Amnesia Follow-Up Outed as A Machine For Pigs

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Amnesia Follow-Up Outed as A Machine For Pigs

The next game from Amnesia studio Frictional Games has been outed - maybe - as A Machine For Pigs.

Did you know that some kind of ARG related to Frictional's next game has been ongoing over the past few days? I didn't, which is a bit of an embarrassing admission, but on the upside it means that I get to immediately enjoy the fruits of other people's labors without having to overtax my own rather flabby intellect. Anyway, thanks to those who were aware of this ARG and taking part in it, we now have a limited but nonetheless rather disturbing preview of what those Amnesia []-making sickos are up to.

A Machine For Pigs? Yes, according to this unusual message dug up at Dear Esther [].


If this is true - if Frictional Games and thechineseroom are combining their talents to create a new horror game - I think I will not play it. In fact, I think I will set my PC on fire, change my name, and move to the Pitcairn Islands, just to be sure this thing can't follow me. Pending horror aside, the results of the Frictional ARG to this point are actually a lot of fun to follow, particularly when it gets to the line, "This world is a machine. A machine for pigs. Fit only for the slaughtering of pigs." Yeah, that's not creepy as hell or anything.

Fall 2012. A Machine For Pigs. Because Amnesia wasn't awful enough.

via: Rock, Paper, Shotgun []



New member
Sep 5, 2010
I have goose bumps. I HATE horror games, but i always look forward to their release.

So i can play them, not sleep for the week, and make my wife walk me to the kitchen at night for a glass of water. ((Unless she thinks me walking around the house with a katana in the middle of the night is any better.))


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Just as long as it doesn't stop the action every five freaking seconds to blind you with a blast of white light then start hurling exposition at you. Plus it uses the old "info log" technique, but stops the game dead while you "use" said logs. And since when did having to READ a game make it a good one?

Yeesh, I was so underwhelmed by "Amnesia"... I'd love this one to be better because I love the genre as a whole, but I don't "get" the love for that game. So much immersion-breaking stuff in it.

EDIT: boy, I'm grumpy today. Sorry. I genuinely do hope that this is a much better game than "Amnesia" did, because the bits in "Amnesia" where you didn't know where the monster would appear were seriously scary. It's just a shame that these made up so little of the game as a whole.
Apr 28, 2008
Anyone else getting a "lord of the rings hobbit hole" vibe from this?

Because it looks like a hobbit's home after the resident snapped.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
I just hope that this new game from FG will be able to produce hilarious reactions videos on par with those of Amnesia. That shit alone is worth paying the price of admission.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
A very small part of me is absolutely terrified by what will come out of this.

BUT, I'm really excited with what they come up with. I love me some horror, and if it's anything like Amnesia then I know I will say farewell to sleep, and sleep with one eye open while holding my Charr plushie for protection.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009


Honestly, they didn't even need to give me any details. I'd cheerfully buy anything with, "From the creator of Amnesia" written on it.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Irridium said:
Anyone else getting a "lord of the rings hobbit hole" vibe from this?

Because it looks like a hobbit's home after the resident snapped.
I was thinking Hobbits too, Cyberpunk Hobbits!

Anyway this looks like it could be quite promising... Although im wary of actually buying anything from them, given that i still havent been able to complete Amnesia.. I should stop being a pussy at some point so i can finish it.


Waiting patiently.....
Nov 27, 2009
Looks like that scene in Saw (I/II/III/IV/whatever) with the dead pigs and the lawyer guy...i didn't like that scene. Also, considering i couldn't get two hours through Penumbra i will be following suit with Andy!

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
HAY GUYZ AMNESIA TOTALLY DIDNT SCARE ME he said as he hammered the escape key, turned up the lights and never looked at it again.

Ah, I'm just kidding. Horror is interesting in that the same material can succeed or fail utterly depending on the consumer. I love that I "get" games like this, and that I'm not missing out on their amazing (and awful) experiences, but I readily accept that not everyone is going to feel the same way about the same stuff. Dear Esther may be an even more polarizing example; I loved it and so did plenty of others, but there's no question that a great many others did not.

That said, I think and I most certainly hope that the combination of Frictional and thechineseroom - if that's indeed what's happening, and bear in mind that this is all still unconfirmed at this point - will lead to great, great (and truly awful) things.


Regular Member
Oct 14, 2009
Amnesia crossed with Korsakovia? With the narrative and scenery of Dear Esther and a twist at the end on a par with Penumbra?

I must be dreaming. Or having a horrible, horrible nightmare :<
Feb 13, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
"This world is a machine. A machine for pigs. Fit only for the slaughtering of pigs." Yeah, that's not creepy as hell or anything.


Somehow my youth is coming back to haunt me...


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Right, never played Amnesia, but I plan to. Perhaps I can play these games back to back? Yeah, that seems like a solid idea!


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
So... We went from Penumbra, going around solving puzzles and avoiding scary monsters...
To Amnesia, going around solving puzzles and avoiding fewer scary monsters...
To A Machine For Pigs, recreating one of the worst scenes from the Saw franchise.

Did Frictional get taken over by Americans?