213: Casualty of Warhammer


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Im surpised ea hasnt had the game on sale or anything, like a steam sale would help numbers, really any way of getting the game back in the lime light would help it, the last patches really helped fix things but with the player base so low lvling a char is just a massive pain in the ass


New member
Aug 17, 2009
I was caught up in that crazy Britt's hype as well :(

To bad failhammer crashed and burn due to bad balance


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Jeremy Monken said:
Casualty of Warhammer

The customer service team at EA Mythic had it all - catered lunches, Rock Band-filled break rooms and logo-stamped coffee mugs. But sliding subscription numbers and a slumping economy meant the good times wouldn't last. Jeremy Monken recounts his time as a GM for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

Read Full Article

Saddly Warhammer and even LOTR stories were long about before WOW, but they still did it and made the staple.

40k would have been more intresting....as well EA is a tard corp, that to make its numbers look bigger fires people every few quarters to increase shares....saddly ddo is still alive so should this game...


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Jbird said:
If anything, they made a good game while ripping off WoW. Maybe if they made it based in the 40k universe, it might have lasted longer. Oh well.

Speaking of, and not to go too far off-topic, was anyone excited when they saw that Space Marine game trailer?
Ripping off WOW. Yeah like Lord of the ring ripped off wow eh? As the stories exisited long before wow and if really you wanna look at it wow ripped off Ultima on line. It was just done faster, not better.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
If anything, they made a good game while ripping off WoW. Maybe if they made it based in the 40k universe, it might have lasted longer. Oh well.

Speaking of, and not to go too far off-topic, was anyone excited when they saw that Space Marine game trailer?
Ripping off WOW. Yeah like Lord of the ring ripped off wow eh? As the stories exisited long before wow and if really you wanna look at it wow ripped off Ultima on line. It was just done faster, not better.
Suffice to say, everyone copies everyone. We all know Blizzard copied Everquest, but the results show that the turn-out was an improvement on the MMO formula. And the sad thing is, games like Warhammer (and Conan, Tabula Rasa, etc.) all tried to imitate WoW's design. The only difference is that Warhammer lasted this long, but still isn't fairing any better. Hell, City of Heroes/Villains still has a strong subscription base, mostly due to that it offers things different to what WoW has.

After hearing a recent discussion on the matter on the Geekbox podcast, Blizzard said that it's not good for any developer to copy Warcraft's design. In other words, people need to find new ways at re-inventing the wheel; innovation is the key.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Jbird said:
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
If anything, they made a good game while ripping off WoW. Maybe if they made it based in the 40k universe, it might have lasted longer. Oh well.

Speaking of, and not to go too far off-topic, was anyone excited when they saw that Space Marine game trailer?
Ripping off WOW. Yeah like Lord of the ring ripped off wow eh? As the stories exisited long before wow and if really you wanna look at it wow ripped off Ultima on line. It was just done faster, not better.
Suffice to say, everyone copies everyone. We all know Blizzard copied Everquest, but the results show that the turn-out was an improvement on the MMO formula. And the sad thing is, games like Warhammer (and Conan, Tabula Rasa, etc.) all tried to imitate WoW's design. The only difference is that Warhammer lasted this long, but still isn't fairing any better. Hell, City of Heroes/Villains still has a strong subscription base, mostly due to that it offers things different to what WoW has.

After hearing a recent discussion on the matter on the Geekbox podcast, Blizzard said that it's not good for any developer to copy Warcraft's design. In other words, people need to find new ways at re-inventing the wheel; innovation is the key.
Well Innovation is "good" but as MMO's went to perfect the Tolekn Humans,orc, elf word of dragons and fantasy it was more about doing it first. Course Tolkens idiot kids delay anything made in his name, and Gamesworkshop is retarded anything outside their 40k and warhammer table top game. The person to put the first game out in this contest wins...and business just copies people. Why FPS never really evolved past doom.

But the first is what all is based on, Warhammer, LOTR, all called rip offs when they existed on print long before WOW can never be undone. And unless the MMO's reach for KOTOR, or Startrek, no major players will appear for a while. Once the standard is made, business wants to copy, not turn to the next MMO sci fi or, cyberpunk ect... untill one gets the balls to do so, they become the standard for that niche and the stupid business clones with try and copy that...


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
If anything, they made a good game while ripping off WoW. Maybe if they made it based in the 40k universe, it might have lasted longer. Oh well.

Speaking of, and not to go too far off-topic, was anyone excited when they saw that Space Marine game trailer?
Ripping off WOW. Yeah like Lord of the ring ripped off wow eh? As the stories exisited long before wow and if really you wanna look at it wow ripped off Ultima on line. It was just done faster, not better.
Suffice to say, everyone copies everyone. We all know Blizzard copied Everquest, but the results show that the turn-out was an improvement on the MMO formula. And the sad thing is, games like Warhammer (and Conan, Tabula Rasa, etc.) all tried to imitate WoW's design. The only difference is that Warhammer lasted this long, but still isn't fairing any better. Hell, City of Heroes/Villains still has a strong subscription base, mostly due to that it offers things different to what WoW has.

