Gearbox-Made Duke Nukem Forever Confirmed at PAX

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Gearbox-Made Duke Nukem Forever Confirmed at PAX

After more than a decade of waiting, rumors and false starts, the most famous vaporware in gaming history is finally coming out.

Yesterday's rumor [] that Duke Nukem Forever - possibly the most delayed game of all time - was actually finished has been confirmed today at PAX Prime in Seattle. Gearbox Software, maker of Borderlands, apparently took over the development in 2009 following the demise of 3D Realms, and is said to be in the process of polishing the game.

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford said that 3D Realms had actually created a lot of content for the game - although obviously, it never finished it - and that Gearbox was able to bring it all together and make it "the game it was meant to be." Duke Nukem Forever's story will be familiar to those who have played previous Duke Nukem games, as Duke is forced to fight off alien invaders in order to save the Earth.

The game is expected to ship in 2011, although Pitchford is reluctant to be more specific. "This is a game where we cannot make a promise we cannot fulfill," he said. "We need to get past the shock and awe and then we can go to all the retailers and first parties and work out a launch plan." Gearbox is just a touch more consistent about releasing games than 3D Realms, so unless the game is actually cursed or something equally silly, Duke Nukem Forever will actually be hitting shelves some time on the near future.

Source: Wall Street Journal [] via Kotaku []



New member
Apr 29, 2009
In all honesty, do you really think it's going to be a smash hit at this point? The game's been on and off and we know NOTHNG about the game (beside the fact that its finally finished). I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but my hopes for the quality of the game are lacking. Have we seen a REAL screenshot of the game?


It's exciting that it is finally finished, but until I see a real screen shot, this game doesn't exist.


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
Yahtzee was right: any other developer could actually make this happen in less time than 3D Realms. The question now is if they just farted it out or actual work has gone into it.
We just need some actual screenshots, demos, videos or something to show that work has been done. Announcing it won't be enough, they need to prove it.

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Sadly, I don't think this game will work as well now that the industry has matured (a bit). Duke Nukem is still a bit juvenile.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Well that sounds...

...Wait a minute. Randy Pitchford... Where have I...? Oh God no!

Something tells me that he was a bit persuasive with development team in order to get them to release on time.


Mar 26, 2008
DaxStrife said:
Yahtzee was right: any other developer could actually make this happen in less time than 3D Realms. The question now is if they just farted it out or actual work has gone into it.
We just need some actual screenshots, demos, videos or something to show that work has been done. Announcing it won't be enough, they need to prove it.
There's loads of videos and pics up all over the net now (gameplay vidshere [], here [] and here [], also some info here [])

To be honest it just looks bland . . . bland, bland, bland, bland, bland.
Yes it's Duke Nuken, and yes he's awesome but this is 2010! Generic FPSs with no ground breaking mechanics are way too common now.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
If this actually does comes out, then is Half-Life 2 Episode 3 going to be the next Duke Nukem Forever?
Jun 26, 2009
We need to accept that it's not going to happen, the second we do we'll all be happier.
[sub]Says the guy who still hoping for a Dark cloud 3/dark chronicle 2...[/sub]


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Duke Nukem Forever - possible the most delayed game of all time-
Tell me Mr. Westbrook, how many times have you watched the adverts?

OT: I'm not going to say I'm particularly interested anymore, they've been fucking around far too much for the past 13 years for me to care all that much now, and I think some others agree.
Apr 28, 2008
Omnific One said:
Sadly, I don't think this game will work as well now that the industry has matured (a bit). Duke Nukem is still a bit juvenile.
At least its funny juvenile and not trying to be serious, whereas other games try to be serious but end up being juvenile.

Either way, stopped caring about this game 6 years ago. Glad its done, but I've just stopped caring.

The Ambrosian said:
Do you know what would be hilarious?
If this was like Rogue Warrior bad.
Oh man that would be glorious.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Assassin Xaero said:
If this actually does comes out, then is Half-Life 2 Episode 3 going to be the next Duke Nukem Forever?
It's only been 3 years since Episode 2, and it's not like Valve have shown or talked about anything.

If it's not out in 10 years and we've seen it pass through 5 iterations then fair enough, it can be the new DNF. But DNF isn't out yet...


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Wait, it's actually happening?

Yup, I just saw Spock with a goatee and Superman talking nonsense. I've entered Bizarro world.


New member
Oct 24, 2008
WHY WON'T YOU DIE ALREADY! Seriously, people have been bitching and moaning about this game for far too long now. I really hope it turns out really bland and just flat out naff. Because as far as im concerned, the duke nukem series died 10 years when it was still relevant to the time. I can see it coming, it gets released and the whole gaming industry gives it a resounding "meh".

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Wow, just wow.. Pigs really can fly..

Although i think it might just be another generic shooter like any other..
But after all this, i still think this will be a buy..


New member
Jun 30, 2009
I would so LOL!! if they delay the game now for whatever reason

so unless the game is actually cursed
aaah...I can see it now
people dying, getting kidnaped by aliens and hooker levels going of the chart...

Thanks Duke Nukem!!