Nintendo and Mistwalker Team-Up for The Last Story

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Nintendo and Mistwalker Team-Up for The Last Story

Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi hasn't quite been able to hit the mark since forming new studio Mistwalker, but he and Nintendo are going to give it another shot.

Nintendo unveiled The Last Story this week, a Wii RPG in co-development with Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker. Sakaguchi is the creator of the Final Fantasy series (not to mention Rad Racer), but left Square Enix to form Mistwalker in 2004. Mistwalker's major releases have been Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey for the Xbox 360, both enjoyable games but neither on the level of Sakaguchi's previous works.

This is unfortunately one of those situations where very little is known about the The Last Story other than name and developer. Mistwalker and Nintendo want to create a new form of RPG and The Last Story will revolve around "universal feelings held by people." The game's logo features a girl with a healthy head of hair that is holding a sword in her armpit. Is this a hint that Nintendo and Mistwalker plan to create an armpit sword fighting game, in which combat can only be performed by holding Wii Remotes in our actual armpits? If so, you all owe me a dollar.

The game's name itself might say something here, as The Last Story is awfully similar to Final Fantasy. The situation is also somewhat like when the original Final Fantasy was released, which was a new RPG on a very popular Nintendo console. Sakaguchi might be ready to show the world that he's still got some pizazz left in him. A developer blog is expected to open in March, but while waiting for more information feel free to stare at The Last Story's website [].

Source: Andriasang []



Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
If so, you all owe me a dollar.
I'll take you up on that bet. My dollar goes to a RPG with a plotline revolving around storybooks somehow. Perhaps some sort of Myst/Final Fantasy combination, where the protagonists venture forth to save new bookworlds?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Any relations to The Last Guardian?..............Sorry, I couldn't resist.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Well, it might be the first JRPG I play other than Pokemon. I hope it turns out good.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Since he can't use "Final Fantasy" anymore, I'm guessing he grabbed a thesaurus and came up with "Last Story."

Not that I blame him. In fact, snarkiness aside, I'll be interested to see what he comes up with.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Mistwalker made the fantastic Lost Odyssey.

But they also made the mediocre, generic Blue Dragon.

I'm waiting for some details and even then, waiting for reviews of the game itself when it finally releases.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Well, if it's anything like Lost Odyssey, count me in. I haven't played Blue Dragon, so I can't really compare it to that, but I loved Lost Odyssey, so this is exciting news to say the least.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Either Sakaguchi is stuck in the past, or he's a genius, or both. Square has been alienating their fans lately (no cities in ff13, really, square should just make movies, it's obviously what they want to do)

If mistwalker is stealing the alienated fanbase away from square, kudo's for them. Lost Oddessy was a great game. Sakaguchi knows what jrpg fans want, it's why ff was so successful for so long.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
err Final Fantasy and Last Story... two phrases that mean pretty much the same damn thing. Guy needs to come up with better names


New member
Dec 9, 2008
There's a pretty good chance that The Last Story will end up being a franchise like Blue Dragon, but it all depends on the style of game it is. If it's a traditional JRPG then it will be successful in Japan and fail everywhere else, but if it's an Action RPG then it will fail in Japan and succeed everywhere else. JRPG developers can't win either way. I now I like the traditional JRPG format and hope that The Last Story is one.

Turn Based Combat rules!

Outlaw Torn

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Armpit jousting sounds like damn good fun. I might make my own game based on that concept and call it 'Post-penultimate Tale'.

Although I wonder how many sequels there will be to The Last Story and whether Last Story VII will be the fan favourite for some reason. Just as long as there are big orange birds called Chiciboes, I think everyone will keep buying them.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Tom Goldman said:
Nintendo and Mistwalker Team-Up for The Last Story

Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi hasn't quite been able to hit the mark since forming new studio Mistwalker, but he and Nintendo are going to give it another shot.

Nintendo unveiled The Last Story this week, a Wii RPG in co-development with Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker. Sakaguchi is the creator of the Final Fantasy series (not to mention Rad Racer), but left Square Enix to form Mistwalker in 2004. Mistwalker's major releases have been Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey for the Xbox 360, both enjoyable games but neither on the level of Sakaguchi's previous works.

This is unfortunately one of those situations where very little is known about the The Last Story other than name and developer. Mistwalker and Nintendo want to create a new form of RPG and The Last Story will revolve around "universal feelings held by people." The game's logo features a girl with a healthy head of hair that is holding a sword in her armpit. Is this a hint that Nintendo and Mistwalker plan to create an armpit sword fighting game, in which combat can only be performed by holding Wii Remotes in our actual armpits? If so, you all owe me a dollar.

The game's name itself might say something here, as The Last Story is awfully similar to Final Fantasy. The situation is also somewhat like when the original Final Fantasy was released, which was a new RPG on a very popular Nintendo console. Sakaguchi might be ready to show the world that he's still got some pizazz left in him. A developer blog is expected to open in March, but while waiting for more information feel free to stare at The Last Story's website [].

Source: Andriasang []

No wonder FF has been sucking so much of late...FF9 is still the best new FF.... I hope this is as good as a solid classic FF!!