EVE Online Fights Its Largest Battle Yet, 2,900 Ships Destroyed


New member
Oct 19, 2009
EVE Online Fights Its Largest Battle Yet, 2,900 Ships Destroyed

The TEST Alliance gets its digital butt well and truly whipped.

Two of the largest alliances in confirms [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/123841-EVE-Online-Celebrates-Ten-Years-With-Giant-Space-Battle] that this latest fleet fight is, by far, the largest ever in-game.

"A day will come again when the courage of TEST fails, when we forsake our allies and break all nips and agreements," the CEO of Dreddit, a TEST Alliance corporation member, boldly proclaimed. "But it is not this day." Unfortunately for him, it was. By the end of the third hour, TEST was in full retreat, and a tentative decision to send in reinforcements was rejected, presumably to avoid turning a defeat into annihilation. "We figuratively decapitated their leaders," says the Mittani [http://themittani.com/features/6vdt-cfc-battle-report?page=0%2C0]. "Damnation command ships and heavy interdiction cruisers (hictors) were the focus of our attack, and there is no force in EVE that can withstand the guns of a thousand Megathrons." Without leadership, the TEST fleets were at CFC's mercy, and by the end of the battle the remaining TEST forces were being summarily wiped out by CFC's fleets. One TEST suicide run involving more than two hundred TEST ships did manage to take out a CFC dreadnaught, a last act of bravery, but by that point the battle was all over bar the shouting.

A full accounting - including cost - has yet to be carried out. The Battle of Asakai, a previous record-holder, cost the losing team about $20,000, so it's likely TEST lost at least that much, if not more. "It was long, it was grueling, and it was large," says the Mittani. Expensive too, and probably a lot of fun, unless you happen to be a TEST pilot.

Source: The Verge [http://www.theverge.com/2013/7/28/4565558/eve-online-biggest-space-battle-in-history]



Jan 4, 2010
United States
I'm still waiting for the documentary of this rivalry. Come on, you guys no it would be fucking awesome.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Damn. Its almost as if this article was written in universe. Good job on reporting!
So, do we know how this started?


New member
Sep 21, 2009
I bet that battle was like playing pong with a powerpoint presentation. Or maybe I simply can't imagine 4000+ players in the same area not having a crippling effect on the server.
If EVE can actually handle that kind of load without getting painfully slow I might actually pick it up because they're clearly using black magic on their servers.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Quaxar said:
I bet that battle was like playing pong with a powerpoint presentation. Or maybe I simply can't imagine 4000+ players in the same area not having a crippling effect on the server.
If EVE can actually handle that kind of load without getting painfully slow I might actually pick it up because they're clearly using black magic on their servers.
CCP has a few 'super heavy duty' servers that the turn on when these big events happen. If it gets too big they actually use time dilation to slow down that isolated server, reducing the processing needed for the game to not crash. Linked below is Ben Kuchera's article (from Penny Arcade Report) which covers a prior event like this in full :D



New member
Jun 24, 2010
CrossLOPER said:
It's stories like this that make me want to try out EVE Online, as well as avoid it at all costs.
Just wait for the upcoming TV show to get in full production. They're using player generated events and politics to write the story.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I saw the picture and my mind jumped to Mass Effect for some reason. "Our numbers will darken the skies of every world."

Zachery Gaskins

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Karloff said:
"A day will come again when the courage of TEST fails, when we forsake our allies and break all nips and agreements," the CEO of Dreddit, a TEST Alliance corporation member, boldly proclaimed. "But it is not this day."
There will also come a day when people stop cribbing LOTR quotes in an attempt to sound badass.

Sadly, I don't think that's ever going to happen.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
TiberiusEsuriens said:
CrossLOPER said:
It's stories like this that make me want to try out EVE Online, as well as avoid it at all costs.
Just wait for the upcoming TV show to get in full production. They're using player generated events and politics to write the story.
O cool, that sounds kinda awesome.

Elijah Newton

New member
Sep 17, 2008
Zachery Gaskins said:
Karloff said:
"A day will come again when the courage of TEST fails, when we forsake our allies and break all nips and agreements," the CEO of Dreddit, a TEST Alliance corporation member, boldly proclaimed. "But it is not this day."
There will also come a day when people stop cribbing LOTR quotes in an attempt to sound badass.

Sadly, I don't think that's ever going to happen.
There's an element of poetic justice to that being the losing team. I liked how the Verge article followed it with the following from their opposite number :

The foe is doing morale pings with LOTR quotes. We're not going to bother with a morale ping because we're in the system first, we have seven Baltecfleets, one AHAC fleet, two Bomber wings, one F#ckYouFleet, and yeah.
And then they won. Go go Mighty Forces of Pragmatism! ;)

I swear, if I thought EVE Online would be one tenth as interesting to me to play as the writeups I read, I'd be in like Flynn. As it stands, though, I really appreciate it when people report on these virtual events.

Best of the 3

Oct 9, 2010
I have never had any interest in Eve and probably never will. But I do love stories like these when the crop up from time to time.

Matt Dellar

New member
Jun 26, 2011
EVE Online is the most fun I've had with a game without actually playing it. Reading stories like this is massively entertaining for some reason.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
The battle most of been glorious. You know, as geeky as EVE is, it does sound like the best movie action scenes your ever likely to see. Now that is a weird geek idea. A film based solely on a EVE scrap. Real actors playing really player characters. How odd would that been to see someone play your character on screen and reenact everything you did in the battle?


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Now back when I first started in MMOs when there still really was not a specific thing to call such a game, It was events and actions like this that I had thought the genre was going to and was supposed to be built around. In game events leading to common lore that would keep a world dynamic and vibrant.

A decade and a half later I think I can point to all of four such events of enough consequence to be of genuine mythos calibur. Bloody Kithicor, The slaying of Kerafyrm the sleeper, The digital Plague of Azeroth, and now this.

It is a shame, to have a canvas from which to have crafted something beyond fathoming, and have it degrade to Time sinks, grind fests, Mind numbingly boring repetitive quests, Raid whoring, Gear obsession, Individual incompetence, milking periodic expansions that just slap a big bandage on the end of an amputation. Developing a digital storefront so players can buy funny money and have to pay to unlock every plausible facet that can be restricted and still consider it a game that "technically" is "free". Development for not only the broadest possible appeal but pandering to key demographics lowest common denominators and all the other muck and mire that have left the idea of an MMORPG in its current state of basically being a failed genre. Never being able to capitalize on its potential and never living up to all the promise it once held.

But Kudos Eve and its players. This is something truly impressive for this genre and it is good to see an MMO at least try to be a true fully fleshed out "world" in a sea of repetitive futility simulators.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
CrossLOPER said:
It's stories like this that make me want to try out EVE Online, as well as avoid it at all costs.
You took the words right out of my mouth, As a former wow addict i try and stay away from MMO's at all cost, but reading about stuff like this makes me sigh pityingly for myself.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
What do they get for winning? More money; more territory?

The goals of Eve Online and these giant battles are unclear to me.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
I keep looking at this things and thinking "Man... I want to be apart of it"

But then I remember Eve is subscription based...