I've been a long-time watcher of videos on the Escapist and this article finally got me to register.
To mention something k-ossuburb said on the first page, on lesbianism in games. That too is horribly censored; my girlfriend and I LOVE the Harvest Moon games and have played as either gender in every game possible. I play DS and she plays DS Cute mostly, and I have no qualms about switching. I'm confident enough in my sexuality to play as a girl and flirt with guys. Hell, if there was more of an emotional component to the relationships in the HM games I wouldn't mind having the male character marry a dude (though the men in HM games are for the most part not particularly attractive, but that's not the point.)
Anyways, the thing I was going to bring up before I started rambling is something that really pissed me off. My girlfriend informed me that in the Japanese version of DS Cute the female main character could marry another female character and on a random day after that she comes home with a kid. You can't do that in the American version, of course, cause OMIGOD IF KIDS SEE THIS THEY'RE GONNA MARRY KIDS OF THE SAME SEX AND ADOPT KIDS AND CORRUPT THEM TOO *WHINE WHINE WHINE*. The more I hear about this issue the more my faith in humanity and equality keeps slipping away.
Aversion to homosexuality is basically racism, in a sense. I'm Jewish, and can understand completely how it is to be hated for being who you are. It would be great to see homosexuality, whether it be between men or women, in media in a more mature fasion. Maybe someday American culture can evolve to be as tolerable and free as Japanese.