Survey Shows Psychological Incentive For Buying New Over Used

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Survey Shows Psychological Incentive For Buying New Over Used

According to a recent survey, most consumers buy new just because it's new.

The used versus new games debate is one of those battles that will just continue to rage until the videogame industry goes fully digital, with publishers not so bad []. For now, publishers are looking for ways to ensure that more consumers buy new products, and according to a recent analyst survey the answer is to just keep making new games.

Which is to say, there may be no answer. The Cowen and Company survey's results showed that 54% of respondents buy new games just because they "want new games." These consumers are trying to avoid the hassles that come with used games, such as scratched disks, destroyed packaging, missing manuals, and hidden narcotics []. 49% buy new for a similarly themed reason: They want a game the day it comes out. So, if publishers can just figure out how to turn used games into new and have them come out every day, they'll be fine. The survey seems to present used games as a factor for the increasingly new pattern of high launch-day sales followed by a major drop-off, with Cowen analyst Doug Creutz saying new game sales are now "frontloaded."

Only 16% of gamers buy new to support the industry, which is actually a higher percentage than I thought. When it comes to the almighty dollar, it's usually hard to ignore the savings that a used game can provide to help out people you don't know. 26% buy new because they want bonus content, and 21% buy new for online play. The results of initiatives like EA's online pass that require a code to be entered to play online, which comes free with a new game but costs $10 otherwise, are debatable depending on ask [].

Creutz points out the most interesting result of the survey, which was that 70% of respondents will buy a new game if they plan on using it for a long time. "We suspect there is a behavioral psychology factor at work, where gamers have an easier time justifying the higher price of a new game if they expect to get more use/value out of it, even though the utility of new vs. used on that basis isn't any different," he said. The solution for getting gamers to buy new product could lay in the psychological realm rather than by trying to attack their wallets.

My solution is for publishers to buy used games themselves, re-shrinkwrap them, and sell them back to retailers at an increased cost. Crisis averted.

Source: Gamasutra []



New member
Jul 31, 2009
I buy new because I am just that type of person. It needs to be in perfect condition or it will bug me until I finally buy it new. Same goes for music CD's, DVD's/Blu-Ray's, televisions, consoles and all electronics and all other physical, buyable objects.

Used items just bugs me. . .
Dec 14, 2009
I like to support the industry and I likes to be the first to own my precious shinies. I don't like other people's junk, that's why you'll never see me buying a preowned console.
Jul 22, 2009
Yeah I can see that.

I generally prefer new over used... I normally buy new anyway so it's no problem.

Used is for older games or more difficult to acquire games.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Eh, problems with the disk are over-rated. I buy used all the time and they rarely happen.

I would buy new, because new game boxes are nice and shiny, but just too expensive...


New member
Apr 10, 2009
I never buy any used goods at all. The only exception are vintage rarities that can not be found new at all.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
All those damn narcotics in my used games...

There is a definite psychological pull towards the new copies, though.

Especially with online shopping.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I'm definitely part of the "will buy new for the sake of it" crowd. Plus, it just feels nice, taking my boxcutter across that delicate shrink wrap and treating myself to a wondrous product the likes of which I may have never seen before.

Ahem. Sorry. Uh... yeah, I prefer to buy new just because.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Personally, I love that new game smell, but I will buy used if the opportunity arises.

It's really the whole collecting aspect of it, you buy a new game, all wrapped in fresh plastic, just waiting for you to rip it open. Then you open the case, look in the manual, slide in the disc and start playing.

I'm just that kind of guy.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Tom Goldman said:
My solution is for publishers to buy used games themselves, re-shrinkwrap them, and sell them back to retailers at an increased cost. Crisis averted.
I...I think that would warrant unwanted attention from local government agencies regulating the market, there is enough scrutiny in the Wine market for being able to do a very similar thing, the public and government regulators don't seem to be happy.

In any case, if I were to notice 2nd hand quality with my new game I would run back to the shop and demand a refund/replacement.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
New buyers feel superior over those lesser gamers who buy used. It's what it all comes down to.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Don't listen! If we keep buying new, then the game publishers will get pissed off that places like Wallmart are stealing their profits too!


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I buy new because I want to support the developers, and because I'm a terrible snob about second hand games (underwear, not so much).


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
I buy new because I seem to have the worst luck with used games, they hardly work for me. That and I want to support the developer if the game is good.


New member
Oct 17, 2010
News just in.

Rain is wet.. over to Bob.

People prefer new over old..... how come this is considered news worthy?
Dec 14, 2009
tehroc said:
New buyers feel superior over those lesser gamers who buy used. It's what it all comes down to.
Yes, bescause I stroll around waving my new purchases in the air as I decree all preowned buyers to be lesser mortal.


Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
What? That's ridiculous. I usually buy whatever is cheaper. I buy new games when I buy something too soon after the release day for there to be used copies. I even have a Gamestop gift card that gives me 20% off on used games.


New member
May 25, 2008
HassEsser said:
I buy new because I am just that type of person. It needs to be in perfect condition or it will bug me until I finally buy it new. Same goes for music CD's, DVD's/Blu-Ray's, televisions, consoles and all electronics and all other physical, buyable objects.

Used items just bugs me. . .
Exactly my train of though as well. You never know what the previous owner might have done with the game/phone/laptop/take your pick. If it comes straight out of retail I'm assured of a product that's either in perfect shape, or one that has a manufacturing flaw in it and thus can be easily returned without a lot of hassle.