EA: New Medal of Honor Won't Be "Propaganda Piece"

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Pyromaniac1337 said:
Operation Lumberjack [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Lumberjack] did not happen that way [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludendorff_Bridge#U.S._Capture_in_World_War_II], and the game conveniently leaves out the fact that the bridge (and one of the last links across the Rhine, the other being a rail bridge at Wesel) would have been lost had it not been for two Polish Wehrmacht conscripts cutting enough of the fuses to allow the Americans to get across.
Dude, it's a fucking video game. If you want a history lesson, go read a book.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Ignignokt said:
Flimsii said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Sweet. I was like of god-damn "GO AMERICA!" in games. An I'm an American, and a Republican.
oh your one of the XD lol i joke im not even american and im glad too see a game that doesnt have US marines beating there chests screaming "Hoo Raah" constantly.

arent republicans,bigot, war monger,bible bashers (thats what i hear from people) i'd like too hear from one if thats true...no offence XD
That's just what the hardcore liberals want people to think. The extremes of each side try to demonize each other. And I must say, they've done a pretty good job of splitting the country in half. You might hear bad things about republicans more often because young people and their internet tend to be a more liberal leaning.
yeah true i also hear democrates are a bunch of pussies XD so yeah you do only hear the worst :p

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Pyromaniac1337 said:
Low Key said:
Pyromaniac1337 said:
Operation Lumberjack [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Lumberjack] did not happen that way [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludendorff_Bridge#U.S._Capture_in_World_War_II], and the game conveniently leaves out the fact that the bridge (and one of the last links across the Rhine, the other being a rail bridge at Wesel) would have been lost had it not been for two Polish Wehrmacht conscripts cutting enough of the fuses to allow the Americans to get across.
Dude, it's a fucking video game. If you want a history lesson, go read a book.
When the game tries to pass itself off as historical, and most kids don't read books anyway, shit like this is wrong and should not be allowed to happen.

I'd argue about how historical literature can be as well, but that would lead to massive rant.
In what way does it pass itself off as being historical? I have never heard anyone make that claim except people who think just because WWII is in the history books that everything regarding it has to be 100% factual. It's a video game about war, like Halo or Resistance. Another example would be Assassin's Creed. Geographically, it's pretty factual, but aside from that it's not. Do you have a problem with that game too? I mean, there were more than just Muslims and English christians in Jerusalem during that time, but the game made no mention of them.

And if you have a hard time believing what is in books, why do you think a video game about it should be any different? Your complaints make absolutely no sense and I think you just need to let it go. Don't buy the games if it makes you that angry.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Pyromaniac1337 said:
Kid? Junior, I'm almost 8 years older than you. If you'd like to degrade this to some sort of age related thing, you can argue with yourself. I have better things to do than get into it with a high school student who knows diddily about anything outside of his parent's basement.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Sounds like a good idea to do it from a soldiers perspective since the reasons why they war happend are irrelevant they are only there because they have a job to do