Regarding the watercooler comment, yesterday I was hanging out in my friend's suite. He was playing Bioshock 1, having never played it before. He's late to the party. Anyway I've played and beaten both Bioshock 1 and 2 and a few of his suitemates had as well. We sat around in their common room as he played and I watched in horror as he did everything different than me.
I never really used the research function, admittedly a mistake, in the first game. He was anal retentive about it. I was obsessed with having full health at all times. I'd make sure I had 9 health packs on me whenever possible. I'd leave all the health stations up so I could max out my health without using a first aid kit. I prioritized health above all else. He would walk around with half a health bar, 3 first aid kits, and break health stations for health packs. He used wrench boosting tonics. I used tonics that gave me more health, healed me when I hacked, made hacking easier, etc. He never hacked anything. I hacked EVERYTHING. He used electro bolt on pretty much everything. I used the ice plasmid on pretty much everything. That or fire. I wasn't too fond of electro bolt. He used security bullseye, I enslaved big daddies.
We played the same game so incredibly differently and sitting in that room arguing with all my friends about which was the best approach was awesome.
Also for the record, telekinesis is a useless piece of shit.