I've never seen being gay as a special thing. Which always makes it hard to understand the struggle. To me being gay is no more wild or extravegant than being straight. It is just another biological direction that organisms (and indeed more than just humans) take.
With that said I do get pretty irate when people badmouth or abuse homosexual folks because it is so utterly stupid. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality, anyone stating such things is working entirely off of opinion. Because once we slip even harmless biological differences into "wrong" we enter a pretty nasty world that I doubt many people want to ever live in.
Hamster at Dawn said:
I think it would be good if there were more games with gay protagonists. There would probably be some controversy over it but hopefully it would lead to a decline in homophobia. Well there is the new DLC chapter for GTA IV that comes out later this month but I'm not sure if that will put a positive light on the gay community or not.
It wouldn't.
The only thing that will really lead to more acceptance is proper education and less conservative thought.
I know some folks will say "I'm conservative and I have nothing against homosexuality." but what they really mean is "I label myself conservative and I have nothing against homosexuality."
I'm by no means liberal, much like easily 90%+ of the US population I'm just a person, moderately thinking about each issue as it appears. But I have no love for the conservative movement because I can think of so few times where anything done under that guise wasn't shallow and harmful (which is fair given that you kind of have to be to resist change).
Education leads to many good things. Far more than lying or propaganda.
Basically if the character in a game is gay because that's who they are, then fine. If the character in the game is MADE gay because someone is trying to get a message across, it is going to result in nothing positive (or little positive).
It is a difficult line to define but it is obvious when experienced.
PS. I too look forward to the Ballad of Gay Toni, if I'm not mistaken that was one of the only characters I really liked in GTA IV. Had very little to do with his sexual persuasion and tons to do with his copius level of character (just a smidge below outlandish).