As a recovering addict of the WoWcrack, 15 days clean so far cold turkey after 5 years of playing,I can totaly agree here, WoW is immersive, it is addictive and it helps dull the monotony of the real world and unless you play it you have no idea just how much so that is. When I started I had been playing for about two weeks before my then girlfriend broke up with me, I was contemplating quitting thegame before she did, I had been waiting since I saw the sneak peak in a Warcraft 3 leaflet I got with the game, but the game it's self did'nt grab me then, but when she left me I escaped into WoW and got lost, I spent hours playing when I was'nt at work. I went from wanting to quit to requiring WoW to keep going as it was'nt the real world as I was in a bad place, all my friends were my ex's friends and they just shut me out.
After a dispute with my guild leader I was kicked from the guild, after 2/3 months without raiding I quickly saw just how dull the game was and after many failed attempts to join new guilds or raid groups just how elitest some of the people were. I was hitting walls with these people not letting me join in games with the 'big boys' and I felt like I was encountering the problems I used WoW to escape from, now I'm learning to play Dengeons & Dragons, Warhammer and catching up on alot of readind also alot of console game that I've bought and just never played since purchesing.
On the flip side I do miss alot of the friends I had on WoW I was really close to alot of them, I gave them my email adress and few I have on MSN already but they never come on as they're always playing WoW, I'm rather sad that now I'm not on WoW they don't seem to want to talk to me via email or MSN. Another problems I'm having is a sort of withdrawl syndrome, after playing other games and activities for two weeks I'm finding myself getting bored of them fast, wanting to go back onto WoW, not even to play, just to talk to people I know on there that I miss, but it's a costly IM service.
There should be a health warning with WoW or a higher age restriction, it is dangarous to those who have problems they need to escape from, but if you can kick it I suggest you do. Lifes mre fun than fake one, you just need to try hard at it.