The Ultimate Star Trek Apartment Is Lost To Divorce

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
The Ultimate Star Trek Apartment Is Lost To Divorce

A man who spent ten years turning an apartment into the ultimate Star Trek bachelor pad is going to lose it all in a divorce.

Believe it or not, Tony Alleyne's wife didn't leave him because he turned their apartment into a highly-detailed [and hideously expensive] replica of the interior of the U.S.S. Voyager, the starship from the sci-fi television show [] of the same name. He transformed his one-bedroom apartment after she left him, handcrafting the whole thing himself, and while it's a little crazy, it's also pretty amazing handiwork. Obsessive or not, and questionable choice of Star Trek series to emulate notwithstanding, the results are undeniably impressive.


Alas, that decade of hopes, dreams and hard work will all soon be in the dumpster. Alleyne's wife left him in '94 but apparently didn't bother to seek a divorce until recently, and now that she has, she wants to sell the apartment "as a conventional property."

"To say I'm gutted is an understatement. It is my life's work - and it looks like it's going into a skip," Alleyne said. "I admit there were tears."

It's hard not to feel sorry for the guy, especially since he sunk more than $150,000 into building his dream home, but tempering that sympathy is the fact that his soon-to-be-ex-wife is the one who actually owns the apartment and has been paying the mortgage on it since they split almost 20 years ago. It's a sad loss of a tremendous amount of time, effort and money, not to mention one of the most gloriously nerdy joints ever made, but I can't help thinking that if Alleyne had put some of that money and effort into actually paying for the place instead of turning it into his own personal television set, he might not have to chuck it all into the garbage.

Source: Blastr []



New member
Mar 6, 2011
'94? Holy shit, that's a long ass time to wait.

She must have done this on purpose, no wait someones going to wait 20 years to try and do that just because something has come up.

Still, bitching apartment.
Feb 13, 2008
Doc Theta Sigma said:
... So this apartment. When and where is it being sold?
He's a Leicester man; but he's turned his ideas into a business model [] for making more homes like his.

Make it so.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
If I was him: I'd learn the lesson that building permanent fixtures into a building you don't outright own is ALWAYS a bad idea. The lesson that most apartment dwellers (and divorce lawyers) know from day one.

If I was her: There's fans out there. Rich fans. Time to make back the mortgage money, plus.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
She waited until now?...

I sense a certain conniving ***** who needs to be ejected into space.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
He did all this... with something he didn't own... and she waited that long... and apparently isn't trying to sell it high-priced to another crazed Trekker...

There's just... not enough fail in the world to accurately describe this.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Well hope it isn't all to much for him. Would hate to have person off themselves so they don't have to see life's work destroyed. Also 94... it's 2012 and what was reason for waiting so long? Either he refused for long time or she is reason it took so long.


Renegade Interrupt
May 5, 2011
So I'm just going to make an educated guess, after checking out his website, and say he probably hasn't gotten laid in his own place since ~1994. Well... unless this kind of thing really does it for trek convention chicks. Speaking of which, where the hell is the bed, and/or any kind of personal entertainment besides 24/7 LARPing?
Feb 13, 2008
tangoprime said:
So I'm just going to make an educated guess, after checking out his website, and say he probably hasn't gotten laid in his own place since ~1994.
You'd be surprised...The Star Trek Con at the Holiday Inn is always rather full of rather...curvy females.


(No, I've never been. The idea of some Beaumont Klingons terrifies me)


New member
Dec 19, 2010
It's a shame to have that happen. But why in the world did she leave him 18 years ago and keep paying the morgage and still allow him to work there? That is crazy shit. If he had been paying for the place since then she would not have a leg to stand on, but he invested as much money as it may have cost him to just buy the apartment. That is some screwed up priorities.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Viridian said:
She waited until now?...

I sense a certain conniving ***** who needs to be ejected into space.
Not necessarily. Lots of folks separate, but never actually get divorced, because its in their financial best interests to stay married. You get tax breaks and healthcare breaks, for example (at least in the U.S.). My aunt and uncle were separated for most of my life, and only formally got divorced when he decided he wanted to remarry.

In this case, their divorce was clearly quite amicable, as she allowed him to keep living in the property.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I want to feel sorry for the guy. He put his life and soul into that apartment, that much is obvious. He should have secured ownership first through.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
I'm both impressed and angry. Impressed by the craftmanship, but angry because that guy is a fucking retard. No shit you'll lose the house SHE'S PAYING FOR!

Granted, waiting 18 years to get a divorce is kind of excessive, but then, so is letting her pay for the damn thing. Idiot.

Mike Richards

New member
Nov 28, 2009
You know, part of me actually wants to live there not for the inherent geek thrills but just cause the place looks awesome.

And, though far from perfect, Voyager is better then a lot of people give it credit for. Enterprise is still the best though, theme song not withstanding.


Behind You
Oct 31, 2009
Viridian said:
She waited until now?...

I sense a certain conniving ***** who needs to be ejected into space.
As an alternate view, I sense someone who now wants to make the money back on a sound investment and, as a bonus, get an (apparent) freeloader out of the way.

Anyway, the guy must've known that this was a distinct possibility, the money he sunk into messing around creating said nerdvana would easily have covered a deposit for him to get his own place, which he could'vr turned into some other kind of techy hidey-hole. Hey ho, such is life.

Of course, there is one positive; there are plenty of memories for him to Klingon to.

I'll be leaving now.


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
Burn it down! If you can't play with your toys, no one can!

Juuuuust kidding. I don't endorse arson.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Viridian said:
She waited until now?...

I sense a certain conniving ***** who needs to be ejected into space.
Yeah, I'm thinking this can't be a coincidence. Like there's no way she just woke up one day after 20 years and said "Oh I think I'll finally get that divorce to my estranged husband now."

On the other hand, he probably should've ensured the apartment was in his name before starting on that project.


New member
Jan 20, 2012
Cgull said:
Viridian said:
She waited until now?...

I sense a certain conniving ***** who needs to be ejected into space.
As an alternate view, I sense someone who now wants to make the money back on a sound investment and, as a bonus, get an (apparent) freeloader out of the way.

Anyway, the guy must've known that this was a distinct possibility, the money he sunk into messing around creating said nerdvana would easily have covered a deposit for him to get his own place, which he could'vr turned into some other kind of techy hidey-hole. Hey ho, such is life.

Of course, there is one positive; there are plenty of memories for him to Klingon to.

I'll be leaving now.
That joke was so bad it actually made me laugh! XD