Survey Shows Psychological Incentive For Buying New Over Used


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I personally try to buy used whenever possible, simply because I'm trying to save money. If I spend more than around $40 on a game my family starts to shoot evil glares at me and lecturing me on how I'm wasting money. So when a new game comes out I wait a few weeks and pick it up used for a huge discount. Sometimes it takes a bit (or massive amounts) of digging to find it, but I always come across it in the end.

So far I've gotten Brutal Legend, Assassin's Creed II, The Darkness, Prince of Persia (the preorder edition, no less!), Band Hero, Lost Odyssey, and countless, countless others all used. And they all look and work perfectly fine (though the bottom of the AC2 disc had horrible splotchy things on it, I brought it back to the store and they cleaned it off and it looks and plays like new now). Probably more than half my collection is comprised of pre-owned games.

Though, thanks to my newfound Assassin's Creed obsession, I did scoop up the Collector's Edition of Brotherhood on preorder, just so I could play it as soon as it came out and brag about its awesomeness to my friends. I don't think I love any other series enough to preorder a game with express shipping for $120, though...

I do plan on grabbing Fable 3 on Boxing Day, though - sales rock, I got Dragon Age: Origins last year, only like $30 rather than the usual $70. :D