Blizzard Exorcises Companion Pets From Diablo III


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Blizzard Exorcises Companion Pets From Diablo III

It turns out that even Blizzard thought companion pets were too cute for the world of Diablo.

Blizzard's been taking a lot of flack for a while because many fans believe that it's trying to make Diablo III too adorable for its own good. Aside from the inclusion of rainbows, something that's proved controversial was the game's use of companion pets. However, Blizzard has now revealed that this feature is getting exorcised from the game because it was too darned cute.

On the forums, one of Blizzard's community managers explained that the developer was no longer planning to include either the Scrolls of Reforging or companion pets:

In both cases these are features we felt were underdeveloped and just not quite good enough for the game in their current state. The companion pets felt like they were mandatory to maximize play efficiency and some of the pets were too cutesy for the gritty, dark world of Sanctuary. Neither of those are issues we felt like we could solve without a lot of additional work, and we're trying to close in on a solid release date for the game, not move further away. When weighing these systems against releasing the game, we decided to cut these scrolls and stay on track for the game's release.

We think we can make companion pets into a much cooler system (both mechanically and visually), and evolve the reforging scrolls into a more meaningful system at some point in the future. For the time being, they will not be in the initial release of the game.

Of course, Blizzard's got a record for getting rid of stuff that just won't cut it, <a href=>like all those Heaven levels we learned about last year. It certainly sounds like nixing the companion pets was the right thing to do.

Source: Massively



New member
Dec 27, 2009
Uh, they were not at all the same thing as the Torchlight pets. Oh well, feel free to say whatever.

The pets were pretty useful though, as they picked up gold.I'moping they make a return, but accompanied by a more in-depth mechanic (just like they say it's probably going to happen).


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Damn man, is that it? I thought I had opened up a big debate here. I mean, they weren't exactly the same thing, but the end game was the same, they were supposed to get you gold. Only the ones in torchlight would take junk items you didn't want back to town and sell them. The one's in Torchlight were very useful.


The name's Bond... Hydrogen Bond
Oct 23, 2011
The_root_of_all_evil said:
PETA to make a response in 5...4...3...
Put them back in or the Tanooki gets it! Err, we mean take take them out it's evil! No wait, you did!

Argh! I need KFC!

Edit: On topic, Diablo 3 is starting to feel like design in the open is going to bite them - I know it has done so before with certain abilities and skills in WoW betas that ended up being cut.

You start raising expectations and then people get their hopes dashed (or claim it's class favouritism).

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
PETA to make a response in 5...4...3...
Yeah! How dare they discriminate against those pets by not sending them into mortal Kcombat against Hellspawn abominations!


What's sad, is that actually sounds about as rational as a typical statement from PETA.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
You know, I already wasn't going to get Diablo 3 because of the online requirement, but even setting that aside, the screenshots have convinced me not to. It just doesn't look like it'll have the atmosphere I'm looking for: that dark, gritty, horrific atmosphere from the first game. I loved it, and I despised D2 for killing it and turning everything into silly cartoon world.

Monkeyman O'Brien

New member
Jan 27, 2012
Who cares anymore? At this point Diablo 3 can suck a fat nut. They should be actually working on getting the game out sometime this decade instead of running their mouths about what they are changing yet again.
Just bring on Torchlight 2 and I will be a happy man.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
Monkeyman O said:
Who cares anymore? At this point Diablo 3 can suck a fat nut. They should be actually working on getting the game out sometime this decade instead of running their mouths about what they are changing yet again.
Just bring on Torchlight 2 and I will be a happy man.
If you don't even like diablo why the heck are you reading this? I read this because I'm anticipating it,and yes,I do care about what they do with it.Plus I think we all prefer when a company keeps in contact with the player base.

Bah,not even sure why I bother.

On the topic! Actually glad they removed those,it did seem kinda iffy.Tho I liked that "gold picking" feature they had,the whole concept just didn't fit in.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Yup, I'm all for it, they've got lots of ideas, but can't fit them all in and release the game this decade, so they're putting some stuff on the back burner, and this IS Blizzard we're talking about.

There's going to be expansions, hell, they need to sell to all the people they gave free copies to thru the WOW promotion :D

I suggest we'll see the pets in Diablo III : Expansion of Inevitability.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Good, I couldn't have ever trusted an animal with my epics anyways. Maybe human slaves? Or is it too dark and gritty?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Baresark said:
They were only doing it to copy off of Torchlight anyway.

Flame away. :p
Though, honestly, it feels like, to me at least, Diablo's aesthetics have shifted from its previous iterations to something more like Torchlight.

Just look at <url=>these screens, I prefer the older cancelled style much more.