Survey Shows Psychological Incentive For Buying New Over Used


New member
Jun 25, 2009
I'll buy a game new if it's something I've looked into and know will last, but most games I can complete (as in 100% trophies) on a 7 day rental for $4.25. Those games are not worth buying.

The only games I will always buy used are from Ubisoft. Uplay and Facebook game for unlockables in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood piss me off


New member
Apr 5, 2009
We buy new cause we know all the shit we do to our own games. Who hasn't read a game manual in the crapper at least once? XD


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
I'm one of the 16% that buys new to support the industry. I'm surprised to at that number being as high as it is.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I buy new to support the industry as well. Proud to be a part of that one in six.


New member
Nov 21, 2010
I love having new shiny games :D
But I'm hardly going to turn down a really, really debilitatingly good game that I really, /really/ want if it's preowned. Of course, I look for preowned games that aren't other-people-owned-this-disgusting. Discs in good condition, case in really good condition also.

I'd never buy a preowned console though. Having worked at EB, I know how gungy they are, as well as the people who trade them in >.> The same could be said about the people who trade in the games, but eh. The most annoying part of it is taking off the preowned stickers, and even then I'm a master of peeling off those goddamn yellow demons.

Sgt. Dante

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I generally buy new, but if an offer is good enough on used then I usually don't mind it. only ever had 1 problem used game. just wouldn't play at all...


New member
Dec 8, 2009
As much as I like to support the game industry, I do tend to make my decision based on value. If the used copy is the usual EB price of only $5 less than the new copy, I'll almost always go for the new copy. If the difference is greater than that, I will definitely buy new if it's from a company I'm a particular fan of and if it's a game that I know will hold a lot of value for me (basically, extended play time and/or high replayability).

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Creutz points out the most interesting result of the survey, which was that 70% of respondents will buy a new game if they plan on using it for a long time. "We suspect there is a behavioral psychology factor at work, where gamers have an easier time justifying the higher price of a new game if they expect to get more use/value out of it, even though the utility of new vs. used on that basis isn't any different," he said. The solution for getting gamers to buy new product could lay in the psychological realm rather than by trying to attack their wallets.
So gamers are more inclined to buy a new copy if they think they will actually want to hold onto it? Gee, who would have thought that to be the case...

But really, this isn't rocket science. If a game is good, then most people will want to hang onto it rather than sell it (although, obviously, some people will still do so due to other reasons). If used copies of a game are readily available shortly after launch, then it is a clear sign that it is not a good game and that most buyers are seeking to cut their losses and recuperate at least some of the cost. So the solution is to focus on creating quality titles that people will want to keep rather than sell used.

Personally, if I can, I purchase a new copy of a game precisely due to quality concerns related to used copies. That said, buying new copies of older games/games for older systems is almost impossible, leaving me no choice but to buy used.

Kristen Fuzes

New member
Oct 23, 2010
My solution is for publishers to buy used games themselves, re-shrinkwrap them, and sell them back to retailers at an increased cost. Crisis averted.
The solution seems to create even more problems and questions: 1, Why would a retailer buy back from the publishers when the publishers are just selling back the game at a higher price? The retailer would have to find a way in which the loss for buying the shrink-wrapped used games will, at the least, break even with sales.

2. What about publishers such as Bungie? Bungie is done with the Halo series, or so they say, so why and how would it profit them to buy back all of the used / traded in Halo games, rewrap them, and resell them rather than spending time on another project?

In the end, the solution doesn't answer the psychological factor either. If a consumer knows the game was used and only re-wrapped, why would they buy a re-wrapped game? The solution wastes time and money so that the consumer gains what they do now: a used game, at a cheaper price (sometimes with discounts) without the pretty plastic wrap. Assuming the consumer would buy the game at a cheaper price however, if the publishers sell higher, the retailers must find out how to gain the money to pay - through the consumer.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I've got 7 ps3 games, 1 of them I bought used and the other I sold to a friend. I really hate that I payed 80 dollars for God of War 3 (people in other countries don't know how good they've got it) and I was done with it in a week :(.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
I usually buy used if I can, but I also make sure to buy the protection as well since I don't know if the person who owned it before mistreated the disc, thus causing problems.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
I buy used out of frugality, clothes, dvds, games, cds. Though, I've noticed that certain outlets that sell used games tend to barely reduce the price, i.e. they'll get a new release traded back into them, and just take 5-10 euro off, turning a 60 euro game into a 50 euro game, and that is a rip-off, and a no buy for me.

Difficult to do with PC, my gaming shrine of choice, but I'm patient, if I have to wait a year or two for Fallout: New Vegas to release a collected edition with all the DLC for ?15 then I'll wait.

As for the general view that new is just better, while I hold the same concerns about damaged goods, as long as they're in good working condition I don't particularly mind, cracked case, missing manual, not a bother. It just seems a little well, snobbish if the only reason you buy new and don't buy used is because new is new and used is not.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
That has got to be the most dastardly cigar I have ever seen. Good show, old bean.


OT: I betcha if publishers lowered the price on new games more than $10, they would have more sales.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I find's used section to be very useful. I want to buy stranglehold, but I know that it's to short to spend £20 on. £4 sounds better to me. Also, Timesplitters 2 for £3? DEAL!
Red Faction: Guerilla for £7? Sign me up!