EA: New Medal of Honor Won't Be "Propaganda Piece"

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
EA: New Medal of Honor Won't Be "Propaganda Piece"

In case you were worried that the new Medal of Honor [http://www.amazon.com/Medal-Honor-Xbox-360/dp/B000TI836G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1278970632&sr=1-1] would be a flag-waving "Go Team U.S.A!" propaganda game, then worry no more - that really isn't what the team is going for at all.

Being an American, it's sometimes perplexing to read about these supposed "other countries" in the world getting "irritated" at the way our "foreign policy" is reflected in modern "videogames" (air quotes mine, of course): What could possibly be wrong about reliving our glory days from World War II where we ran all the way to Berlin to put a foot up Der Führer's ass? That's totally how it happened, right?

But while it's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that these hypothetical foreign-living-people might take umbrage at games showing badass red-blooded U.S. troops stomping all over villainous third-world countries in the name of football and apple pie, sometimes it does actually happen, I guess. Which is why if you're one of these people worrying that the upcoming Medal of Honor: Bearded Justice reboot [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/96487-EA-Announces-New-Medal-of-Honor] would be a flag-waving jingoistic propaganda piece, you might be happy to hear that EA Los Angeles isn't going for something like that at all.

The Hurt Locker [http://www.incgamers.com/News/21105/medal-of-honor-is-no-propaganda-piece], pointing out that a piece about soldiers and war didn't necessarily have to be picking sides or involved in politics at all.

"There's been a lot of really good movies - the Gotham Awards just came out and Hurt Locker [http://www.amazon.com/Hurt-Locker-Jeremy-Renner/dp/B00275EGWY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1279311805&sr=1-1] was the top one," said Decker. "It has nothing to do with the war in Iraq and why it started, or anything else - it's just about the men on the ground, what they go through on a day-to-day basis, and their emotions."

Like the film, Decker said that Medal of Honor wouldn't address the reasons behind the controversial wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, since the focus was to be on the soldiers themselves. "It's not going to be a big propaganda piece where we wave the flag, or anything like that. It's literally about the people that're on the ground," he emphasized.

Medal of Honor: Awesomest Beard Ever [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/96524-Meet-the-Real-Medal-of-Honor-Reboot-Bearded-Soldier] is out on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC this fall. And I have a sinking feeling that people are going to completely miss the sarcastic tone in the first two or so paragraphs.


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Sweet. I was like of god-damn "GO AMERICA!" in games. An I'm an American, and a Republican.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Well, i'll believe it when i see it. I have played other medal of honour games, and teh propaganda and patriotism is so think you could cut it with a butter knife.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
This is Medal of Honours oppurtunity to grab back support from the disappointing Modern Warfare 2, though I have a funny feeling that it will turn into anohter forgettable FPS.
Prove me wrong EA, but I just dont think you have it in you to make somthing above "Good"


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Soushi said:
Well, i'll believe it when i see it. I have played other medal of honour games, and teh propaganda and patriotism is so think you could cut it with a butter knife.
I only played Airborne, but I could smell the propaganda steaming off it.

Lazarus Long

New member
Nov 20, 2008
I want to say there was a game that pulled Modern Warfare's "musical chair protagonist" gimmick, but switched you between different sides of the same conflict. If there wasn't, there should be. Something that plays with the fact that no one is a villain in their own eyes.

Crunchy English

Victim of a Savage Neck-bearding
Aug 20, 2008
Patriotism is an odd beast. I'm a Canadian and I honestly feel that I live in the greatest country on earth. Our health care system has saved the lives of people close to me, our education system is definitely adequate and violence, while not unheard of in any part of the nation, is very uncommon. Our low crime rate, the strict laws regarding gun ownership, humane prisons, the blocking of fundamentalist involvement in government, the list goes on and on. That said, getting a huge chant of "Go Canada!" or getting people to proudly sing the national anthem at the drop of a hat, that kind of pride doesn't run as deep with out country, we know full well the short-comings of our nation.

