Game People Calling: You Are What You Play

Game People

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Jan 5, 2010
Game People Calling: You Are What You Play

The titles on your game shelf say a lot about who you are.

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Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
I'm a jump-right-in/variety kind of guy. I hate the grind for the most part. Grinding to progress in a story, like in JRPGs, yes. Grinding for the sake of better loot and skill points, no.

Oblivion is my favorite game because everything is leveled TO YOU! Sure, its imbalanced at higher levels, but that's when you start over. You can just jump right in and play, no worrying about suddenly running into an enemy way beyond you current capabilities.

I also don't buy re-releases of games. I buy REMAKES, on occasion, such as the upcoming remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver (One more month!).

I like Pokemon, because you can maintain a solid level if you just fight every trainer in your path, minimizing grinding.

I invert on consoles, non-invert on PC.

I don't know why...Maybe because the first RPGs I played had inverted Y-Axis for 3rd person camera or something.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Interesting article, although it does have a certain feel of looking into things too much.

Especially the "inverted look" thing, that feels like grasping at straws.

However, to answer the question, my gaming collection tells me that I have a very random personality, my gaming shelf is randomly arranged, I have a few GoTY editions, and a few release date titles, and I don't invert.
Aug 25, 2009
I don't fit into any of those categories. I have remakes, multiple sequels, some games where I've collected every sequel for the sake of completion, whereas other series I've left. I literally fit half and half for every one of the categories outlined.

I reckon that this may fit some people, and gamers are probably more likely to have obsessive qualities leading to easy categorisation. But as this site shows so often, we don't like niches.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
I am a magpie, who will gladly shell out money for shiny bits. Witness the number of Collector's Editions that come with perfunctory junk with no actual bearing on the game, like my AC2 Ezio statue or the space that has already been cleared out for God of War III's Pandora's Box.

Also I like story heavy games that are not JRPGs, though there is one JRPG on my shelf. And Tomb Raider. I loves me some Tomb Raider.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
That article wasn't entirely accurate but i see where you're coming from :p

My gaming collection is a bit of a lucky dip. I buy whatever i'm in the mood for which could be anything, or sometimes i just like to catch up on a series. It's a weakness that i have where i collect a ton of games but barely play any of them.

Mostly though i try to look for unusual/original games. There are a lot of games i'd like to try but they just seem too similar to what i've played before.

I try to stray away from violence and realism too. Games like God of War just seem pointlessly violent, and MW2 just looks like another copy/paste of a depressing war game.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
if you pick and choose only the best games, keeping hold of Time Splitters 2 and Second Sight whilst ignoring Time Splitters 1 and 3, I'd know you are more concerned with quality than just the latest thing - a purist.

*looks at my game collection, and its distinct lack of Time Splitters 1 and 3...*

...this single sentence summed me up completely... not only that, but I saw myself as a purist before I ever read this article... its identical to my self-depiction word-for-word. Thats scary!
Feb 13, 2008
Left 4 Dead, Evil Genius, Majesty, Team Fortress 2, Vampire, Witcher, Movies, Bully

Nope, can't see a connection there at all. No siree.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
The article seems full of contentious statements and I want to nerdsplode and try and justify myself, but in the end that's not the purpose of the article, and I'd just be spoiling the fun by doing it.

I will take my view from Terry Pratchett here, to define people and there reasons too quickly is to make a mockery of the wonderful complexity of life.

Maybe I have platinum games simply because I was broke at the time, and if I had any opportunity I would have brought it new in a shot. Maybe I have the PS2 version of RES 4 because I have poor circulation in my hands and can't face shaking a Wii remote. Maybe my grandfather was a german national who had friends die in WW2, which is why I had to pawn in my shooters.

Maybe I still have FFX because my father died young, and I was brought up with an oversimplified hero worship which was then disappointed and I connect with Tidus because of it.

But even then, the most likely reason I have a particular game, is that I thought it was fun, with no more pattern than that. There doesn't need to be a reason.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
If you look at my game collection you would see that I'm a space marine cowboy rockstar who fights zombies in a post-apocalyptic world.... Well that's what I see..... you might see some thing else....


New member
Jan 12, 2010
the psychologist i'm related to just died a little inside.

I think my collection tells a few things. I don't like asking for things and I'm too lazy or something to get a job to pay for my games, hence, I only have games that are years and years old. I'm not very strong, independent, more like a follower of the crowd as I buy games I hear others praise(latest ones are Okami and Oblivion) and I look my hardest to find these, in a lot of peoples' opinions, gems. But I'm pretty pure in my gaming, I have at least one title from shooters, RPG's, Side scrollers, platformers, brawlers, racing, sports, adventure, hack and slash. I'm a well rounded person according to my collection.

Still looking for ICO, Beyond good and evil, Killer 7, Geist, and Pyschonauts...


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Cash-svvy introvert. My old disc games are in a bos under my desk. Or at-least the 90s early 00s are. My other ones are spread like jelly over my desk.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
BrotherRool said:
But even then, the most likely reason I have a particular game, is that I thought it was fun, with no more pattern than that. There doesn't need to be a reason.
This. Perfectly sums up my thought

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Game People said:
The in-game settings you choose also give away a lot about your persona. If you invert your Halo/Modern Warfare look controls so that pushing down looks up, your subconscious is behind your head - associated with a removed scientific world view that thinks before acting. If you don't invert your controls so that pushing down looks down, your subconscious is in-front of your head, representing an involved artistic approach to life - act first, think later. The smallest difference in how you play games says a lot about who you are.
Is there a source on that? That's very interesting, I used to play inverted when I was younger then at some point tried switching to 'normal' and haven't looked back. I'm gonna play TF2 now with my mouse inverted and see how it affects my game.