though, is the thing. I like the information behind the articles, so that's why I'm still reading, but it's a bit pesky to see someone trying to be funny too hard. I get what he wants to do, and I would laugh at the punchline, but the delivery is I want to laugh, but it's almost like reading one of those "Oh, you had to have been there" jokes--the topic there might be funny, but if you weren't there (or in this case the delivery needs work), then you might nervously laugh, just to go along with it, but it won't be anywhere near as fun if you weren't there. I apologize found sounding like a jackass in this, but I do so only because I like the column's content but want to see improvement in the way it's delivered, the way it's presented. It's almost like hearing a really well told joke that gets the whole room in rib-hurting belly laughs, and then hearing the same joke told by someone who was there listening, and watching them laugh as they tell their portion of the joke--the joke is still as good as it was in literature, but the way its told is whats keeping it back from telling to telling. And really, that's what I get out of the article--good content, but it's like hearing someone else's joke.
I understand what you're saying, but showing up to say "I still don't find you funny" achieves nothing. If you have constructive criticism or a concrete suggestion, by all means, please offer it, but "be funny in a way I like" doesn't really help much.