After hearing a recent discussion on the matter on the Geekbox podcast, Blizzard said that it's not good for any developer to copy Warcraft's design. In other words, people need to find new ways at re-inventing the wheel; innovation is the key.
Well Innovation is "good" but as MMO's went to perfect the Tolekn Humans,orc, elf word of dragons and fantasy it was more about doing it first. Course Tolkens idiot kids delay anything made in his name, and Gamesworkshop is retarded anything outside their 40k and warhammer table top game. The person to put the first game out in this contest wins...and business just copies people. Why FPS never really evolved past doom.

But the first is what all is based on, Warhammer, LOTR, all called rip offs when they existed on print long before WOW can never be undone. And unless the MMO's reach for KOTOR, or Startrek, no major players will appear for a while. Once the standard is made, business wants to copy, not turn to the next MMO sci fi or, cyberpunk ect... untill one gets the balls to do so, they become the standard for that niche and the stupid business clones with try and copy that...
So much poor grammar...hurts me brain o_O


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Jbird said:
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
If anything, they made a good game while ripping off WoW. Maybe if they made it based in the 40k universe, it might have lasted longer. Oh well.

Speaking of, and not to go too far off-topic, was anyone excited when they saw that Space Marine game trailer?
Ripping off WOW. Yeah like Lord of the ring ripped off wow eh? As the stories exisited long before wow and if really you wanna look at it wow ripped off Ultima on line. It was just done faster, not better.
Suffice to say, everyone copies everyone. We all know Blizzard copied Everquest, but the results show that the turn-out was an improvement on the MMO formula. And the sad thing is, games like Warhammer (and Conan, Tabula Rasa, etc.) all tried to imitate WoW's design. The only difference is that Warhammer lasted this long, but still isn't fairing any better. Hell, City of Heroes/Villains still has a strong subscription base, mostly due to that it offers things different to what WoW has.

After hearing a recent discussion on the matter on the Geekbox podcast, Blizzard said that it's not good for any developer to copy Warcraft's design. In other words, people need to find new ways at re-inventing the wheel; innovation is the key.
Well Innovation is "good" but as MMO's went to perfect the Tolekn Humans,orc, elf word of dragons and fantasy it was more about doing it first. Course Tolkens idiot kids delay anything made in his name, and Gamesworkshop is retarded anything outside their 40k and warhammer table top game. The person to put the first game out in this contest wins...and business just copies people. Why FPS never really evolved past doom.

But the first is what all is based on, Warhammer, LOTR, all called rip offs when they existed on print long before WOW can never be undone. And unless the MMO's reach for KOTOR, or Startrek, no major players will appear for a while. Once the standard is made, business wants to copy, not turn to the next MMO sci fi or, cyberpunk ect... untill one gets the balls to do so, they become the standard for that niche and the stupid business clones with try and copy that...
So much poor grammar...hurts me brain o_O
Awww sowwy grammar Nazi. Had a mild stroke. And it's scary when you don't hurt...you just tingle over half your body. But they blamed it on my military service so it's covered. Wanna come over and help me spell?


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Carlston said:
Awww sowwy grammar Nazi. Had a mild stroke. And it's scary when you don't hurt...you just tingle over half your body. But they blamed it on my military service so it's covered. Wanna come over and help me spell?
Now you're just being a douche. If I were a grammar Nazi, then I would take the time to correct your spelling. But I'm neither your teacher nor your mom, so :p


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Jbird said:
Carlston said:
Awww sowwy grammar Nazi. Had a mild stroke. And it's scary when you don't hurt...you just tingle over half your body. But they blamed it on my military service so it's covered. Wanna come over and help me spell?
Now you're just being a douche. If I were a grammar Nazi, then I would take the time to correct your spelling. But I'm neither your teacher nor your mom, so :p
Well I am a asshole, but I'm not kidding. I did have a trans anemic attack, and it did wipe out my grammer to round a fifth grade level. Not saying I was a novelist before hand I could string a paragraph together. But I find it funny the armies of people who claim to be dyslexic, hey I'm a shitty speller but I had a mini stroke I got paper work and the assless gown the hospital gave me.

But still after a while I don't care about it anymore, the you spell bad is like joking with a guy with one leg for running slow.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Good read, man. Good luck in finding something permanent.

I think the problem with WAR was that it was more of the same and I can't imagine why they didn't pursue a 40k online variant. That's the MMO i'll be signing up for indefinately o_O


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Carlston said:
Jbird said:
Carlston said:
Awww sowwy grammar Nazi. Had a mild stroke. And it's scary when you don't hurt...you just tingle over half your body. But they blamed it on my military service so it's covered. Wanna come over and help me spell?
Now you're just being a douche. If I were a grammar Nazi, then I would take the time to correct your spelling. But I'm neither your teacher nor your mom, so :p
Well I am a asshole, but I'm not kidding. I did have a trans anemic attack, and it did wipe out my grammer to round a fifth grade level. Not saying I was a novelist before hand I could string a paragraph together. But I find it funny the armies of people who claim to be dyslexic, hey I'm a shitty speller but I had a mini stroke I got paper work and the assless gown the hospital gave me.

But still after a while I don't care about it anymore, the you spell bad is like joking with a guy with one leg for running slow.

If people know what you mean, they've no right to call out grammar or spelling and I can see no reason why it would matter to anyone. I wouldn't let it bother you, sir.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Damnit, why did you have to talk about WAR? I had so much desire and hope for that game to work, and the final product was so disappointing that, to this day, I still mourn the game.

You were supposed to take us to the promised land, W:AoC... But you never made it past the gate.