198: Love Triangle


New member
Apr 14, 2009
This reminds me of Rule 34 [http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rule%2034]: if it exists, there is porn of it. I did however draw the line at using google with the search criteria pyramid, head and porn.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I have to say, this is a impressive joust upon my own brain.

first thought to come across my mind;"Okay. I like being a sociopath now."

second thought;"I'd hit it."

Third thought; "I want the knife."

I can understand this. He is perpetuated as all things sexually repressed, and as one handsome ass creature. Women have always had this love for the mysterious, and they incorporate this as romantic and sexual thing, while most sensible men blow it up, shoot it, light it on fire and invite to there house to lift weights and watch sports and other hydrogenous things to disguise there homosexual urges, Most fire fighters come to mind.

But I have always had a fandom for PH, very reminiscent of Jason Vorhess.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Do you think if Pyramid Head removed his helmet to reveal a head THE EXACT shape of the helmet that snuggly fits so well people would still be attracted to him?

I guess it just goes to show, don't play hard to get, instead, find the girl and begin to beat her severely. Follow up by cutting out her... You know what? What I was about to write disgusted myself so much that I have no intention of finishing this joke.

Ew... I scare myself sometimes.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
I'm at a loss for words. I'm struggling to get these words out as I am typing. The premise of this article is a little disturbing.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
For f's sake, THAT"S THE WRONG HELMET GUY IN BACKGROUND! It's actually good though, knowing wether they use the SH2 helmet or the movie helmet helps separate real fans from posers.

See, I have a bit of a problem with some of the people in this article in that they seem to be referencing the fandom as though it were the game.

First, it is worth noting that Pyramid Head doesn't rape anyone or anything during the course of the game, considering he has a butcher's smock he never takes off and none of the monsters he savages have genitals...all "rape" is only suggestive, but the article fails to mention that.
The one actually female character he interacts with, Maria, he locks into a grill and murders by stabbing, wherein he doesn't even attempt anything sexual.

Next, one of the professors refers to his "monstrous harem of nurses" and yet the nurses never interact with Pyramid Head...they are never even onscreen together (outside of a deleted scene).

Really, the Pyramid Head they're talking about is a fan-creation more or less completely outside of SH 2...which in a certain sense is appropriate given the subject matter.

One thing's for sure though, Yahtzee is right: He totally sold out.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Congratulations to you, Team Silent. You've invented the perfect villan. Guys think he's a badass, women think he's sexy. I'm not sure if you intended this, but if you did, bravo. Bravo indeed.
Feb 28, 2008
What I love is the breadth of current research into Silent Hill being carried out at UK universities. Why isn't it happening where I am?#!


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I had notice this strange attraction people have for Pyramid Head before, and I can agree with a lot of the points that are brought up in this article.

Except for whether or not Pyramid Head looks sexy under the helmet. Have you scene his tongue?

*by the powers of the internet, I bring this thread back to life*


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Strange as hell. Whenever I think or visualize the pyramid head, I think of the blackest pits of human animal-ism that looms on the edges of our awareness. Pure representation of nihilism, and evil in a single form. Perhaps the scariest thing about it is that Pyramid head lurks somewhere within YOU, seeking its way to bubble to the surface and wreak havoc. Attaching something sexual to it is...interesting to say the least.

I just hope this just an expression of some weird warped attraction of the "ideal macho image" that some women harbor. Its probably just harmless, so I probably wouldn't immediately associate it with some mental instability. Though I admit, if someone I was attracted to admitted something like this to me, I would definitely be second guessing my attraction.


New member
Sep 4, 2013
Late to the game, as usual.
I am of the female sex and goddammit I am attracted to Pyramid Head. Have been for years. He's one of the fictional characters that tend to make me all tingly. I am fascinated by trying to analyze why exactly that is, because it seems honestly weird, if not disturbing.

I think it is helpful to take note of the other characters that I enjoy fantasizing about, because as you will see, there is a pattern there.
Just of the top of my head, and among many others, these are: Sandor Clegane (ASOIAF), Daryl Dixon (the Walking Dead), Lucien Lachance (The Elder Scrolls), Arthas (Warcraft), Romero (Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines) & Sirius Black and yes, freaking Tom Marvolo Riddle. Most of these have, btw, a huge female following and many livejournal groups, fanfictions, fanarts and tumblr blogs focusing on them.

(The following is a repost of a part of an analysis I did on Sandor Clegane in a livejournal group some time ago.)
"This type of character can be described as being strongly masculine -in appearance too, more often than not - but more importantly in their attitudes towards violence and sexuality.
Now, concerning some other characteristics (which may or may not be present):
There is a pattern of being internally disturbed, conflicted, disconnected from their emotionality. There is the inability to cope rationally with past trauma (which was often exceptional at some point or another) and the tendency to sublimate these feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness into overtly violent, restless conduct and accentualized display of what is perceived as being confirming of their brutal and uncompromising nature and attitudes.
In essence, they shield themselves and their sensitive core with assholery."

And also:
"No one wants to fuck the masculine jerk if he is full of himself. The inner conflict within is allowing us to realize he is a complex human being capable of self-reflection and growth. And that is what is ultimately attractive for a woman, or so I believe. I want to fix him and be the one person who touches him and binds him to herself for eternity. He would still be the jerk in some aspects, though, and protect me fiercely. My faithful dog, a creature of but one master.
And [Sandor] is the ultimate woman?s challenge ? overcoming fear and anger and aggression with tenderness, love and empathy. Overpowering masculinity with femininity, without the use of power. Or, rather, the masculine yielding to the feminine, on its own accord."

Pyramid Head is a projection of James' disturbed psyche and in this way, he is a wonderful example of this type of character, heavy with internal conflict. He is himself the conflict, externalized and materialized into a separate entity.