And while not extensively well-travelled, I know that there are things other countries do better than us. Denmark, for instance, is far more politically active, and as I understand it, that level or participation is found to varying degrees throughout Europe. And in other nations, were people are getting the economy back on its feet, a lot of nations offer free university education to citizens, now THAT's a progressive idea. So yes, I assume that I could come up with dozens if not hundreds of things other countries do better than us. I think most Canadians are acutely aware of that.

So how DOES a media, any media, anywhere in the world, successfully create a propaganda piece in the 20th century? If Hollywood continues to make back to back movies where in the first part Americans single-handedly wing the Second World War and in the sequel they fight the "Evil" Russians (how's that for revisionists' history?) how can they make money? I mean, sure it's a nice lie, but its pretty blatant manipulation and World War II is perhaps the most prevalant topic on the internet (after the porn). Anybody with so much as a dial-up connection already inherently knows that that's not how it happens. And I don't mean to pick on the Americans. At least free enterprise is responsible for most of its propaganda, which marginally superior to the state-sponsored propaganda found in the more unfortunate parts of the world.

OT edit: Game looks fine, but most shooters bore the heck out of me, especially the realistic ones. Real War is not a fantastic, or exceptional, or some experience I really crave. It's a by-the-numbers affair that is horrible for all involved. Presenting anything else is a just standard old militaristic fetishism.
Dec 14, 2009
I remember when I first played CoD 4 and I started off playing as a British S.A.S. soldier. I was like "Wait, England? But we're never the main characters!"


New member
Feb 25, 2008
And EALA still doesn't realize that people won't care what they say until they admit that dissolving Westwood was a fucking retarded idea?

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
John Funk said:
Medal of Honor: Awesomest Beard Ever [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/96524-Meet-the-Real-Medal-of-Honor-Reboot-Bearded-Soldier]
I think gentleman like say...

[small]This guy.[/small]

...might disagree on the whole "awesomest beard ever" thing. I mean come on, he's shaped part of it into a little bicycle! How cool is that?


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I don't think I really mind overly American characters within games, because if I hate them, I can just watch them wander into enemy fire and laugh.

John Funk said:
And I have a sinking feeling that people are going to completely miss the sarcastic tone in the first two or so paragraphs.
BLARGH! We gave you your language you know! /rantrantrant


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Asehujiko said:
And EALA still doesn't realize that people won't care what they say until they admit that dissolving Westwood was a fucking retarded idea?
What does Westwood have to do with the new Medal of Honor?

Anyway, more moral ambiguity is nice for us grown ups, so let's hope it comes across in a believable fashion...


New member
Aug 6, 2008
What would be wrong with that? Everything seems to get torn into if it's not a liberal propaganda piece (you fucking know I'm right, don't bullshit me), so what's so unacceptable about something a tad more patriotic?


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Oh wow!!!
An entertainment piece about war that's also a deep social critique? Wow, totally new and edgy there.

It'll be even worse because they try to be 'serious' like MW. Come on. Make it like Duke Nukem so the shooting is mindless fun. Any other attempt at a serious story line from developers like these will just make them the ass of jokes for years.


Bringin' Text-y Back
Feb 17, 2010
Americans like America? Wut?

Seriously though, this is the Hollywood effect happening in videogames. Games that are made in Japan are going to highlight Japan, will probably put Japan as a focal point, and would probably not demonize their own country in the process... which is probably why they don't make WWII games.

While the place that I call home is at times more screwy than an obsessive-compulsive in the small hardware section at Home Depot, I won't fault it for making games that highlight itself as the protagonist... sure it's been done to death, but so has everything else. I'd love to see a war based FPS with a sort of "Team America" (as in Trey Parker/Matt Stone) style humor to it... I'd buy that inevitable sh*tty console to PC port in a second.

American developers shouldn't be "required" to demonize or politicize their country in order to appease the rest of the world, no more than the UK should be required to put out a game about the American Revolutionary War and show themselves as the bad guy. As long as a game tells a story, be it fiction or non, in an entertaining fashion, I'm fine with it. I don't mind fictionalizing history or perspective... as long as it's a GOOD GAME.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Soushi said:
Well, i'll believe it when i see it. I have played other medal of honour games, and teh propaganda and patriotism is so think you could cut it with a butter knife.

I would like for them for once to concentrate on the other countries who fought.

Granted, you had underground but that was years and years ago!